A/N: I got it up on time, hell yeah. I think there's more Boosh in this chapter, and more in general. I actually really enjoyed writing this, because it's a bit madcap and a bit random and not really that funny but not dark like everything else I write. So yeah. I hope you like it too :)

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine. NOTHING.

Vince was bored. Cleaning windows. Honestly, what did Howard think he was? Thank god he was nearly finished. He wiped the sponge over the last spot and watched absent-mindedly as the bubbles slid down the window. There were shapes in them, and he watched for them like he was dreaming. Suddenly, a car screeched past, and he was dragged out of his daydream, wiping the bubbles away and trying to get rid of the streaks. They wouldn't go away, and he knew Howard would moan when he saw them, but he had better things to do than clean windows. He chucked the remainder of the water into the drain on the roadside and went back inside with the empty bucket and sponge. Howard was organising the clothes on the rack, pulling faces as he looked at the trendy neon leggings on display. He looked up as Vince entered.

"Are you finished?" He asked.

"Yeah." Vince replied grumpily.

"Have you done it properly?"

"Yes, Howard."

"Are you sure?"

"Oh, piss off." Vince dumped the bucket by the storeroom door and shoved the damp sponge inside it. Howard gave him a disapproving look, but was thoroughly ignored.

"I'm going to check you've done it right." He said. Vince didn't reply, just sat down with his latest issue of Cheekbone. There was something on the front about geek chic being on the rise again, but Howard couldn't really care less. He went outside to look at the windows, and found himself, totally against his will, quite impressed. He'd actually done a good job. Blimey. Howard's brain went onto overdrive trying to work out how this had happened, but drew a blank. He went back inside, still stunned, and said to Vince:

"You did it properly." Vince rolled his eyes at Howard's stunned expression, but couldn't quite suppress his grin.

"Course I did."


"I 'ad nothing better to do."

"So whenever I want you to do something properly from now on, I just have to make sure you're bored."

"No, I'm not doin' it again!"

"I was joking."

"Anyway, I was trying to make up for being so late. Doesn't mean I hated it any less, though."

"Alright, then. Are you going to help me anymore?"

"Do I 'ave to?"

"Well, I'd like someone to sort the clothes out for me. The glitter's making my eyes hurt." Vince put down his magazine and considered it for a moment.

"Oh, alright then."



Moss and Roy arrived back from upstairs after finding no one really needed them, and sat back in the exact same positions they had been in before. Moss continued his game of chess, and Roy picked up his comic, jiggling his head to some beat in his head. Moss frowned at him.

"Roy? What are you doing?"

"What? I'm not doing anything!"

"Yes you are. You're moving your head."

"Oh, man. Can't I move my head now?"

"Yes, but you look weird."

"Says you." Moss ignored this comment and carried on.

"You look like you're trying to play the drums with your head."

"I'm listening to music in my head."

"Wow, now that's the worst excuse in the world!"

"You know, when you've heard a song and you can remember it so you sort of play it back to yourself in your head?"


"You must do." Moss considered the possibility this time.

"No." He eventually decided, shaking his head. Roy sighed and went back to his comic. A few minutes later, there was a noise, like a strong wind. He looked up. It happened again. And it sounded like it was coming from behind him. From behind the red door. For a few minutes there was silence, during which he stared intently at the door. Moss was absorbed in his chess game. Then there was another sound, a clatter, and what sounded like Richmond yelping. Roy raised his eyebrows, shook his head, and turned around.

"Y'know what?" He muttered to himself. "I don't even want to know."

It was nearly closing time when Vince finished organising the clothes, putting them in order of how glittery they were. Howard looked at his watch and said:

"Shall we close up a few minutes early?"

"Yeah." Vince agreed. "Naboo'll never know." Just then, there was a creak from upstairs, and the shaman himself came down, followed by Bollo.

"Speak of the devil." Howard muttered. Naboo stopped in the middle of the shop floor and looked around.

"What's up, Naboo?" Vince asked.

"What are you two doin' down 'ere?" Naboo asked suspiciously.

"Nothing. Well, not much, anyway." Howard replied. "Why?"

"Cause I'm gettin' some seriously weird readin's upstairs."

"Like what?"

"Like this." He held up his crystal ball, and Vince jumped back. The image of a large blue eye was visible on the ball, distorted by the sphere.

"Jesus! What is that?"

"It's an eye, you muppet." Naboo said disparagingly. "And I can't get rid of it. Don't matter where I go, it's still there." Vince tapped the ball gently and the eye disappeared, to be replaced with the image of a small room, containing some weird piece of machinery, a bed, a bookshelf, and a tiny desk. Naboo looked at Vince like he was shocked he had been able to help, then frowned at the crystal ball.

"What is that?" Bollo asked.

"I dunno, you daft ape." He studied the ball closely, turning it around, but the image stayed still.

"Was that the only thing that happened?" Vince asked.

"No, some of my potions 'ave boiled away. My hookah's disappeared, and Bollo's fur went all static a few minutes ago, 'e looked like a bog brush."

"Did not." Bollo sulked.

"And there's a weird signal thing comin' through from down here."

"Coming through on what?"

"My brain."

"Well, it's not us. Can you tell where it's coming from?"

"Maybe, if I think about it." He handed the crystal ball to Bollo, who handed it to Vince, who put it down on the counter and didn't notice as it rolled over the edge. Naboo caught it, a scowl on his face, and put it on the shelves where it was safe. Then he closed his eyes and became still. They all waited for a few minutes, before Bollo got fed up and walked across the room to stand next to Vince near the storeroom.

"He gone insane." He muttered.

"I'll say." Vince replied. He looked at the gorilla and grinned, trying not to laugh. But his grin quickly turned into a frown as he watched Bollo's hair begin to stand on end.

"What happened?" Bollo asked. Vince turned to Naboo.

"Naboolio? Bollo's gone static again." Naboo opened his eyes and looked.

"I knew it was comin' from the storeroom." He went over, and they followed him as he opened the door. They stopped. In the back of the storeroom was a large oval of spinning blackness, punctuated with regular flashes of white light that glimmered into existence then died out. The sight stunned them into silence for a while, but Vince wasn't good at silence. He was the first to recover.

"What the fuck is that?" He asked matter-of-factly. He looked at Naboo, who replied:

"It looks like a portal, but god knows where to." He dragged his eyes away for a moment and saw, just below the edge of the oval, something odd.

There was a blue sugar bowl sitting on the floor.

The noises in the office were continuing, and if anything, getting louder. Roy called Jen in to listen, and she said:

"Oh, it's probably Richmond. He said he was planning to summon a demon."

"And that doesn't worry you?"

"No, he won't do any harm."

"I'm not so sure."

"Oh, you just don't like him. What if it was me who was trying to do it? Would you be worried then?"

"More so."

"Oh, you're such a-" Roy didn't get to hear Jen's choice of insult, because the red door flew open and Richmond dashed out of his room, slamming the door behind him.

"Richmond, what's the matter?" Jen asked.

"Well," He replied breathlessly, "I don't want to alarm you, but there's a gorilla in my room, and he's trying to give me the sugar back."

We're all set up and ready to get on with the actual plot. Good. I hope you enjoyed it and please give me a review if you want because I like to know what people think of my stuff.

Also, I am now on tumblr, same name, so if anyone wants to come stalk me, that's cool. But I don't mind if you don't. Anyway, goodbye.

Much love xxx