Shadow Realm Triforce- Thank you so so so much. Thanks for all of your wonderful reviews and the final boost on my count. I'm insanely grateful for that.

SilverFireStorm- I believe you review got cut off, hon. Thank you for jumping on the boat. And sorry I made you cry D:

Tir-Na-nOg-Niamh- It was completely necessary to add twerking! Your better print out this story, shred it, and toss it into the wind because this story is dedicated to you, sweetiepie. Thank you so much for all the support, the constant reviews, late night Skype sessions, and every laugh. I couldn't have finished this story without your beautiful reviews.

m9ower- I know! It's so sad. Thank you for all the reviews!

ohvafltn- Oh, don't worry. I defiantly will. I have an announcement in the author's note, actually. Thank you so much for the kind words and reviews. They really always brightened up my day.

miller330- Well you'll have to peek in the author's note! I think you are going to love what you find. Thank you for being my buttress.

SakuraTenshi36092- I'm so so happy you love this story. It makes me blush and want to cry. Thank you for reading.

kylie. roby .58- Oh my gosh you have NO IDEA how much this review meant to me. Thank you so much.

Amore2210. Loves. Fanfic- Haha thanks! Thank you for every single review, notice, and for just reading. I can't thank you enough for sticking with me.

Lexicon04- You mean so much to mean more than I can ever express into words I just want to hug you all the time ughhah.

ZoraOfTheLight- Well peek down below! Thanks for reading!

AllThingWeird35- Maybe you won't have to miss it...muhahaha. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!

i-love-tea-and-coffee- Thank you so much for being my adorable little fangirl.

And thank you, Jessie, for your eternal crave and support. Without you, I wouldn't have a reason to write.

I really cannot thank you enough. From the bottom of my heart, I love you all all all so so so much (the reviewers, the readers, the lurkers, the favoriters, and the alerters gosh I love you all). I feel like we are just one big happy family. I've got the best family in the world, you know that? I love you all. For a thousand years and a thousand more then infinity and beyond.

I was literally sobbing writing this chapter (well maybe not so much, but I did cry a bit). This is the final chapter of TRANCE. I can't thank you enough for following me along on this wonderful journey. You who have reviewed have warmed my heart and made writing each chapter worth it. You lurkers who favorited and followed but never commented I love you as well. Your support was just as great.

But this is it, guys. I can't believe it. This is it.

...Well, this is it for TRANCE. What? Did I have you crying there for a moment? I did? Muhahaha. Why am I laughing, you ask?


This may be it for TRANCE but not for the series! I'm devoting more of my life to your guys and this wonderful story! Yay! REVERIE will be posted April 1st at 8:00 AM, Eastern Time. Also with the sequel the partner drabbles and one shot fic called BREATHE will be posted March 28th at 3:00 PM, Eastern Time.

LAST NOTE: Wedding pictures such as Ashlyn's dress have been posted on my profile.

The theme music of this chapter is A Thousand Years by Christina Perry and Some Nights by FUN.

Once and for all,

Please Enjoy.


Portland, Oregon

August 9th 2013

1:00 PM

The chatter of guests nearly drown out the murmur of honey bees buzzing in the branches above that laced across the azure sky from their sturdy trunks. The only sound that completely overpowered the light ruckus of the warm, late summer day was the beat of Steve Rogers' heart that pounded in his chest like a sledgehammer. He waited in anticipation on the aesthetic gazebo, his skin crawling anxiously under his gray tuxedo, light blue waistcoat, and matching blue bow tie. He clicked his black dress shoes together nervously and clasped his hands behind his back.

In the front row Rhodey and Natasha sat each with a sleeping newborn baby in their arms. Tony stood in front of them and out of the groomsmen line, fussing over his twins. Steve had to admit that he made a wonderful father. Logan Anthony and Jamie Ann Stark had entered the word only seven days previously and it had been a rough road. Tony had doubted himself every step of the way and often collapsed into small bouts of anxiety attacks due to the fact he thought he was going to be a terrible father. If only his past self could see him now, holding his children, changing their diapers, and helping care for them like a pro. Tony's apprehension only added to Pepper's stress. It had been a hard pregnancy for her with several complications that had almost turned out disastrous. But there lay the precious Stark twins who were already a nation wide sensation (although the press and vultures had the birth announcement, they still never managed to get a shot of them due to the Avengers' and mostly Tony's protectiveness of Pepper, Jamie, and Logan), happy, healthy, beautiful, and sleeping.

Natasha, who was holding Logan, was carrying a baby girl in her ballon of a stomach. The Russian's due date was in October. Apparently their future daughter had been an accident and Steve could remember the terrible reaction Natasha had to finding out she was expecting. Natasha had broken down and started crying, unable to control herself. Unlike Clint, she hadn't yet warmed up to the idea of wanting a baby. It took her about a month or so to get a grip of herself and accept the fact that she was having a child. Now she was content but hated the hormones coursing through her body with a burning, angry, pregnant passion. Nevertheless, she look lovely in her lavender maternity dress.

"Steve, you need to relax buddy," Bruce Banner (who was dressed exactly like Cap), Steve's best man, muttered to the slightly quivering super solider. "Everything is going to be great."

Steve nodded as Tony jumped back in line next to Clint and Thor. They were all dressed in same attire as Steve and Bruce but their waist coats and bow ties were a deeper blue. They laughed together, Thor booming out a merry greeting. Steve caught his name and he turned to find the three groomsmen waving at him and chortling. Steve gave them a nervous smile.

Jane and Pepper would be in the wedding as well. Jane and Thor had been married on the twelfth of June in Asgard. Although Jane was not yet granted full Asgardianship due to the fact she was not yet a demigod and still human, Thor's world had accepted her anyway. Asgard really was something else, a real place of the gods. Steve and Ashlyn had been in their wedding, the two already engaged. Now at Steve and Ashlyn's wedding Jane was a bridesmaid and Pepper the maid of honor. Originally Ashlyn had considered Natasha. The assassin was flattered but did not want to be in the wedding at her current state. Ashlyn had told Steve that she didn't really have any friends back home and the ones she did Ashlyn didn't consider close enough to be a maid of honor. Ashlyn was an only child so didn't have a sister to choose from either. Ashlyn had thought of recruiting her cousin as the maid of honor, a lovely redhead by the name of Niamh, but in the end Pepper had been chosen.

The wedding was taking place outdoors in a huge, beautiful garden. The sun beat down, the golden rays leaking through the blossoming trees that Steve was unsure whether they should or shouldn't be in bloom this time of year, their sweet aroma hanging pleasantly in the air. At the front of the rows of white chairs was a huge, open-walled gazebo with the supports on the side and back so there was a clear view inside of the magnificently built pavilion. Steve eyes scanned the rows of people, his eyes meeting with Mrs. Harland's at the front on the right. Her green-gray eyes crinkled just like Ashlyn's did when she grinned. Steve's heart lurched at the sight of the older version of his soon to be wife. He returned her smile and Steve looked back to Bruce. He had always dreamed that Bucky would be the one that was standing next to him at this wedding, but times were different. As painful as it was to admit it, it was just another sacrifice to be here with the Avengers and most importantly Ashlyn.

Then, at that moment, the sound of soft and romantic piano music flooded into the garden and silenced the sound of the buzz of the bees and the guests. The glass doors at the end of the cobblestone aisle opened and out walked the bridesmaids in strapless, royal blue dresses that fell just past their knees. The blue of the dress matched the dark blue of waistcoats of the groomsmen. All of their hair was down and curly, silver high heels on their feet. Jane emerged at the head of the precession which caused Thor to hold his hands together and beam at her. Next was Niamh, her curly dark red hair falling gracefully and her green eyes wide with excitement. After her came another one of Ashlyn's relatives with dark hair and chocolate eyes.

Up next was Ashlyn's littlest cousin, a tiny girl with dark hair and chocolate eyes. She wore the same colored dress but it was poofy and had straps. The child couldn't be older than four or five. Her tiny dimpled hands reached into her basket and scattered petals across the pathway. Then out came Pepper. She wore the same dress as the other bridesmaids but hers was lighter, the same almost baby blue of Steve's tie and waistcoat. Her pale ginger hair was pulled up in an elegant bun above the nape of her neck. As she passed she gave a tiny wave to her children and then stepped up in her place in front of the gazebo.

Steve's heart caught in his throat as the crowd rose out of their seats. The male super solider stood their breathless as Ashlyn appeared through the glass doors, arm in arm with her tuxedoed father.

"Oh my god," Bruce's voice muttered.

"Holy cow, Ashie," Tony added softly.

The female super human wore an exquisite lace wedding gown with a strapless, scallop neckline and a jewel encrusted band. The soft fabric flowed to the ground and pooled across the cobblestone, the bejeweled lace edges rippling across the pathway with every step. Her hair was up in a bun above the nape of her neck, a braid trailing across the side of her head and into the sophisticated up do. Around her neck and laying on her exposed collar bone was the antique necklace of diamonds. Ashlyn's eyes had been nervously focused on the bouquet of beautiful white and baby blue roses in her hand but when her dark blue orbs shot up to find Steve's light blue ones, her whole body immediately relaxed and her face split into a wide smile.

"Wow," Steve exhaled, fighting to regain his breath and calm his racing heart at the sight of the gorgeous, jaw dropping woman. The whole audience seemed to be as taken aback as Steve was at Ashlyn's stunning beauty. Her eyes continued to crinkle adorably as she smiled. Steve smirked right back and took a deep breath once they reached him. The music ended and the crowd took their seats.

"We are gathered here today in the face of this company, to join together Steven Rogers and Ashlyn Harland in matrimony; which is an honorable and solemn estate and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly. Into this estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace," the Celebrant announced from his position just behind and to the right of Steve. There was no objection. "Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"

"I do," Mr. Harland said. Ashlyn glanced at her father when he hesitated to release her arm. The man turned and kissed his daughter on the forehead before giving away Ashlyn. There was such bittersweet sadness in the warmth of Mr. Harland's watering deep blue eyes. He took his seat next to his wife who handed him a tissue. Steve met Ashlyn down at the base of the gazebo and took her arm, leading her up to their places at the head of the pavilion at the top of the stairs.

"Steven, do you take Ashlyn for your lawful wedded wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?" the Celebrant questioned.

Steve nodded with a smile as he faced Ashlyn. "I do."

"And do you, Ashlyn, take Steven for your lawful wedded husband, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Ashlyn promised with a grin.

"Then repeat after me. I, Steven Rogers, take thee Ashlyn Harland to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honor, and cherish, 'til death do us part."

"I, Steven Rogers, take thee Ashlyn Harland to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honor, and cherish, 'til death do us part," Steve recited. Ashlyn's face glowed even more when he quickly tacked on, "And forever more. Always."

The Celebrant smiled. "Ashlyn Harland, please repeat after me. I, Ashlyn Harland, take thee Steven Rogers to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honor, and cherish, 'til death do us part."

"I, Ashlyn Harland, take thee Steven Rogers to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honor, and cherish, 'til death do us part and forever more. Always," Ashlyn echoed, her eyes twinkling with tears.

"May I have the rings?"

Bruce stepped forward with two rings in hand. He handed them to the Celebrant and then got back in line. The Celebrant held up Ashlyn's ring, a beautiful diamond sitting in white gold. Two bands of smaller diamonds ran down either side of the main, precious stone. "May this ring be blessed so he who gives it and she who wears it may abide in peace, and continue in love until life's end."

Steve grabbed the ring and gently took Ashlyn's hand in his. With his free hand, he then repeated after the Celebrant and slid the ring onto Ashlyn's finger.

"With this ring I thee wed. Wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment."

The Celebrant held up Steve's ring, a white gold wedding band, and said, "May this ring be blessed so that she who gives it and he who wears it may abide in peace, and continue in love until life's end."

Ashlyn took Steve's hand, her grip soft and loving. "With this ring I thee wed. Wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment."
"May this couple be prepared to continue to give, be able to forgive and experience more and more joy with each passing day, with each passing year. Steven and Ashlyn, are now beginning their married life together, we hope that they may have loving assistance from their family, the constant support of friends, and a long life with good health and everlasting love. In so much as Steven and Ashlyn have consented to live forever together in wedlock, and have witnessed the same before this company, having given and pledged their troth, each to the other, and having declared same by the giving and receiving of a ring, I pronounce that they are husband and wife." The Celebrant took a deep breath and said the words Steve had been anticipating. "You may now kiss the bride."

Steve swept Ashlyn into his arms and pressed his lips to hers, Ashlyn throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him back. The crowd cheered, Thor, Clint, and Tony whooped, and someone wailed as they sobbed. Steve's whole body ached with his love for his new wife, Ashlyn's arms squeezing him back. It was the best kiss Steve had ever received and it was one that meant he was no longer alone in the world and he never would be again. And neither would Ashlyn. Neither of them would ever be isolated ever again.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the loving couple Mr. and Mrs. Rogers!"

Steve and Ashlyn stood there with their foreheads touching rand smiling at one another as the crowd leaped to their feet in applause and joviality. A breeze rippled through the air and the white petals from the blooming blossoms overhead rained down upon the couple, sticking on their clothes and being wreathed into their hair. Steve held Ashlyn's face as their chests rose in synch as they both tried to catch their breath in the wave of nostalgia and happiness.

"I love you so much," Ashlyn exhaled.

Steve kissed her neck right under her ear. "I love you too."

Arm in arm they faced the acclamation, the sea of guests clapping and smiling. Steve's stomach flip-flopped as he gazed down at his new wife with a loving smile and they headed down the aisle together. Petals continued to cascade down upon them as if nature itself approved of their conjugal bond. Inside the building of glass the congregation gathered to congratulate Steve and Ashlyn, the Avengers swarming around them. Ashlyn's mother (who was much smaller than the super solider) threw her arms around Steve's neck in a teary hug. Ashlyn's father shook his son-in-law's hand and hugged his daughter. Tony tried his best to knock the wind out of Ashlyn with a hard pat on the back (only something Thor could achieve now with the serum coursing through her veins) and Pepper embraced Ashlyn with Jamie in her arms. The other guests gave hearty cries and shook Steve's hand. The cute flower girl with the beautiful dark eyes tugged on his pants and asked if she could ask him something.

"Yes, ma'am?" Steve knelt down so he was eye level with the child.

"You look like Captain America," Julie whispered in his ear.

Ashlyn giggled, her enhanced hearing picking up on their hushed conversation. "Jewels," she tried.

Steve brought a finger to his lips. Gosh he wanted a child. His eyes quickly flitted up to the smiling Ashlyn who was talking with Bruce and resumed pretending she couldn't hear them. Now that he was married, maybe he would finally have one. "Can you keep a secret, Julie?"

The minute Julie nodded vigorously.

"Well you see, ma'am, I just don't look like Captain America. I am Captain America," Steve uttered with a smirk.

"Wow!" Julie exclaimed softly. "Does Auntie Ash know?"

"Yes, ma'am." Steve nodded.

"That's so cool!"

"You know, Julie," Steve went on as he got to his feet and took Ashlyn's hand. "We're practically related now."

Her chocolate eyes widened in awe. "We are! Holy cow! You're secret is safe with me, Uncle Steve!"

Steve only laughed but did not correct her. Julie called Ashlyn her aunt as well even though they were only cousins. It felt good to be an uncle, someone that a child could look up to.

After the precession passed Steve continued to clasp Ashlyn's hand in his. Together they made their way out of the building as rice and petals were tossed over their heads. Steve helped his wife into the limo and they waved to the crowd, the cans on the back of the car bouncing as the limousine drove away toward the building where the reception was going to be held.

The fête was placed in a luxurious party lobby Tony had bought out for the wedding. When they arrived two hours or so later for dinner after the cocktail party the couple arrived hand in hand with the crowd roaring. Before the guests were able to eat Bruce made his toast.

"If I could make an announcement and a toast to the lovely couple," Bruce said loudly for all to hear. Once the invitees were silent he quit tapping his glass, cleared his throat, and spoke.

"First of all, congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. God it seems just like a week ago when I first met Steve and only yesterday when I saw Ashlyn for the first time. I still remember our first conversation between just me and her. We were working with Tony and he left to use the bathroom leaving just the two of us alone. In the dead silence that he left us in, Ashlyn made awkward eye-contact with me and stammered out a jumbled sentence about the nice weather we were having and something about sea levels. When I smirked and laughed a little bit, her face turned the brightest shade of red I had have ever seen in my life-like it is now! Aw, Ash, don't be embarrassed sweetheart. You know that little blush of yours is adorable, don't you agree Steve?

"Even though I-I'm not the best at this kind of stuff, I would just like to say that I am honored to be able to get up here and speak at an event like this. You two really are perfect for one another. I'm so happy you two finally got married. So a toast to the bride and groom!"

Next up was Tony Stark. When he got to his feet the guests had no idea. He tried to speak a few times to no avail. Finally he shouted something into the microphone that caught everyones awareness.

"SEX!" The sitting throng glanced up in shock. Steve groaned. Tony cleared his throat and went on. "Now that I have your attention I would also like to make a toast. Pepper is currently changing the diapers and feeding two remarkable little angels so she's left you guys in my care. She wrote this mushy-gushy speech that she would like me to deliver but I honestly don't do that kind of compassionate stuff so I'm just going to roll my way.

"You see, when a man and a woman love each other very much, they go out to dinner, or in this case, a chinese lunch. And they eat. And they talk and eat and hit it off. After that they return home. But they are still hungry. Well no hungry for food because they just ate. You see, folks, they're hungry..." Tony smirked his snarky grin. "...For each other."

That got a laugh. Steve face palmed.

"Ashlyn and Steve are the perfect couple. Watching the two of them trying to interact when they were first getting to know each other was pitiful. Ash stuttered and Steve blushed, clueless on how to talk to women. I offered to give him some lessons but he didn't take me up on it. Looking at them now with the love and devotion between them is so obvious it makes a grown man like me get a little teary-eyed. Ashlyn has blossomed into this beautiful creature she is today and Steve has manned up. Just observe them, guys! Every smile deep, fingers intertwined, and their lips begging to touch. Well maybe not like that but I'm rambling and getting ahead of myself. Crap, now I'm getting mushy. Ew. I might gag. Thank God Steve finally worked up the guts to ask her out and then later ask for her hand because if they would have parted, fate and destiny would be so screwed and false that I would loose faith in the world. Congrats you two. You really are-oh! And Steve, Ashie's father would like to remind you that he has a shotgun with a tracking device. He is also not afraid to use it. Thank you and let's get the party started!"

Dinner started at the head table and then broke out among the other tables. When dinner was finished the beautiful, five square-tier, white and blue cake was cut into. Thor snapped many pictures when Steve and Ashlyn shared a piece of cake, Ashlyn wiping frosting on Steve's nose with an evil little cackle. Steve's rebuttal was to smear cake all over Ashlyn's mouth and chin. The crowd laughed as they kissed and ate their cake, both their lips and noses coated with frosting.

"Perkele! Save some for us, will you?"

Steve's eyes shot up and Ashlyn gasped. Right at the head of the watching audience were four very familiar teenage mutants.

"Nae!" Ashlyn blurted out. "Oh m-my gosh you guys made it!"

"Like we would miss watching the love birds coat themselves in their own cake and saliva," Blaze replied in her dense Danish accent that seemed to have only grown thicker. Ashlyn had forgotten how much she had loved and adored the euphony of their voices. The fiery energy monger and Nikolai were holding hands, the German watching Blaze with the most sincere, lovestruck gaze. Oz had his hands in his pockets. All four of them were dressed in their uniforms as if they had just arrived from defending Europe (which was attracting some stares).

"Or the party," Oz added.

"Especially the party," the metalkenetic agreed.

While the Avengers caught up with the four mutants with many cries, hugs, and handshakes of welcome, Ashlyn looked to her husband.

"You've got a little something right..." Ashlyn tried with a sly smile, dragging her sticky fingers down Steve's cheek so a trail of white icing remained. She had only made the mess worse. "...There!"

Steve shook his head and chuckled with a thousand-watt smile. He thumbed off a piece of fondant stuck to Ashlyn's face and pecked her forehead.

Once the cake had been served, all food devoured, and Avengers properly acquainted with the mutants, the music started up. Ashlyn and Steve went to the center of the wooden dance floor, Steve watching his wife gripping her bouquet in those beautiful hands of hers. The single females that had been invited to the wedding and reception immediately mobbed around as Ashlyn turned around and tossed her bundle of flowers over her head. Steve watched as it disappeared into the crowd to have it only reappear in the arms of Ashlyn's cousin, Niamh.

Steve, who had pulled up a chair for Ashlyn, couldn't help but blush slightly when he had to reach up his wife's dress to retrieve her garter. Ashlyn's cheeks grew a bit pink as well, but the two continued to smile. Cap loved the feeling of her skin under his fingertips. He grinned slightly as a cluster of butterflies flitted around in his abdomen at the sensation.

Steve turned around as well and flung the garter into the gathered group of bachelors. The super soldier turned around just in time to see a hand shoot up into the air and catch the lacy garment. Ashlyn and Steve both burst into giggles at the sight of a rosy Bruce Banner greeting Niamh whose cheeks were even deeper than her hair color as soon as Banner's steady hands grazed her leg. Nae snickered and commended Bruce in Finnish. Thor raised his mighty glass of mead to the sky.

A familiar song started playing as the DJ announced it was time for the bride and groom's first dance. Steve shivered as he was plunged into memories with every note. Ashlyn wrapped her arms around Steve's neck and the captain placed his hands on her hips, drawing her in closer.

"Heart beats fast colors and promises, how to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? Watching you stand alone all of my doubt suddenly goes away step closer..."

Steve gazed into Ashlyn's eyes and suddenly he was transported back to the Stark wedding, his hands resting on red fabric instead of white lace. Ashlyn was shorter but just as beautiful, her eyes still radiating light like two deep blue suns. His heart pounded and raced, hands clammy at the thought of trying to impress her and not step on her feet.

"I have died everyday waiting for you darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I loved you for a thousand more..."

Behind a pair of thick brown spectacles those orbs shone with anxiety and doubt, her fingers switching between drumming and fiddling with the sleeve on her sweater.

"Miss Harland, the pleasure is mine."

Shaking her hand. Big over little.

"So. Why did they drag you here?"

"My brains, I guess."

"I've worked with geniuses before. One was very nice, but dark. The other was an arrogant fool who's ego got the best of him. But we all worked it out in the end, I guess."

"I'm more of a brainiac than a prodigy."

Ashlyn was dead wrong. In his eyes, Ashlyn was the smartest person on earth.

"...Away standing in front of me every breath, every hour had some to step closer..."

Steve's memories swirled.

"Steve? Is that them?"

"That's some of them."


"Stark isn't with them. Neither is Thor, the Norse God Fury filled you in about. But Stark will be here soon. Fury said he was on his way."

"And they're nice?"

"Yes, they will be polite. It's just Tony you have to worry about."

The protective roar Steve felt when Tony was completely inappropriate. Again when Thor kissed her hand.

"Do you..." He had cleared his throat. "Do you want to go get something to eat?"

"Oh. Tony doesn't recommend the food here."

"I was thinking about going out to town, ma'am. I thought it would be nice for a change of scenery."

"Sure. T-That would be very nice, thank you."

The sight of snow cascading down upon her and into Ashlyn's hair like a white crown. Her smile, the twinkle in her eyes that were hidden behind those glasses, every sweater and shirt, every glimpse of eye-contact and facial expression.

"Hi, Ashlyn."

"You''re Captain America?"

"One and the same," Steve replied.

"Why didn't you tell me you were Captain America?"

"Why didn't you tell me about your trances?"

"I'm...I'm sorry..."

"About what?"

"About not telling you. For being the way I am. What? What's so funny?"

"You don't think I'm the abnormality? I'm from the an entirely different era."

"You're the super solider, C-Captain. Sure it's something you have to w-wrap your head around, but your a national hero. I'm just the number girl with head pains."

"It makes you unique."

"Maybe so, but it's a burden. I've lost potential f-friends over it."

"You're not loosing me, Ashlyn."

The song continued to spin around him as Ashlyn's eyes teemed with thoughts.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the wedding. As a date."

That gorgeous smile. "Um s-sure. Yes. Thank you."

"Good. Thanks."

Ashlyn in her dress, glasses off, hair up, and smile luminous.

"I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have love you for a thousand years...I love you for a thousand more...and all along I believed I would find you time had brought heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I love you for a thousand more..."

The heartbreaking sobs and eternal agony when he thought Ashlyn was long gone. The pain of the evil doppelgänger shattering his heart. Comparing pictures of the old Ashlyn to the clone. Watching his girlfriend being beat on camera. Hearing her scream his name. Crying. Being broken, but trying to stay strong. Never being able to see her, their reunion constantly put on hold.


The long drawn out cry ripped his heart into shreds and hurt even more than the searing pain in his leg. That beautiful, sorrowful, and frightened voice of the one he loved and thought would never see again.



Her new appearance after the serum was stupendously jaw dropping. Steve met Ashlyn's eyes once again as the music played.

"Steve?" Ashlyn's voice uttered again, pulling him out of his trance. She was staring at him with a slightly worried expression on her face.

"I have died every day waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have love you for a thousand years I love you for a thousand more..."

"Forgive me ma'am...I'm a little doll dizzy. You're rather beautiful," Steve mumbled with a smirk.

"Oh Steve," Ashlyn whispered, nuzzling closer to the male super solider. Steve wrapped his arms around her in a hug, his fingers toying with her hair. "I love you, you know that? So so much."

"...and all along I believed I would find you time had brought heart to me I have loved you for a thousand year I love you for a thousand more..."

"I love you more than you will ever know," Steve responded, his voice full of emotion.

Later during the night they would do the Time Warp, Ashlyn would teach him the Cha Cha Slide, Cupid Shuffle, and the Macarena. They would swing dance the night away and twist and twirl to strange modern music. But that would come later.

The world was made up of beautiful colors, things, and people. According to Ashlyn (who liked to quote things from her favorite books) their thoughts were stars they could not fathom into constellations. Even with the strange new era he was trapped in, he was starting to adjust. He had years and years ahead of him to adapt and spend with the most wonderful dame in the whole wide world. Growing up, he had died everyday waiting for the perfect girl. Just when he thought he had found her, Cap was whisked away and awoke in an advanced epoch. There he died every moment of every second wishing for the past. For Ashlyn it was the same way. He had seen the dead, nervous doubt in her eyes when they had first met. Now his wife was something to behold. When they found each other they both had come back to life. He would love her for a thousand years and then a thousand more.

And when the song had ended and Ashlyn was still nestled his arms with the crowd cheering and the next song beginning, Steve wasn't sure if he would ever wake up from his reverie.
