Many hours had passed both long and short and now the two were enjoying their second movie of the night as they decided to watch both. In the midst of the second movie Orihime had taken Tatsuki's hand for their first public intimate interaction that had more meaning behind it then another who witnessed it would possibly assume.

As their fingers laced together they shared a smile before returning their gaze to the movie they were enjoying so casually as if there were no problems in the world outside the small movie theater. All problems they knew were on the screen and they were being solved with plenty of explosions and seemingly endless ammo in a gun that could only hold a quarter of the bullets fired before it had to be reloaded.

They watched the movie happily and didn't release the others hand throughout the rest of the film as it made the scenario even more delightful to be in. But as the movie came to an end and the lights came back on they released the others hand and rose from their seats to exit the showroom with the rest of the crowd as they talked excitedly about the film and their favorite parts while the two girls remained silent as they knew they would have the whole walk back and the rest of the night to discuss it to their hearts content.

They left the movie theater and walked to the street that was lit by houses and many streetlamps as it had gotten quite late. As they left the parking lot and the crowd their hands met once more and they shared an even warmer smile before they started their own review on the movie, "So what did you think?"

"I think the best part was when you took my hand." Tatsuki said causing Orihime to blush a little. "But the ending was good too."

"I liked it as well." Orihime agreed. "But there weren't enough zombies to make the ending as dramatic as they tried to make it."

"There also weren't enough reloads for all the bullets they shot." Tatsuki said with a smirk. "You'd think more people would actually notice that and actually complain about it."

"But it's just a movie." Orihime said.

"So they make everything else as accurate as possible so why not the clip size?" Tatsuki asked.

"Why do you always make this complaint every time we watch a zombie movie?" Orihime asked with a pout.

"Because they over exaggerate it more in zombie movies than any other movie." Tatsuki said. "They also have to stop pointing out what guy is going to die five minutes before they kill him off. It takes away the shock of the loss making the whole revenge thing not as personal as it could be."

"How did it point out he was going to die?" Orihime asked.

"He talked about his lost lover then showed up the other guys in the group." Tatsuki said. "Once emotional attachment is brought up or they keep repeating a saying while doing something really cool they're likely going to die. I get that they have to give you a reason for why he was important to the others but it shouldn't be sudden background then five minutes later he's dead"

"Alright then next time we'll just go see the movie you want to watch." Orihime said with an upset tone.

"Hey," Tatsuki said as she released Orihime's hand to drape her arm around the other girl's shoulders. "I'm not saying it was a bad movie just that all movies have to stop doing that sort of thing. You know they all do it. Remember how unrealistic 'Ichi' was? The guy had a razor blade and cut limbs off in one attempt."

Orihime glanced over at her and found a warm smile making her smile as well before they shared a quick kiss. When they separated from it Tatsuki reclaimed Orihime's hand so that they could walk properly down the street in a small silence that didn't last very long before they picked up a small conversation as they neared a small park, "Hey, when do you think we last played at a park?"

"I don't know." Tatsuki said knowing that had been a general question and not ment to mean both of them as they never had played at a park together. "I think I was still just a kid when I last did."

"Let's go then." Orihime said cheerfully as she ran to the park while dragging Tatsuki behind her. There were no struggles made as Tatsuki followed with a smile and was soon right beside Orihime instead of being dragged along. When they got to the structure they let go of the others hand and went separate ways to get up. As they got up Tatsuki was on a higher part looking down at Orihime as they both shared a smile. They watched each other in wait for the other to move.

When Orihime moved Tatsuki jumped down the few small steps and took her with one arm and brought her back to the railing as they burst out laughing. As their laughter quieted they met eyes for a brief moment before sharing a long kiss. When they pulled away Tatsuki chuckled before saying, "I bet when you were a kid you never thought you'd be kissing someone on a play structure this late at night."

"No, but I never thought I'd be kissing a girl either." Orihime said with a warm smile. "I'm happy I never thought about it though. It makes this so much more meaningful now."

Tatsuki smiled happily and reclaimed her lips in a more heated fashion then before. She took Orihime in both arms and held her close as she never wanted to le t her go no matter the reason. In the midst of the kiss Orihime wrapped her arms around the back of Tatsuki's neck and entered her mouth. Their pace quickened as they tried to get the most out of their kiss before they would have to separate for air.

When they stopped they were panting for breath but held warm smiles regardless. Orihime nestled her face in Tatsuki's neck and in turn was held protectively as both their heartbeats picked up with the embrace. A blush burned on Orihime's face as Tatsuki whispered her love for her in her ear. They met eyes once more and shared another kiss that wasn't as long lasting as the last had been and they separated to look deep into the others eyes.

They smiled warmly at the other but no more than that as Orihime brought her hands to Tatsuki's shoulders. Tatsuki's arms lowered so they were around Orihime's waist making their embrace more intimate as their smile widened and they continued to look deep into the others eyes neither moving nor speaking as words weren't necessary as their eyes spoke for them just as they always had but now they understood the spark in the others eye more clearly, it was a statement of their love for the other.

For a long time they just stood there watching each other before they decided it was time to take a seat. They sat in the structure, Tatsuki at the base of the stairs and Orihime was a couple stairs up due to her skirt. There was no perverse impulse for Tatsuki to try seeing up Orihime's skirt even though she had the perfect opportunity for it she refused to do such a thing to her beloved friend no matter how intimate they would become or however long it would take for them to decide to go that far. As it stood she was happy and more than content with their relationship.

Tatsuki's gaze was up on the stars as they enjoyed a nice silence for a while before Orihime realized something, "Oh, you have me."

Tatsuki snapped her attention away from the sky at the sudden comment she didn't understand. "What do you mean?"

"We're together now right?" Orihime asked.

"We were always together, Orihime." Tatsuki said with a smile. "Now we're just more than friends. If you mean a relationship then yeah we are."

"It's another bright side." Orihime said brightly.

"Oh, yeah." Tatsuki said quietly as she recalled her home life. "I forgot about that after I started kissing you."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you by it." Orihime said apologetically. "I shouldn't have brought it up at all."

"No, it's alright." Tatsuki said. "I can't run from reality all the time but tonight was fun and I'd like to do something like this with you again sometime."

"Anytime you want, Tatsuki." Orihime said happily.

Tatsuki smiled weakly over at Orihime as a slight cool breeze blew making her shiver. Her smile faded as she asked, "Are you cold?"

"I'm fine." Orihime said.

"Regardless," Tatsuki said as she got up and undid her hoodie for Orihime.

She went over and draped it over Orihime's legs before sitting right behind her and taking her in her arms to keep her upper body warm as well, "How's this?"

"Romantic," Orihime said warmly as she leaned back into Tatsuki's body. "Thanks."

"Don't worry about it." Tatsuki said as she began kissing Orihime's neck.

A warm smile formed on Orihime's lips as she held Tatsuki's arms with her own. They sat in a long silence as Tatsuki's lips were occupied with Orihime's neck and the kisses didn't let up at all. As another cool breeze blew Tatsuki tightened her embrace almost protectively around her as if trying to keep the wind from making her cold for even a moment as it blew. Orihime giggled at the protectiveness around her as she said, "You know, you can't protect me from everything, Tatsuki."

Tatsuki removed herself from Orihime's neck only to say, "You want to bet on that? I'll always protect you as long as I have the strength to do so and even after that."

"Then you wouldn't be protecting me because I'd be hurt from how much you'd be suffering for my sake." Orihime said sadly. "So don't do anything out of your league because I'm capable of handling myself."

"Even still, I want to protect you." Tatsuki said. "I've wanted to protect you since the moment I first saw you so when I found out you were being bullied I decided to end it."

"And you were my hero on that day." Orihime said with a warm smile. "Even now, you're my hero and that won't ever change."

The embrace around her tightened a little as Tatsuki began kissing her neck once more with a blush Orihime was almost able to feel. Her heart swelled with her love as each kiss made her happier than the one prior to it. She smiled happily at their requited love for one another as she fell even deeper in love with her dear friend.

The kisses continued in silence as they enjoyed the time they had together. Tatsuki's embrace never wavered around Orihime as her smile never wavered despite how sore her cheeks were from her smile. She had never been more grateful for giving Tatsuki a key to her apartment since it would allow them more time together and it assured her that she would always have a place to stay when her parents arguments became too much.

Eventually the kisses stopped as Tatsuki rested her chin on Orihime's shoulder, "I think it's getting late, Orihime."

Orihime hummed warmly with a smile, "Probably, should we get going soon?"

"It doesn't matter." Tatsuki said. "I could sit here all night as long as I'm holding you in my arms."

"You can hold me at my house too you know." Orihime said. "We could be a bit more comfortable there as well."

"Are you implying something?" Tatsuki asked as she brought her chin off of Orihime's shoulder.

"What would I be implying?" Orihime asked as her smile became sly.

"I wouldn't know." Tatsuki said.

"All I was thinking was that we could cuddle the whole night." Orihime said.

"Yeah, cause we'll be sharing a bed now, huh." Tatsuki said slowly.

"Would you have a problem with that?" Orihime asked as she glanced over at her and found her awkwardness.

"There's no problem with it." Tatsuki said. "I guess I'm just a bit nervous about it, I mean just this morning we were friends now we're going out and you're asking me to share a bed with you. Don't get me wrong I do want this it just all seems a bit sudden you know?"

"We can go at whatever pace you're comfortable with, Tatsuki." Orihime said with a smile. "If you want to sleep on the futon tonight then that's fine."

They shared a smile then a quick kiss. When the kiss ended Tatsuki loosened her grip on Orihime a little and asked, "Do you want to get going soon?"

"It's up to you." Orihime said with a smile. "But I'd love to sleep in your arms."

A strong blush formed on Tatsuki's face that was barely visible under the park lights but was strong enough for Orihime to notice. She placed a kiss on her cheek and quietly said, "I'd love it even more if I woke up in your arms also."

Her blush only got worse as Orihime shifted herself so that they were facing each other more and she took her lips. She brought Tatsuki down on the structure as she crawled on her and entered her mouth. Tatsuki wrapped her arms around Orihime's back as her blush burned her face even more as she fell into the other girl's submission without a fight. It seemed clear that Orihime would have her way that night if it continued on like this.

Orihime slid her hand up the side of Tatsuki's leg slowly in a sultry tease. Tatsuki squirmed underneath her at the tease as Orihime's hand made its way under her shirt to her side making her stiffen at the touch of skin on skin. Her hands didn't go any farther as they just stroked her side in a slow teasing manner making her moan slightly which in turn made Orihime quicken her pace a little as she pressed her body closer to Tatsuki's.

When they pulled away they shared a smile despite the awkwardness they felt for their interactions as both feared how far it would be taken in this night but they felt confident in their feelings for one another to make whatever happens between them right no matter how far they went or how soon or how long it would take for them to act on their feelings.

Tatsuki pulled Orihime closer as their lips met once more in a feverish passion until they had to break for air. When they met eyes they shared an even warmer smile before they continued once more. As this kiss too came to an end Orihime pulled away and sat beside Tatsuki and continued to stroke her side seductively. They each held a nice blush with warm smiles before Tatsuki spoke, "Shall we get going before it gets too late?"

"If that's what you want." Orihime said warmly.

"I'm fine staying out here but it's a little uncomfortable to lay here like this." Tatsuki said.

"Alright," Orihime said as she kissed Tatsuki once more before getting up and offering her a hand.

Tatsuki was pulled up as she picked up her hoodie as well. They shared a smile and a quick kiss before they got off the structure hand in hand and they walked back to Orihime's apartment with a warm silence. As they arrived they went in quickly and closed the door before continuing their earlier kiss as Tatsuki was against the door and holding Orihime tightly in her arms.

Orihime held Tatsuki by the arms with a semi tight grip as they kissed each other passionately without tire for the action. Even before they had realized their feelings for one another they had wanted to be closer and with these actions they felt that they could achieve the very closeness that they desired to have. No matter how nervous they were for what was to come between them they knew that it would only bring them closer to one another.

They parted with smiles despite their lack of breath before Orihime was pulled closer and held protectively in a tight embrace. There was no hesitation for Orihime as she snuggled up to her protector with a loving smile, "I'm glad you're spending the night tonight, Tatsuki."

"Well, I can't exactly say no to you." Tatsuki replied with a blush.

Orihime giggled a little, "You can say no whenever you want to. I'm not going to force you into anything."

"I know," Tatsuki said warmly as she tightened her grip a little. "But I never want to say no to you."

A slight smile formed on Orihime's face as she placed a gentle kiss on Tatsuki's neck before saying, "I don't want to have all the say in our relationship, Tatsuki. Your opinion does matter to me."

Orihime pulled away from Tatsuki's neck to find a warm loving smile on her face making her smile warmly in response before their lips met once more. This kiss was as short as their first kiss but they parted happier than they had been in the hours since that single kiss. They shared a happy smile before Orihime pulled away and took Tatsuki by the hand and led her into her home, "Would you like to eat or do anything before bed?"

"Just holding you in my arms is enough for me." Tatsuki said happily.

Orihime looked back at her with a smile, "If that's what you want then that's what will happen."

Tatsuki returned the smile as she was brought back into the bedroom where her hand was released as Orihime went to her closet and went through it quickly. She handed Tatsuki a pair of pajamas with a smile before she took out a pair for herself to wear to bed since she didn't plan on any other intimacy happening between them at this point. She was well aware of Tatsuki's nervousness on the matter and refused to put her in any position that would make her too nervous though she was becoming fond of teasing her a little.

They changed in silence and focused on their task out of a slight awkwardness and habit from how often they had done it before on other occasions that they had sleepovers and for gym class. When they finished changing Tatsuki crawled into bed and laid out just waiting for Orihime to join her but all she got was a smile before she left the room.

Orihime walked to the couch and took the extra pillow before walking back to her room happily. When she got back to her room she brought the pillow to the bed and handed it to Tatsuki before going back to the door and closed it then she turned off the lights. She slowly made her way back to her bed as her smile widened with each step.

She crawled under the blankets and into Tatsuki's welcoming embrace where she quickly became comfortable with a warm smile. A kiss was automatically placed on her forehead making her snuggle up even more with a light blush. At this point she knew that she had never been happier as she was able to lay in her loved ones arms happily while she slowly drifted to a calm and peaceful sleep. Both slept peacefully until morning and Tatsuki got the best rest she had since her parents had begun to argue.

Tatsuki's parents continued to argue for weeks to come and her relationship remained quiet to all those around them. With the arguments and the relationship Tatsuki had made her frequently visit Orihime and eventually gave up on waiting for the arguments to come to an end and moved out and in with her girlfriend. Orihime welcomed her happily and they soon took their relationship to another level. It took them awhile to adjust to the constant presence of the other but as they adjusted they grew closer to one another and slowly their relationship became stronger than their friendship had ever been before.