George and Fred are introduced in this chapter. I'm keeping the talking between the two just like in canon, or I tried to anyway…




"Animal Talk"

"Goblin Speech"

This ~*/~*/~*/~*/~*/ means its separating letters and that kind of thing from the rest of the story.

Chapter 6: The Twins

Harry stopped right before he opened the door, "I need to do something before we go. I'll be right back." He turned around and went to the bathroom. He didn't want his Father to know about the trunk until the people of the prophecy did. He needed to talk to Merlin about the animals before they went. It was important to him to know. He needed to know. It was just way to many animals. He loved them, but there was just too many. Especially since, he was only allowed one in school.

'Wait…wait just a second…' He thought. Could he have the others in the prophecy take care of them? He thought about the prophecy. There was nine people mentioned, himself included. He would take Corin, and the rest could choose from there. He walked down the stairs and to the room with the photos of his ancestors.

He walked over to Merlin and asked, "Grandpa Merlin, I was wondering something. Those animals, the one's in the vault, can they go with the people that you mentioned in your prophecy?"

"Yes, Grandson Harry. They can. I forgot to put that in the letter. You will also be able to pass Parseltongue and the other languages to all of them, so that you can talk about things like all this, or other material that you don't want others to hear." Merlin replied.

"Sweet! Thanks Grandpa Merlin." Harry said, before starting to turn around.

"Oh, and Grandson Harry, when each of your friends go into the time console at Gringotts, you should go in too. Just take the potion that causes you to look the same age when you do. You'll be able to help teach them what you know. That's all I want you to do when you're in there. No other studying up. Just teach them what you know. No farther. However, I want you to have fun too."

"Yes, sir, Grandpa Merlin. I can do that." Harry said, smiling, "Anything else I should know?"

"Yes, I saw a Vision of this day, my Grandson, be careful out there, and keep your eyes open on this day. Use the knowledge you have been taught. In addition, my Grandson, don't call for backup. You'll be able to handle it."

"I will, Grandfather Merlin." Harry replied, leaving the room, knowing that he was dismissed.

He left the room, when he thought of something. He went to a fireplace, and called out Gringotts. He got a Goblin, and told them to tell someone something. The Goblin smiled as he did as Harry asked.

Meanwhile, in Otter St. Catchpole, in Devon, England, the Weasley family was getting ready to head to Diagon Alley. The Twins, Fred and George, or as they liked to call themselves Gred and Forge, were in their room, trying to hide some of their pranks in their pockets to take with them. They hoped they would be able to sneak them to the Alley, but they weren't sure if they would be able to do it or not. Their mother was bound to catch them, they knew, but it was a risk that both were willing to take.

"Ready, Gred?"

"Ready, Forge. I hope mum lets us separate from the others. If I have to hear Ronald talk about Harry like he is anymore, he's going to be pranked so hard this coming school year…" Fred said, trailing off.

"I know. I know." George replied, "I hope we get to talk to…"

He was interrupted by a knock.

"Who is it?" Both twins asked together.

"It's Bill."

"Come…" George.

"In…" Fred.

"Bill." Both.

Bill came in, chuckling, and before either knew it, he had raised his wand to put up a silencing spell. "Sorry guys. I had to do that considering our younger siblings. I know for a fact that Harry Potter is at The Leaky Cauldron. I can't tell you how I know, however, I have been able to talk to him, and he wants to meet you both as soon as possible. You guys had better be nice to his guides. You know both of them. One is Professor Snape, who just so happened to rescue Harry from his so called guardians. The other is Professor Quirrell. I don't know how long he will stay with them, but you guys had better be nice to Professor Snape."

"We will be Bill. We actually get…" George.

"Along with him. We just have…" Fred.

"To act like we don't. He has…" George.

"Actually put us in detention to help us out." Fred.

"I see. Good. Mom has said that I can take you both with me. I don't want our youngest siblings to find him before you. I'm sure you'll find out why later. I'm under a vow that I can't say any of that. Are you ready?"

"Yes, brother, I think we are."

Harry went back up top, changed his trunk into the necklace, and then to his Father and his legal guardian. He smiled as he looked in on the two. They were catching up with each other. He knew that the twins would soon be there, and he actually wanted to meet them before they left, so he didn't hurry Tom and Severus up.

"You ready, Harry?" Tom asked his son.

"Yes, Fa. I'm ready." Harry said, checking for the necklace around his neck, and then left the room. His guardian and his Father followed him out of the room. They went down the stairs, and Harry looked up to see Bill already there. He smiled as he winked at Bill, saying, "Hey Bill! Fancy seeing you here."

"Hey Harry. Yeah, I was asked by my mother to bring my twin brothers here today."

"Well, why don't you introduce us?"

"I'd be glad too. Harry, these are my twin brothers, Fred and George. Fred, George, this is Harry Potter."

"Glad to meet you…"

"Harry. I'm Fred, and…"

"I'm George."

"It's good to meet both of you." Harry said, smiling, already knowing that these two were a part of the people in the prophecy his Grandfather Merlin had wrote. "I think you already know Professor Snape, and this is Professor Quirrell, he'll be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Good to see you again, Professor Snape." Fred said, as George looked on, "We didn't see you, so we're sorry about the tennis ball match."

"It's okay, boys. I understand." Professor Snape said, before telling Harry, after seeing the look on his face, "They know I don't like when they talk back and forth like that, so they learned to stop doing it when I was around."

"Makes sense. It doesn't bother me any, but I only ask that you stop if we have to have a bigger conversation."

The twins looked at each other before looking back at Harry. George said, "Sounds good. We can do that, Harry, no problem. Do you mind if we do it in front of our younger siblings?"

"Before I answer that, because I have a feeling why you are asking, let's go some place quieter. I feel like we're being spied on or something."

The others felt it too, so taking up on Harry's advice, everyone moved to a table in the back, and between Bill, Tom, and Severus, they were so secure, that nobody at all could come within 5 feet of their table, except the waiter or waitress.

"Before I say another word, I need a wizard's oath from you both that anything you hear in the next however long, you won't tell anyone, unless it's the ones sitting around the table, or anyone else I tell you that you can."

The twins said the oath, and then they heard everything that Harry had been through since he was born. The ups, the downs, the roller coaster of life. Everything. How he started at the Dursley's, how he was like a house-elf. That no matter what he did, his so-called family hated him. That he couldn't ask questions at all around them. He explained almost everything to them. Then he told them how Severus had come to him, everything since then…or almost everything.

When he was finished, the twins asked, "So when will we go learn everything you did?"

"Well, that's the thing. I would like to…" Harry trailed off, when he realized that he hadn't told any of them the prophecy. He sighed and said, "Well, I haven't told any of you, even Bill, I learned this after I stepped out of the time capsule the first time. There's a prophecy. I have it memorized already. It's a real one written by Merlin. My great, great however many greats, grandfather. The poem goes:


"Two boys will be born

As the seventh months dies

One's parents will be killed

The others' parents will be alive but lost for years

But the one who's parents are killed,

Will help bring them back

The boys will find each other unexpectedly

And become like brothers

There will be a set of twins that look

Too much alike and have red hair

The four will become like brothers and inseparable

Nothing will be able to tear these four apart

But they will add a few others to the

List of trust worthy friends

One will be really concerned with his appearance

Another keeps to himself not really

Wanting to get into the thick of things

Another was raised by his father,

But is very close to the one

That is concerned with his appearance,

Two others will be added later on,

Both have red hair and are older siblings of the twins

The last friend will take a year to find

And lost her mother when she was young

To these friends it will seem like going to hell

And back before the evil so called good Lord

And his minions are dead

It will take all these friends getting along and having help

From unexpected places to get through it all

But peace shall reign at the end

But it will seem to take it forever to come

Two boys will be born

As the seventh months dies…"


Harry sighed, and continued, "I already know I'm one of the boys it mentions in the beginning. I'm thinking, from what I have heard, that Neville Longbottom is one. The twins are you two. I'm not sure who the 'One will be really concerned with his appearance' is, or the other two at that part. The girl I'm not sure of, and I'm thinking neither do you. Since it'll take a year to find her, we'll figure her out later. We know that the two are Bill and Charlie. Bill is already added, and you guys. We, also, have help from Severus and Tom, and also those amazing creatures called the Goblins.

"Anyway, like I was saying. Well, that's the thing. I would like to wait until we get everyone here but the girl. When we get her, I'll go in with her, but no one else. I want to spend that time with her. I know that you guys want to get to know her, also, but with the way that verse goes...I don't want to overwhelm her. I may change my mind later. We shall see."

"Makes sense, Harry." The twins said together.

"Thanks guys." Harry said, smiling, "Fa, not sure what you are going to do about the stuttering that you would have to keep up, but I suggest that you get out of the public eye, leave for a month, and come back and tell them that you lost the stuttering somehow."

"Good thinking, Harry. They would wonder what was going on if I didn't have that...or somehow in that month Professor Quirrell died. I could make up a name and reapply. What name? I'll have to get fake records set up."

"Liam Leonard." Fred stated, seriously.

"No, no, how about Robert Robertson." George said, with a straight face.

"Or Donald Donaldson." Bill said.

"Or even Will Wilson." Harry said.

"No, no, how about John Johnston." Severus said, with no emotion in his voice…which only lasted 5 seconds before he burst out laughing.

The others started laughing also. All glad to let loose. Especially Tom and Severus. It was during the laughter that Tom thought of a name for himself. He snapped his fingers, and said, "Or how about, and I'm being very serious here, Kian Roseland."

Harry smiled, and said, "Fa, I think it fits you. Or should I say Professor Roseland?"

Tom chuckled at his son, and said, "I think I like it, too. I'm going to go disappear. I'll be in touch. You do have the spelled parchments, right? I don't know where mine is, but if you hand me one of them, I can find it."

Harry smiled and said, "Of course I do, Fa. I was going to keep one and give you the other…but if you can find yours than…"

"I can make you up some of these for members of your group."

"How about showing me sometime when we get to school. I do something stupid in front of you so you can give me a detention?"

"Sounds good to me, son. I think that will work."

As they had been talking, Harry had gotten out one of the spelled parchments for his Father, and handed it to him. "Here, Fa."

"Thanks, son." Tom said, doing some complicated movements with his wand on the spelled parchments. Soon another piece of parchment showed up. He smiled and handed Harry's copy back to him. "Do you want me to add the feature that no matter where you are, you can call that to you?"

"Yes, please."

Tom took the spelled parchment and added the feature for his son, and when he finally handed it back to him, he said, "I've also renewed the spells on the parchment for you. Everything is up to date. The great thing is that if you update the spells on one parchment, they update on all of them. Now, if you'll excuse me, I got to go. I have to go make it so Professor Quirrell will die. I'll see you all soon. Contract me soon, my son."

"I will Fa. Oh, and would you like to take mom and dad with you? I have another portrait that they can come to if I need to talk to them."

"Then yes, I will take them."

"Alright." Harry said, handing the photo to his Fa. He had gotten it out when he had gotten the spelled parchment out. "Have fun, Fa. I'll see you come September."

"See you then son. If you need me, let me know."

"I will do that." Harry said, and then watched his Father leave, before saying, "Are you guys ready to go?"

"Whenever you are, Harry." Severus responded.

Harry nodded, and got up. He heard the others push their chairs away, and kept walking to the door to Diagon Alley, which had been pointed out to him earlier by Severus.