DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter nor Naruto, they belong to J.K. Rowling and Masashi Kishimoto. I'm just a mere fan who wanted to combine these two stories. Enjoy.

AN: Hello! So for those who know me, I'm sorry for abandoning 'Crowned.' I might continue it after I finish the semester because I'll be busy with my thesis but for now, let's enjoy reading this first :) Pairings will be Harry/Ginny and Naruto/Hinata. I still don't know who I'm gonna pair Hermione with, either Draco or Deidara :)


From tree to tree, she jumped with amazing speed and agility. She was happy and relieved that her earlier abilities hasn't waned off. She has been travelling for almost a week by foot with the exception of a boat when she needed to cross the ocean. It has been nine years since she departed the place she once called home and here she was now, coming back to serve it once more.
She was eleven when she left the Hidden Village of the Leaf for a reason to study witchcraft abroad. It was a shock for both her and her parents when she received a mail from not a hawk but an owl. She just graduated from the academy gaining the title of female rookie of the year and has passed the chunnin exam three months prior her graduation. She thought at first that it was some kind of a joke when she read the letter telling her that she was a witch and that she has been accepted to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Honestly, there is no such thing as witches and wizards. Her normal self said but her logical side said so does a ninja. She went to the Hokage to tell him the weird mail that she received and was shocked to find out that it was real. A man clad in blue robes was with the Third Hokage and has explained to her that she was a witch and she was invited to attend the school for seven years. The Hokage has summoned for her Sensei and was with her the whole time she was being debriefed.

After she came to understand and accepted her fate, the Hokage has given her permission to pursue it. With a tearful goodbye from her Sensei and teammates, she left Konoha with her parents and Dumbledore and went to the land of United Kingdom. Her parents, being medical attendants, decided to become muggle dentist while she was away in boarding school.
In Hogwarts, she became fascinated with magic which was slightly different with the jutsus that she had learned in the academy. She was only indifferent when handling a wand. Although she practiced and perfected her wand handling and waving, she couldn't help but compare it to using her chakra. There were times that she would sneak out during the night and train her justsus in the forbidden forest so she wont forget what she learned from the academy.

She gained friends while she was in Hogwarts and together, they embark adventures that sometimes she would remember the missions she had with her teammates. It was both fun and deadly especially when they had to face the war with Voldemort as their opponent. She and her best friends had traveled around Britain to hide from the Dark Lord and to look for his horcruxes. After the war, she has gained the title of being The Brightest Witch of her Age while the three of them were called the Golden Trio after they have defeated the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord was defeated but he was not dead, he's weak but not gone. They know he will eventually come back to kill them.

After she graduated from Hogwarts where she was the Valedictorian, she took up Healer apprenticeship in St. Mungos and after two years, she decided to go back to Konoha and train more so she could help defeat the Dark Lord. Her departure was unknown to her best friends and she wants to keep it that way.

Only Dumbledore knows she's a ninja. Only the Third Hokage and her Sensei knows that she's a witch.

Hermione Granger came to a halt and jumped down from the tree to look at the massive gate of Konoha. She looked at the surrounding and saw that beside the stone-face of the Yondaime on the mountain, another face has been added. Yes, it's been nine years since she left this place and a lot has changed. Her parents has left earlier and was back in Konoha three years ago when the second wizarding war has commenced. It was to protect them from Voldemort. When she heard the news when she stopped by and rested in Kirigakure that the Sandaime is dead, she felt that a part of her died too. The Hokage was like a grandfather to her much like Dumbledore was.

She crouched down to tighten the straps of her black sandals, then she stood up and took her forehead protector from her pouch and tied it on her head like a head band. She touched her brown braided hair and swept it so it rested on her left shoulder, tightened the knot of her white belt that held her red kimono-like top together and removed a leaf that has gotten stuck on her black shorts. She checked her weapons in her pouch and the small shurikens in a small bag that was tied on her left leg. When everything was in order, she hitched her backpack that held everything she owned from books to clothes that she shrunk to fit inside, she proceeded to enter the gate and saw some of the ninjas that she knew by face and some new faces. She kept walking and went to the direction of the Hokage's office. People that didn't know her gave her odd looks and those few who knows her gave her some hand waves and told her that they were happy to see her once again. She was too. She missed Konoha, she missed her Sensei and she missed those delicious dangos. She stopped outside of the Hokage's building and breathed in and out to even her breath. When she has gathered her composure, she moved forward, climbed the stairs and walked in the hallways until she found the door that was the entrance to the Hokage's office. She knocked three times and when a groggy come in was heard, she opened the door to see a woman with blonde hair that was tied in two pony tail and has big breast sat on the Hokage's chair accompanied by a girl with pink hair that looks to be about sixteen arranging stacks of documents. The blonde looked at her and scrutinized her for a minute.

"Hokage-sama. I am Hermione Granger, I have returned." She introduced herself with a bow.
The Hokage looked at her oddly and was still confused why this girl was bearing a forehead protector meant for Konoha ninjas. The rosette has been quiet and was quickly thinking if the brunette was a spy from another hidden village. Just when the Hokage was about to question the witch, a loud bang was heard and Shizune walked in with urgency not once glancing at the brunette.

"Hokage-sama, I have news. One of our-" Shizune was cut off when a familiar voice has called her.

"Shizune-sensei." She turned and her eyes grew wide in realization.

"Hermione-chan!" She said and proceeded to hug her student. The Hokage and the rosette looked at the Sensei-student reunion.

"Ehem, Shizune. What were you going to say?" Asked the Godaime. She detached herself from her student and looked at the Hokage.

"Hai. One of our ninjas," and she gestured at Hermione. "Has returned. She is Hermione Granger. She was my student." She continued. Hermione once again bowed.

"I was away for nine years in the Land of the Celts. I was in Scotland and was studying. The Sandaime has given me permission to learn the art of magic in Hogwarts school with a motive that it will be useful for the village's military power. Hokage-sama, I am a witch and a ninja of this village. I graduated nine years ago from the academy and has passed my chunnin examination held in Iwagakure and Shizune-sensei was my teacher." Hermione explained to the bewildered Hokage. Shizune pulled out a book from the shelf and showed the Hokage Hermione's profile.

"Very well, since I trust Shizune and you're records says you are an impeccable ninja I will not question your loyalty. I will summon you to tell me everything that you have done and learned on your disappearance but for now, I will dismiss you. Sakura."

"Hai!" The rosette that was called Sakura answered.

"I want you to accompany Hermione and introduce her to all the chunnins and jounins that she doesn't know." Tsunade commanded.

"Wakata." And both Hermione and Sakura left the office.

"I'm Haruno Sakura." introduced the rosette. Hermione smiled at the medical ninja.

"I'm Hermione. So where do we meet them?" She asked.

"At the barbeque house. I'm pretty sure you're hungry." At this, Hermione nodded. All those running and leaping has caused her stomach to digest all her food quickly. "So, can you tell me what you've done while you were away?" Sakura carefully asked. She can sense that this girl was very powerful and was afraid to get on her bad side.

"Sure but I think it will be better if I tell it to everyone at once." She replied. Sakura nodded and they entered the barbeque house where team Asuma, team Kurenai, team Guy, Naruto and Sai were there eating pork barbeque.

"Sakura-chan, why did you took so long? Chouji almost ate your share." Naruto asked not noticing Hermione. At this, Chouji glared at the blond and proceeded to steal Naruto's barbeque. "Hey!" and they both fought for the barbeque piece. Sakura sighed and sat next to Sai while Hermione did the same.

"Hey, um I want you to meet Hermione." She said introducing her to everyone. Naruto stopped fighting with Chouji which caused him to loose his meat.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto, and I will become the next Hokage, believe it!" Introduced the blond.

"Hi, I'm Yamanaka Ino, this one that looks bored is Nara Shikamaru and that one eating everything is Akimichi Chouji and we are team Asuma." She said.

"So troublesome." Shikamaru commented. Hermione looked at him while he was watching Chouji eating with bored eyes.

"I am Aburame Shino, I specialize in bugs. Why? Because our clan is known to use bugs as weap-" Shino was in the middle of introducing himself when a dog-looking guy beat him to it.

"Argh, let us introduce ourselves first before you go on and prance your ability. I'm Inuzuka Kiba and this is Akamaru." He motioned to the dog at his side. Akamaru gave a bark which made Hermione giggle.

"Hi, um, I-I'm Hyuuga Hinata." said Hinata with a blush.

"Yosh! I am Rock Lee. My lady, let us enjoy the springtime of youth together." He said making the nice guy pose and smiled with a ping showing his perfect set of white teeth. A fist landed on Lee's head that knocked him out.

"Don't mind him." said a girl with brown hair that was tied in two buns. "I'm Tenten. It's so nice to meet you."

"Likewise." the witch replied with a smile.

"I am Hyuuga Neji. Hinata-sama is my cousin." said the byakugan user. Hermione noted that he and her cousin has the same eyes and she wasn't unaware about the abilities of those eyes.

"I'm Sai, just Sai. You are Hermione Granger, the female rookie of the year before Neji's year and became a chunnin at the age of eleven." said Sai. The others were looking at Hermione incredulously save for Sai and Sakura who both know this. Hermione looked at the pale boy in surprise.

"How did you know?" she inquired.

"It's part of Sai's job as a former ANBU." explained Sakura.

"Oh. The Sandaime has offered me to become an ANBU but it was at the same time that I needed to depart so I declined it." Hermione explained.

"Wow. So Hermione-san, can you tell us why we haven't seen you before?" asked Lee.

"I've been away for nine years after I passed my chunnin exam. It was because a mail has arrived and invited me to study at this school. You all might get shocked but I was said to be not only a ninja but also a witch. I was accepted in Hogwarts where they teach the art of magic. I was hesitant at first but my thirst for knowledge has pushed me to accept it. It was all new to me but I got used to it. It was different though with the teachings in the Academy. I also had adventures while I was there. We faced a three-headed dog, fought dementors who sucked all of your happy memories and takes your soul and battled bad wizards that they call Death Eaters. I came back after my two-year Healer apprenticeship to train my ninjutsu because I want to help my best friend defeat someone who caused a lot of grief in the wizarding world." Hermione relayed. Everybody contemplated what Hermione just revealed to them. Sakura and Naruto both thought about Sasuke. Will he return to Konoha like what Hermione did?

"Hermione-san, can you please show us some magic tricks?" asked Naruto. Hermione was sort of insulted at Naruto's word thinking that magic was only used for carnivals. A wicked thought came to Hermione's mind. She remembered what he did to Ron during their sixth year when he was busy eating Lavander's face and thought of trying it again. A little spell wouldn't hurt and it was payback for insulting magic. The witch smirked while getting her wand from her wand pocket.

"Sure." Hermione waved her wand and summoned three canary birds. The ninja's looked at Hermione, to her wand, at the birds and back at her. "Oppugno." And the birds attacked Naruto and pecked his face.

"Ow, ow, ow. What gives?" asked Naruto while fending himself from the attacking birds. Everyone in the table laughed.

"Baka." Neji, Sakura and Shikamaru said simultaneously at Naruto.

"Finite Incantatum." chanted Hermione which made the birds fall in a lump on the table and disappeared with a pop. "Sorry." said Hermione impishly.

"Awesome." Kiba exclaimed.
The group ate barbeques while they ask random stuff to the witch but no one dared to ask her to use some spells again in fear of becoming her next target.

"Harry! Ron! Hermione is gone!" Shouted Ginny Potter while running inside the Auror department. Many Aurors looked at the red-head who was dashing in the hallway dodging people. "She didn't showed up in our meeting place and she wasn't at St. Mungos."

"Ginny, calm down." Harry Potter said after walking out from his Head office to meet his wife. "Have you checked her flat?"

"Yes, she wasn't there. Her things weren't there, Crookshanks wasn't there too. Hell, even her Divination textbook wasn't there." explained a hysterical Ginny.

"Maybe she went back to her parents house." Harry tried. Ginny shook her head.

"I went there too, I also went to the bookstore she always visit, the café and even the salon but she wasn't in any of it. I asked her landlord, he said that she left a week ago. A week! I asked the receptionist in St. Mungos and they said that Hermione has already withdrawn her apprenticeship."

"Bloody hell." cursed Ron. He had walked on the couple when Ginny was explaining her search for Hermione. "Harry?" Ron turned to his best friend to see him set his lips in a tight-line and has a determined look.

"Ginny, I want you to go back home. Ron and I will work on this. I don't want you stressing over this. I'll tell you the everything when I get back tonight." He told his wife. Ginny was about to protest but Harry silenced her by placing his right index finger on her lips. "Shh, everything will be alright." He took Ginny's small body and wrapped his arms around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head.

"Fine. But you promise to tell me everything and I meant everything." She conceded.

"Okay I promise." And he rested his chin on top of her head.

"Harry, I know Hermione was a bit mental but I didn't know she would go bonkers and leave without telling us." Ron said while pacing back and forth in front of Harry. Harry on the other hand massaged his head where his migraine has started.

"Let's investigate her flat first. I have her spare key." replied the boy who lived.

"You heard what Ginny said, she took everything with her. How can we find something in there if she didn't left anything behind?"

"Ginny might have overreacted. We will find out once we see it for ourselves." said Harry calmly but inside he was experiencing the same hysteria as Ron.

"Fine." Ron took a seat and ruffled his hair in frustration. Just when the Dark Lord was gaining power and strength once more, Hermione decided to disappear. Then a scary thought made its way in Ron's mind. "Mate," Ron started carefully. "What if the Death Eaters kidnapped Hermione?" At this, Harry suddenly froze with the possibility.

"Ron let's not jump into conclusions. You heard what Ginny said right? She told her landlord that she was leaving and she formally withdrawn from St. Mungos." Ron was slightly relieved and so was Harry.

"Right. Hermione is strong. Death Eaters wouldn't have a chance to touch a piece of her hair. They'll be knocked out before they can utter help." Ron laughed at his own words but Harry can hear how fake it was.

"We'll find her mate, definitely."

"Potter, Weasley." called a man from the door. The two looked back to see two blonde people, a guy and a girl.

"Malfoy, Luna." Harry acknowledged the two Aurors. He has called both of them to help in their new assignment which is to find and retrieve Hermione.
Harry has debriefed the both of what they were going to do. Malfoy was scowling at his superior the whole time. Why the bloody hell does he need to look for that know-it-all beaver? She's a grown up woman, she can take care of herself.

"I know what you are thinking Malfoy but we can't disclose it at that. Hermione is still a witch of this country and if she just leaves without proper explanation, she will be marked as a renegade witch. We can't let that happen." Harry explained.

"You are the Auror Head Potter, you can stop that." Malfoy reasoned.

"I hate to agree with Malfoy mate, but he has a point." Ron chimed.

"I know I can but I can't abuse my power. Malfoy, you still have connection with some Death Eaters right?" The blond nodded. "I want to know if they have anything to do with Hermione's sudden disappearance. Luna, you are going to gather data on Hermione's files in the archives to find anything peculiar. Ron and I will investigate Hermione's flat. We'll talk about our progress tomorrow. Dismissed."

"Ginny wasn't joking when she said that Hermione took everything with her." Uttered Ron in disbelief. He and Harry were currently inside Hermione's flat. They checked every nook and cranny but true to Ginny's word, there was nothing left except for the furnitures. They even checked under the bed, the couch and even the waste basket but nothing gave them of Hermione's whereabouts.

Malfoy has just finished talking with his mother through the fireplace but found that it wasn't the Death Eaters who were responsible for the witch's disappearance. The Manor was still the Death Eaters headquarters but Malfoy cannot go back in his own house without the threat of being Avada Kedavra'd by his Father. The whole group has discovered the traitorous act that the Malfoy heir did by joining with the Order and becoming their spy. He barely made it out alive if it wasn't for her mother saving him.

Luna has gathered everything that has a link to Hermione. Even her receipts in Flourish and Blotts has joined her stack to investigate. She scanned her school records and curriculum vitae and here, Luna found something. While she was checking on people that has a relationship with Hermione, she found them all to have birth certificates whereas the missing witch has none. Luna noted this and digged up for the birth records of witches and wizards to find none bearing Hermione's name. Strange, she thought. She wrote it down on her notepad and continued her research.

R&R :)