It had been two days and he still hadn't seen Kitty. He couldn't believe things had gone so wrong. His friends were doing everything they could to take his mind off of it, off of HER, but it wasn't working. He was miserable.

Puck had helped more than anything. His brother had been with him every day since coming home, and even if they were just hanging out working on his bike or Puck's car, it was nice. Puck seemed to get what Jake was going through without Jake having to say a word- something Jake was incredibly grateful for.

He liked Puck. It had surprised the hell out of him, but it was true. Not only was his brother willing to drop his life in LA to come back to Lima and help the little brother he didn't even really know, the dude was just cool. He had a story for everything, a joke for everything, and he could play a mean guitar. At night they'd sit out in Jake's garage, playing and singing until Jake had to go in.

Puck had talked to him about Quinn, telling Jake that she would probably always be the love of his life, but that sometimes things didn't work the way we wanted. Jake wasn't sure if Puck had really been talking about him and Quinn, or if he was actually talking about Jake and Kitty. He hadn't said much about Kitty, but Puck seemed to know enough.

He missed her. She hadn't been at school, and all Finn would tell him was that she was okay. It drove Jake crazy to know that Kitty was with Finn and Sam every day but couldn't even bear to look at him. He knew he'd pushed too hard too fast, but everything in his body had screamed that he had to try to make her understand how he felt about her. He took a chance and it had backfired horribly.

He couldn't even look at Sam. If Sam and Kitty fought, if they got along, even if they were only in the same house together, it was more than Jake had. Sam knew more about what was going on in Kitty's life now than Jake did and it bothered him. Where they'd been friends before, now their relationship was awkward and strained. Sam had tried to talk to him, but Jake had created a lame excuse to get away from him, and Sam had known what he was doing. He hadn't tried to talk to Jake since.

Today's Glee Club was wrapping up and Jake wanted nothing more than to go home and lie down. It had been a bad day, and he was exhausted from trying to pretend that he was fine. It's not like anyone believed it, anyway. They all knew how messed up he was.

"We've got one more song," Finn told the class, looking out the door.

Jake rolled his eyes. He really didn't think he could take another song. Music for Kelly Clarkson's "Dark Side" started and Jake frowned. Who was singing? No one stood up, but Finn opened the door.

Kitty came in, singing the beginning of the song. She didn't look at him; she didn't look at anyone. She kept her head down as she moved into the room, looking paler than she should have. "There's a place that I know; it's not pretty there and few have ever gone." She looked up, right at him. "If I show it to you now, will it make you run away? Or will you stay, even if it hurts? Even if I try to push you out, will you return? And remind me who I really am…please remind me who I really am." She looked close to tears, but her voice was clear and beautiful and Jake wanted to jump up and hug her. He couldn't move, though. He could only sit and watch her. "Everybody's got a dark side. Do you love me? Can you love mine? Nobody's picture perfect, but we're worth it; you know that we're worth it…Will you love me? Even with my dark side?"

The rest of the class looked between the two of them as she sang, wondering what would happen. No one but Jake, Sam and Finn knew what was really going on with Kitty, but they all knew something had gone down and that Jake was a part of it. It was like watching a soap opera, only it was real and they actually knew the people involved.

"Like a diamond from black dust, it's hard to know what we can become if you give up. So don't give up on me, please remind me who I really am." She shook her head, keeping her eyes on his. "Don't run away, don't run away; just tell me you will stay. Promise me you will stay. Will you love me? Even with my dark side?"

Jake didn't wait for the song to end, no longer able to take seeing her standing alone like she was, vulnerable and hurting. He reached her, pulling her close and taking her face in his hands. "Yes," he told her, looking into her eyes. He lowered his lips to hers, kissing her as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. The rest of the club was clapping and shouting, but Jake barely heard them. That happened when Kitty was in his arms.