
It was a month since the first time Spike and Xander made love and they have been happily inseparable since. Spike was busy with being the king a lot, but Xander would sit by his side and sometimes help him.

Today started just like any day, Spike and Xander waking up in bed together, showering, getting dressed, and then eating breakfast before going to the office to do paperwork. It was all normal until one of the messengers came running and panting into the room.

"Your highness! Your father and his husband have been spotted getting off a boat at the docks! They are being escorted here as we speak!"

Spike sat there in shock.

Xander started to jump in joy. "They're back! Edward and the King are back!" He ran up to Spike and pulled him into a tight hug. "They're back Spike," he whispered lastly to his lover.

A few minutes later in came Edward and the King, a little worse for wear but they were alive.

Spike quickly stood up and moved around from behind the desk to stand a few feet away from his fathers. "Dad…" he hesitated, wanting desperately to embrace his fathers and make sure they were okay.

The King smiled and reached out to Spike quickly pulling him into a tight hug.

Melting into the hug, Spike wrapped his arms around his father and buried his head in his shoulder.

Xander was so happy that he hugged Edward tightly. "We were so scared you died," he gasped, feeling the tears rolling down his cheeks.

Edward smiled as he hugged Xander just as tightly, "No. We were kidnapped during our honeymoon. We were trapped, but thankfully our guards found us on a small island a month ago. Then we headed back here." He let go of Xander and grabbed Spike, pulling him into a big bear hug. "We are so sorry, William. We never wanted to be gone for so long."

Spike finally let the silent tears roll down his cheeks as he hugged Edward and realized that they were okay and finally home.

The King laughed and pulled Spike away from Edward after a while. "If you don't mind son, we would like to bathe and get some rest. It's nice to finally be home after such an ordeal. We shall talk about all that has happened later."

Spike nodded and watched as his fathers leave, hand in hand, out of the office. When the door shut behind them he staggered over to the couch and collapsed onto it.

"They're home..." Xander gasped as he landed next to Spike and buried his face in the blonde's neck. His throat was tight, just wanting to let all the pain, the happiness, and the cries out. But he kept it in. The quiet was better.

Spike pulled Xander tighter against him and breathed in his scent, trying to calm his racing heart.

"As much as I wanted them to come back, I didn't think they ever would," he admitted quietly.

A soft sigh was all Xander did as he nodded, agreeing with Spike. "I hope they didn't have to endure too much when they were captured. I pray their souls are still happy and loving."

"I doubt anything could keep them from being happy and loving as long as they are together," Spike said confidently before he kissed the top of Xander's head.

Xander didn't say anything back. He just rested against Spike, his eyes wanting to close. "A nap sounds really nice." He turned his head and looked at his blonde haired lover. "How about it?" he asked as he stood up and reached out a hand to help Spike up also.

Spike agreed that a nap sounded like a good idea, so he took Xander's hand and got up. They headed back to Spike's room, which was now really their room, and got undressed before climbing into the big luxurious bed.

Xander jumped and flopped on the bed for a second before getting under the covers and snuggling up to his master. "Rest well. We will have a big feast for the return of the King and his husband."

Spike fell asleep quickly and deeply with a smile on his face.


It was a couple of hours later that he awoke and ran his hand through Xander's hair, who still slept peacefully. He decided not to wake his lover and let him get some well-deserved rest, so he carefully snuck out of the bed, got dressed, and wandered out of the room.

Finding one of the servants, he explained that there was a big feast to be prepared in honor of his fathers returning and that guests from all over were to be invited. The servant nodded and quickly left to go get things ready.

Soon enough he found himself standing in the doorway of the office, looking at his father sit behind the desk.

The King looked up and smiled when he saw his beloved son standing there and quickly invited him in, "Come on in, William. We have much to discus, don't we?"

"Yes. I suppose we do," Spike nodded and headed into the room, meeting his father at the couch where they both took a seat.

"I've looked over what you have done in my absence. You did a good job," he praised his son before continuing, "but I can tell that you don't wish to be king. Am I correct?"

Spike hesitated before answering honestly, "No. I will do it after your passing, but before that I don't want to be king."

His father smiled and nodded his head before leaning in and hugging him. "I understand that. I will take the throne again."

Spike was so relieved he let out a breath he didn't even know he had been holding. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, William. It's part of my job," the King laughed and released him. "Now go wake up your Xander and enjoy the rest of the day. Edward should be around here somewhere and I'm sure he would love to catch up with all the latest gossip."

Laughing aloud, Spike got up and left the room to head back to his chambers.

Xander was sitting up in the bed naked as a jaybird. He wanted to wait until Spike came into the room.

When Spike came in a short time later, Xander practically slinked out of the bed and rubbed against his lover like a cat in heat. "Let's bathe together," he purred, sucking hard on the blonde's neck.

Spike was surprised, but he certainly wasn't going to argue. He grabbed Xander's hips and lifted him up so he could wrap his legs around his own hips. Carrying Xander, he headed to the washroom and towards the large shower.

"One sec, love," he said as he put his lover down on the counter and turned to turn on the shower. The shower now heating up, he quickly removed his clothes and walked back over to Xander. "So what brought this on? Not that I mind."

"Our whole family is together again. I'm so elated and full of happiness that I want to celebrate." Xander looked at his feet with a shy smile. "We are going to have our own little party in that shower in a few seconds." He leaned forward and nipped at Spike's jaw, then licked the spot, soothing it.

"Sounds good to me," Spike panted and wrapped his arms around Xander, holding him close. They continued to kiss, bite, and lick at each other until the room filled with steam and the shower was hot enough. Picking up Xander like he did before, Spike carried him into the large shower and sighed when the warm water hit them.

Xander's arms were wrapped around Spike's shoulders. "Like this? Me wrapped around you? Press me against the wall, please, Master," he begged. His eyes were misty, but thankfully the water fell on their faces so it covered his tears of happiness.

-Sex scene removed! Just message, or review asking for the link-

When he was done he pulled his lover up and into a kiss. "Love you, Xand."

Xander licked cum from his fingers and then washed his hands. He grabbed clean pairs of clothes and helped Spike get dressed, and then straightened the tie for him.

"I hate wearing this bloody thing," Spike grumbled as he fiddled with his tie and watched Xander get dressed. He would often forgo the tie and just wear the rest of the suit, but he knew his fathers would want him to be dressed properly for the party so he left it on.

"Well I happen to think you look amazing with a tie, Master." Xander smiled innocently as he walked passed Spike, smacking his lover's ass. "Tonight you will wear nothing but the tie when we make love," he said as he gave a grin like no other.

Spike's scarred eyebrow arched as he smirked, followed Xander out of the room, and down to the throne room where the party was to take place.

When they entered the room Spike could see his fathers talking to guests and holding hands. Peeking at Xander out of the corner of his eye, he grabbed a hold of his hand and held on tight before walking further into the large room.

Xander smiled brightly as they walked into the elegant room. He nodded his head at all the people, just to be courteous, because he was still a servant, no matter if he was the Prince's lover.

As they got to the table Xander pulled out the chair for Spike and then pushed it in when Spike sat down. He sat next to his lover, and the King sat at the end of the table, husband on one side, Spike on the other.

Spike sat and tried not to fidget as the King gave a speech about how happy he was to be home, what had happened when they were gone, and that he was going to take over the throne once again.

At the last announcement everyone at the table let out sighs of relief and Spike sent them all a glare. The food was then brought out and everyone dug in, complementing the King on his great chefs.

Xander reached down and rubbed Spike's thigh gently. He leaned over and whispered into Spike's ear, "You scared people before I gave you the talk few days ago. Then you became a great King. I'm just sorry I couldn't talk to you sooner. I'm sorry, Master."

"It's fine, pet. It's not like I lead them into war or famine!" Spike said the last part loud enough for the whole party to hear, causing his father to send him a small glare. He took the hint and backed off, focusing back on his food.

Xander had to duck his head, just so people wouldn't see his grin. He gave Spike's thigh a squeeze, before grabbing a fork and he beginning to eat. He was grinning the whole time, thankfully people only thought it was because he was having a good time.

The dinner was soon over and the guest thanked the King for his hospitality and welcomed him back home before leaving.

As soon as everyone was gone, Spike let out a painful groan and fell back in his seat. "That was bloody dreadful. Now I remember why I never did it while I was king."

A small chuckle left Xander and he laid his hand on Spike's, which was on the table. "We are so glad you are back, your Majesty. And you too, Edward." Xander's lip quivered as he let out a small sigh, "We were scared we lost you for good. I didn't want to think that, but... we didn't know what else could have happened."

"We understand that, Xander," Edward said soothingly. "To be honest, there were times where we were sure we would never return. But we're happy to be back. And we're thrilled that you two have found love with each other."

Spike looked to his father to make sure that he agreed with Edward's statement and, judging by the smile on his face, he did.

Xander smiled and looked at Spike, "Yes, and I have finally been able to tame him recently." He then gave an innocent look at Spike.

The King covered a laugh with a cough, as did Edward.

Spike smirked and raised his scarred eyebrow. "Oh is that what you think?" he asked Xander before turning to his fathers. "If you'll excuse us I believe I have to demonstrate who has tamed whom." And with that he got up and threw the brunette over his shoulder before racing to his chambers, the echoes of his fathers' laughs behind him.

Once in their room, Spike set Xander down on the bed and stood in front of him. "Now if I recall correctly, there was mention of only wearing a tie tonight?" he teased.

With a laugh, Xander grabbed said tie and pulled Spike in for a kiss.


The End.