Um…not sure how this happened.

Warning for character death? Not sure why I put a question mark there, but…

Quote Six: Jon Orders a Hit

What are you waiting for? Kill him! –Jon Stewart, a leading hand in the murder of Ham Rove…but that's certainly not what this story is about.

John somehow managed to drop the gun he had had a stern iron grip on for the past several minutes. He collapsed to his knees, his pants soaking up the pool of blood collecting beneath him.

Someone he had recently been able to call his friend was now certainly dead before him. The bullet had entered through the right side of his chest perfectly; he had been dead before his body even hit the floor.

The Brit had called him into the writer's room of The Colbert Report by telling him he had something very important to tell him. Obviously taking the bait, he crept in slowly gun already drawn and called his name. When he spun around, John hesitated for a split second before pulling the trigger and ending the person's life.

John couldn't stop from shaking uncontrollably. He had just murdered someone! There was no taking it back. He wasn't even sure if he would have wanted to anyway.

It was all for him, right? He would appreciate it all, right? After all, he was the one who demanded for John to take this person out, so of course he would be proud.

"S-Stephen…" John muttered to the corpse in front of him, tears streaming down his cheeks but a huge smile adorning his face. "I-I'm sorry it had to come to this, but…I-I'll do anything for him."

The door to the writer's room slowly creaked open behind John, and he couldn't even bother with hoping that someone hadn't just caught him having killed Stephen. Instead, the door the clicked shut and light footsteps could be heard nearing close to him.

Arms were suddenly wrapped around John's waist from behind, a forehead resting itself upon his right shoulder. John took a deep breath before uttering his name.

"J-Jon," he said softly. "I-I did it…I killed him…"

Jon didn't speak, instead raising his head up to lightly kiss the Brit's neck. The older man then released his grip from John to walk over to Stephen's body. He tilted his head curiously before leaning over to place his lips onto Stephen's wound. John flinched at the disturbing scene as Jon raised his head to face him, blood having collected around his lips. He smiled coyly.

"J-Jon," John attempted to speak again, but Jon quickly stood up and strode over to him, touching his bloody lips to John's mouth. The younger man's eyes widened. He wasn't sure whether to love the sensation of the one he loved's kiss or be disgusted at the taste of Stephen's blood.

Jon took a step back to face the Brit, his devilish smile catching John by surprise. Though he should have seen it coming. For Jon to have ordered the younger man to commit a murder in order for them to be together…

John had known what he was getting into a long time ago.

"J-Jon, I'm in love with you!"

His boss had just stared at him with crossed arms as he leaned against the desk, before smiling heartily. "Really now?"

John had nodded, avoiding his gaze by looking toward the floor. When he peeked back up to face the silver-haired man, he was laughing.

"I-is something really funny?" John asked, worried that maybe he had made the wrong decision in confessing.

"No, no," Jon waved a hand dismissively. "Just a little…unexpected, I guess."

"U-um, okay," John said. "W-well, if you don't have any response, then I guess I'll just step out…"

"Would you like to be with me?"

John's heart jump when those words reached his ears. He spun around. "W-what?"

Jon cocked his head to the side. "If so, you've just gotta do one thing for me."

"O-of course!" John wasn't going to pass an opportunity he never thought existed. "I'll do anything!"

"Great!" Jon said, twirling around the desk and opening a drawer.

"So, what is it I have to do?" John asked, and the second he spotted what Jon had removed from the drawer he regretted having agreed to do anything Jon wanted.

The gun gleamed in the sunlight from the window beside Jon. "You just have to erase my past.

John casually wiped Stephen's blood from his lips off with the back of his hand, but watched as Jon licked the blood off of his mouth.

He wasn't sure what is was that had attracted him to his boss, but the second the gun was pulled out of the drawer John knew that he should have just promised not to tell and gave up on everything.

But maybe he feared that Jon would just kill him, too. He couldn't have taken back seeing the weapon, much less having confessed. There was no sure way he would have lived much longer if he just acted like everything didn't happen.

Jon stepped directly in front of John and kissed him once more on the cheek.

"We should probably get out of here," Jon reached for John's hand and began making his way out of the room.

"Jon," John spoke as he let himself be dragged along by Jon. He wasn't sure where they were going, but The Colbert Report was done for. With Jon deciding to just leave the gun behind with both of their fingerprints on it, he was positive that The Daily Show was over with as well.

He didn't even need to ask where they were going to know that it was certainly going to be very far away.

No, he just had one simple thing to say to him.

"I love you."

Jon paused running to look back at the spectacled man. He smiled warmly, John noticing a spot of blood still stained on his lips.

"I love you, too."

John cringed, knowing deep down that all of this was very wrong, but…

He just couldn't help how he felt.


I just have a really twisted mindset, I apologize for taking it out on this story.
