A/N: Okay so the last chapter we were just going to leave you hanging but I didn't want to be mean. So here is a special treat to you readers. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing the final chapter to this lovely story. But don't worry; Jess and I are not done yet. We still have a bunch of stories coming your way. Now, carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done. (Love that song). Next time you'll see me. I will be doing a new story you lovely people.

Disclaimer: we do not own the Vampire Academy or Holiday in handcuffs. This story gives its dedication to all the legal people who have published and/or wrote the stories to the lovely movie/book.


Chapter 8: Epilogue (1 year later)

I woke up to a wailing in my ear, I got up to check on my baby boy. He was teething and his gums were hurting him. I walked over to his crib and stroked his gums with my finger letting him gnaw on it for a bit until he fell asleep. I looked back at the bed where the sleeping lump of a man was. My husband, Dimitri Belikov, remember him? I kidnapped him last Christmas just to pass him off as my boyfriend, but it turns out, we were right for each other. We married of course and had a baby nine months later. It was a miracle I couldn't believe has happened. Okay well, we didn't have a big wedding. We eloped. Went down to Las Vegas and hitched it. I couldn't be any happier then I was now.

My husband stirred and slowly sat up. I watched as he stretched his sexy body, his muscles rolling underneath that tawny skin of his. Damn, just to replay last night again. I won't go into much detail. Let's just say, things were a lot kinkier then they were before. I had to admit it, kidnapping him was the best mistake I have ever made. Just watching him made me realize how lucky I had been. I turned my attention back to Dimitri and just smiled his way. When I knew the baby was asleep, I walked over back to the bed and lied down next to him.

"My parents called," I said quietly, drawing a pattern on his chest, "They want me to come visit them for Christmas."

Dimitri shifted so he was laying on his side and one arm wrapped around my waist, "Oh yeah, did you tell them we were coming?"

"I didn't mention a 'we'. But I did say I was bringing two people I love very much," I bit my lip knowing he wasn't going to be pleased about this.

"Roza, I told you to always talk to me about these things," he sighed and ran his hand over his face. "Do they know we're together?"

"No," I closed my eyes, "You told me not to mention you at all. But I figured a year is a long enough time to let them suffer. I mean, I have their grandson. They need to meet him. He's three months old, and it's a couple of days. Like last time. So please Dimitri, I am begging you. Can we go?"

Dimitri sighed and shook his head. "Okay fine. We can go, but under one condition." He smiled evilly at me and I groaned. Oh god what was he going to do now. I couldn't keep up with his schemes. He always seemed to have a wickeder mind than mine. I just usually went along with it. Funny, how the roles have reversed.

(December 23)

We arrived at the cabin my parents rented last year. I couldn't believe we're back here. Here, where I fell in love with the idiot I am married to today. Yes, I called him an idiot because he had a plan that I couldn't believe I was doing. It was payback yeah, but to pull this stunt on my parents. Blah! I hated it. But I got out of the car first, grabbing the diaper bag and the baby. I knock on the door then enter.

"Knock, knock. Guess who?" I said and my mother came running over to me. She gasped as she saw the baby seat in my hand.

"Shh, he's sleeping."

"You had a baby, and you didn't tell us." Janine was speechless and she looked lost. "Why?"

"Because I was still pissed off about last year, but that's okay. I have my man and my baby. That's all that matters," I held my head up high.

As on cue Dimitri walked in and saw me and my mom standing there. "Hey, do you have a phone I can use?"

I shook my head and started to laugh. "Dimitri, my mom's mad at me. The joke is off."

"Uh oh, see I told you, you should have said something to her about the baby," I gasped. "I am sorry Janine, but my silly wife here thought it'd be a good idea to keep the baby a secret because she didn't want all the attention. It's funny that so much has changed in a year."

"Yeah, I'll say. Come on. Let's go to the living room. Abe has just got the fire going and I am not letting it go to waste." Okay, that was a lot better than I expected, but I walked over to him and stepped on his foot.

"Owe! What was that for?" Dimitri grabbed his foot.

"Think you'll be able to touch me tonight buster," I walked away from him and took the baby out of the seat and carried his sleeping form over to the fire. I leaned over and kissed my father's cheek and handed him the baby. There was nothing more precious than to see a grandfather and his grandson bonding. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, maybe I was wrong keeping Declan away from his grandparents, and Dimitri was right.

As the family gathered around, my parents were shocked to find out that I was married to Dimitri. Yeah, I liked the look of shock on their faces. It brought me to realize how much has changed, how much I have changed. It really was a dream come true. Mia gushed over Declan and his chubby baby cheeks, and how big he was. At three months he was fifteen pounds and twenty-five inches long. My poor baby was fat and long, he took after his father. He was going to be a big boy when he got older. Eddie came over with Mason, still as in love as ever. I enjoyed that very much. This holiday season, we were finally all were going to be happy, and it was going to be enjoyable to say the least.

(December 24)

Not much happened this day, we cooked, played and did other stuff. I woke up from an afternoon nap and heard my dad talking to Dimitri. I didn't want to be nosey and let the men talk but I heard my name. So I decided I wanted to be nosey. I walked over to the door way and stood against the wall, pressing my ear against the wall.

"So, how's life for you Dimitri?" my father said.

"Great, I get to live with Rose. She's wonderful and she's bringing home the money," Dimitri gushed. Awe, my man loves me. "I'm glad she kidnapped me last year, I love her with all of my heart."

I put a hand to my heart and teared up a bit. It took every ounce of my will power not to throw myself into that room and hug and kiss the shit out of Dimitri. That was how much love I was felling towards him right then.

"When did you two get married?"

Dimitri paused and then spoke, "We got married in December last year. Right before New Year's, she wanted a secret wedding, I wanted one as well. We really didn't want a big wedding."

"I see, so my grandson, he looks a lot like you and not a lot like my daughter," I gasped. I knew exactly where this was going. I stormed right into the room and grabbed Dimitri's hand.

"How can you possibly say that, Declan isn't my kid? Dimitri and I had sex father, it was amazing, and we procreated life. That's how it works," I growled.

Dimitri and my dad started laughing. I looked at the two men like they were crazy. Dimitri stopped and cupped my cheek. "Roza, your dad knows that. He found out you were eavesdropping so he just started to make stuff up. Don't worry; he's not accusing you of kidnapping our baby and me. Just relax my love, everything is okay baby."

I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed. "You guys are really mean to me."

I walked out of the room with Dimitri in tow. He stopped me and pulled me to his chest, turning me around and kissing my lips gently. "Roza, relax, baby. I'm sorry we did that to you. Just next time don't eavesdrop. It's not nice. We don't do that to you do we?" I shake my head and keep my lips on his. "We were just talking about work life and such."

"So you weren't talking about me then?" I asked a bit hurt that they weren't.

"Oh, we were. But I just mentioned how much I love you," he smiled and pushed me up against the wall. "I want to show you how much I love you right now."

I giggled and wrapped one leg around his waist. "The door is still opened Comrade. Can you close it? I want to prove to you how much I love you."

Yeah, we all got how much we proved to each other about who loves who more. Let's just say afterwards, I couldn't walk. Dimitri had some power in his walk and it was mighty powerful and fine. I didn't think any man can live up to the man Dimitri is. Of course, he was my first, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Unless you were talking about all the positions Dimitri just put me in, and then yes, I would have them all ways.

(December 25)

Christmas day was a lot better than last year's Christmas. My parents got me stuff that wasn't work related. YAY! It brought a smile to my face that they had not yet asked me about my life and about work. Just about the baby and about Dimitri's and I's prenuptials. It made sense that they would worry about us and blah, blah, blah. But it was a good feeling to know that they weren't constantly breathing down my back about who I was and what I was going to do with myself. I hated the feeling though, that they were still not talking to me. They still treated Dimitri better than me. They give Declan a lot of attention; it just hurts that it might be starting all over again.

The day started on a good note, and it wasn't as traditional as it was before. Mom wasn't uptight and all up everyone's asses about what they wore to dinner and what time we had to be at dinner. If we ate, we ate. If we didn't, then oh well we were shit out of luck with that one. Mom served breakfast to everyone; Mia sat in the corner of the room playing with Declan and sang him Christmas songs. I watched everyone from a distance and noticed how family like we looked. I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my lips as we just were normal. No secrets to hide, and life to judge.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I smiled at the hunk of a man that played with my stomach fat. I giggled as it tickled me. He kissed my neck and whispered in my ear.

"A penny for your thoughts."

I smiled and relaxed in his arms. "I am just thinking about how normal we are, you know. It looks all happy and calm. Like we don't have a care in the world, and I like it a lot."

"That was the best penny I could have thrown," he nuzzled his face into my hair and I looked up at the ceiling and saw we were standing under the mistletoe. I turned around in his arms and stroked his hair out of his face and smiled.

"Look up baby," I said gently as I cupped his stubbly cheeks. I loved when he had the stubble, it turned me on even more. I had to say that every since we got married, I turned into a school girl with a giant crush on my teacher. Dimitri had no problem with that at all.

Dimitri finally looked up at the mistletoe and looked down at me. "Where we shared our first kiss," he leaned down and kissed me with so much passion it made me weak in the knees. "Merry Christmas, Roza." Mmm, yes it was a very, very Merry Christmas after all. Happy Holidays Everyone!

The end.

A/N: I legit cried at the end of this. I so did not want this story to end, but we have other stories to come your way. Jess and I had so much fun writing this story; we would brainstorm and just write down what we remembered from the movie. I hope you all enjoyed the story as much as we enjoyed writing it. Just stay safe this holiday season and Have a Happy Holiday everyone. :)