It's the most wonderful time of the year~!

Yes, I am back- back in action for this fic!

Since it is December, it is appropriate, in my opinion, to write back on this fic. How long has it been, guys? A year? Man, time flies!

Just a little thing that I wrote, nothing special.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.

Notes: Thoughts

Snow. That's all that fell gracefully down to Earth today.

Seriously, all day today I had waited and waited, looking outside the apartment window for the small chance that it would snow. And it did, yes it did. But not until late it did.

I sighed as I watched my marshmallows bob up and down in my hot chocolate, the swirling heat flowing like a summer sheer when the windows were open in a small, but cute cottage. My tongue is still burnt by the piping hot cup, mind you, and I really want some of my hot chocolate, but that's gonna have to wait now, since my tongue is red and throbbing. God, why did I have to be impatient?

It was dark and the stars were out and it was a perfect chance to get up and stargaze (she would do it and I slowly rubbed off of her weird antics. It was her, so I had intentions of not doing so, but somehow I would do what she would do) while it was snowing, but then again, it was SNOWING so it was going to be cold.

I hate the cold. Cannot, I repeat, CANNOT stand the blistering weather. All thanks to one person, whom I've known for the majority of my life. And I hate that small fact.

Yeah, these are my thoughts, and here you are reading them. And yes, I'm not what you think I am- in short, I'm a double-edged sword, waiting to tell you one story but I leave the other in the dark, never to be seen, ever. Until now.

It's still snowing and I'm still waiting. Waiting for what, you may ask? It's not a what- it's more of a person, and more specifically a "she". She is out in the cold, buying things for my nakama and here I am, waiting for her in her apartment while my cat is mewling about something- more than likely anything related to seafood and fish.

Food sounds about nice right now. Although my cup of hot chocolate sounds wonderful as well. Damn.

I get up and I rummage though her 'fridge, looking for any meat I could burn or smoke and eat it up whole-heartedly. So far, eggs, cheese, whip cream, cold-cuts and milk are the only thing that appear. Oh well, she'll be out tomorrow for more I guess. Next thing; her cupboards.

Here, she has a loaf of bread, several boxes of cereal and instant oatmeal or mac and cheese, many cans of corn, green beans, carrots, and peas, spices at the top and cookies at the bottom.

It's weird how she puts her sweets at the bottom. I mean, why not near the top or at least at eye-level? But she always responds that "bending down to get to goodies helps her with her weight". I'm sure that there was something about being healthy or gaining muscle but how is she gonna get muscle if she's bending over?

I grab a thing of chocolate-chip cookies and walk back to the table, dipping one in my hot chocolate and them savoring the sugary sweet. People like to use milk instead of hot chocolate, but I'm not exactly average, am I?

In a matter of seconds, the cookies are gone (Happy helped finish them with me- he's such a great help!) and my drink vanished as well- the liquid inside, not the cup. If I lose her cup, then I know she'll have a fit. There's a mess of crumbs and splotches of hot chocolate on the table, but I'll clean it up after. Right now, my stomach is full and a good ol' nap sounds about right.

Her bed invites me in all of its soft and fluffy comfort and I sigh in pleasure as I snuggle in her sheets filled with her rich scent. Happy lays at the foot of the bed and spins a couple of times before he finds a good spot and curls in himself and soundlessly sleeps, drifting off in the land between heaven, hell and Earth- dreams.

I smile at his little notions and then decide to settle myself in as well.

After I fall asleep, she arrives, dressed warmly- a thick heavy coat that reached to her ankles and a fluffy red hat on her golden head. She struggles to get inside because of the many bags on her arms and her boots are covered with heavy snow.

I never could understand how heavy snow is. It's really light when one snowflake lands on you, but when there's a whole bunch of them, it feels like the entire world is on your shoulders.

She finally gets in, leaving the door wide open for a moment. I'm silently screaming as the cold hit my cheeks and a snowflake touched my nose and a huge gust of wind threw a package of snow inside. She immediately remembers that she never closed the door, and so she does. I thank her for that.

She walks in her room and notices me and Happy and before she could yell, (I heard the small intake of breath and I could imagine her form now- standing a few feet away from me, her hands would be in fists and ready to smack or punch anything) I muttered something that stopped her from doing anything- and saving me from dying a number of deaths. They weren't really deaths, more like close-to-fatal encounters. She could really put a number on you when she had the mind to do it.

"Lucy, come home for Christmas."

And here we are! I'm glad to be working on this fic again! :)

Like the beginning of this fic says, review on what you guys wanna see! And review on this chapter please! :]

~LuckyLifeSmile :)