Starts from Season 4 - The Memorial. I'm basically rewriting from here in the series.

Bonnie stared at the empty mug on the coffee table across from her. It had been there for over two days now. She didn't feel like cleaning it up. What was the point? What was even the point in moving off the couch? Nothing mattered anymore.

She'd lost her powers, or so it seemed anyway. The spirits had turned their back on her once again

Over and over she was bombarded with the sight of her beloved Grams being punished for her foolishness. It wasn't fair.

"It should have been me," she murmured to herself miserably. A single tear slipped down her cheek and she didn't even have the energy to wipe it away.

No one had come to check on her. Two whole days, so far, she had hidden away in her home, and not one of her friends had bothered to show up at the door. Which was very insulting since if it wasn't for her they'd all be dead now. She'd brought both Jeremy and Matt back from the dead. If she hadn't switched up Tyler and Klaus' bodies, the entirety of the bloodline would be screwed. That was how all this mess started in the first place – tapping into dark magic to save her ungrateful friend's asses. Sure, they said "thanks" but where were they now? Bonnie was a firm believer that actions spoke louder than words. Maybe that was why she continued to help them all, even after every time she said she was done.

Not even one of them had come to check how she was doing after she watched her own Grandmother perish, no less. Instead they were all running around like headless chickens making sure Elena was okay. Whatever happened to: 'Elena will be an independent woman now she is a badass vampire!'

Yeah, right. She should have known it was too good to be true.

Bonnie sat up slowly as her stomach grumbled. She should probably eat for the first time in…

Who knew?

She padded over to the kitchen and poured some cereal into a bowl carelessly, wondering what it would be like to be pandered to every minute of the day like Elena Gilbert. She tried to shake away her bitter feelings; it was bad to think of her best friend in such spiteful ways. But she'd lost so much – maybe not deliberately at Elena's hands – but when it came down to it, if the whole universe didn't centre around Elena, things would be so much different.

She sighed and put the bowl in the kitchen sink after she'd had only a couple mouthfuls. Turns out she wasn't in the mood to eat either.

She flopped back onto the sofa and pulled a blanket over her body. A candle on the coffee table caught her eye. She focussed on it, with every ounce of energy she had left in her. She could feel her power building up, deep within her. If she just pushed a little more the wick would be alight.

She blinked away fearful tears and gave up. She didn't want to risk angering the spirits again. Maybe, somehow, her Grams was okay. Maybe if she never did magic ever again, the spirits would forgive her.

Bonnie shut her eyes tightly and tried to ignore the harrowing images from 48 hours ago which continued to haunt her.



Green orbs surrounded by a fan of long dark lashes fluttered open.


Bonnie jolted as she realised someone was banging on the front door. She looked around her living room, disorientated.

"Bonnie, open the goddamn door!"

Cautiously, Bonnie rose from the couch. She looked down and realised she was wearing jeans and a shirt. She could have sworn she'd spent the last couple days living in her pj's. She looked in the mirror. Her hair and makeup were perfect.

"That's impossible," she said to her reflection. She hadn't touched a mascara wand in days, she was sure of it.

Suddenly the door swung open and The Salvatore brother's stormed into the house. She eyed them with a look that crossed between distaste and confusion.

"What's going on?" she asked.

Stefan's thick eyebrows flew halfway up his permanently brooding forehead. "Where the hell have you been?"

Bonnie raised an eyebrow. "In my house. What are you doing here? Hang on, how are you even here? You're not invited in!?"

Damon rolled his eyes. "Quit being cute. We don't have time to play 20 questions. We have to go."

"What are you talking about? Go where?" Bonnie asked. She was beginning to get real annoyed that neither of them were answering any of her questions.

Damon grabbed her arm and dragged her down the hall. She was in a state of so much confusion and shock that she couldn't seem to figure out how to fight back, or throw a snarky comment at him in the least.

"The Memorial," Stefan stated from behind her. They both managed to usher her out of the front door but she stopped at the porch and refused to move until she got answers.

"I don't understand," Bonnie spluttered, "shouldn't you guys be with Elena?"

Damon groaned tiredly, "Give me a break. All freaking week she's been going on and on about how she doesn't want to be 'a monster!'" he snorted, releasing Bonnie's arm so he could use his hands to do air quotations. "I don't think she realises every time she says that she's inadvertently insulting me."

Bonnie scoffed, "don't know if it escaped your notice Damon, but you are a monster. Girl has a point."

Damon put a hand over his un-beating heart and faked offence before smirking sarcastically. Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"Well, where is she then?" Bonnie asked again.

Damon shrugged carelessly, "at the church I guess."

Bonnie looked over at Stefan who had been zoning out of the whole conversation. What the hell had gotten into them?

"Stefan? What about you?" she asked.


She stared at him drolly. "Aren't you supposed to be helping Elena?"

"Yeah, I have been," he replied defensively, "Caroline has taken over for the rest of the day. Seriously she doesn't me to baby sit her 24/7."

Bonnie almost laughed in his face. "That's rich," she murmured.

"What is?" the vampire brothers both asked simultaneously.

Damn. She regularly forgot they had vampire hearing.

"Nothing," she said quickly as she scuttled off the porch.

"Wait," she heard Stefan call after her. He appeared in front of her face with a concerned expression. She could hear Damon's footsteps approaching from behind. "What happened to you? You disappeared for two days…I was in hell worrying about you," Stefan told her anxiously.

Bonnie felt her whole world tilt. Had she entered a parallel universe where people gave a crap about her?

She watched Damon walk past them and over to his car which was parked on the drive.

"I…I just needed some time alone. After what happened when I did that spell to put Tyler back in his own body…"

Stefan quickly pulled her into a tight hug. Okay, not the first time he's been nice to her, no big deal…

"I'm sorry about your Grams, Bonnie. If I was there I never would have let that happen." His voice sounded genuinely caring, which wasn't unusual for Stefan Salvatore. However, when he started stroking her hair tenderly…that's when she nearly fainted in shock.

Damon cleared his throat. Bonnie and Stefan stepped away from each other hastily and made their way over to the car. Bonnie couldn't help but notice the icy glare Damon gave his brother. She tried to brush it of as normal behaviour for the two of them, but something wasn't right. Bonnie had been taught to trust her instincts, and her gut was telling her something was seriously wrong here. Something had changed.

She hopped into the back seat whilst Stefan took the passenger and obviously Damon was behind the wheel. She drifted in and out of their conversation as she thought about what the heck was going on here.

She was with the Salvatores and Elena was nowhere to be seen – that screamed suspicious if anything. They didn't seem to be giving a damn about Elena at all right now. In fact, their main priority seemed to be... Bonnie shook her head doubtfully. There was no way they'd ever put anyone other than Elena first.

"…he just straight up walked into the mansion and took a shot at Tyler. Absolute nut job," the blue eyed vampire told his brother.

"I think we should take this seriously, Damon. This Connor guy sounds like a genuinely dangerous vampire hunter…"

Bonnie took out her phone from her pocket. She had numerous missed calls and dozens of texts asking her of her whereabouts and if she was okay. Even some from yesterday morning. She had definitely checked her phone yesterday afternoon and she'd had diddly-squat notifications. There were countless messages from Caroline, which wasn't abnormal. However there also were some from Stefan, Jeremy, Matt…and even Damon.

Something was so not right here. Damon only ever texted her if he needed her to do a spell of some sort.

"We're here," she heard Stefan announce.

The three all stepped out of the car. Damon's phone vibrated in his pocket and he groaned as he pulled it out and saw the caller ID. He mouthed Elena to his brother and Bonnie before pressing the green button. "I'm here, I'm here" he said through the line. "Where are you?" Pause. "Not yet…okay." He shoved his phone back in his pocket and rushed over to the boot of his car. Bonnie watched him curiously as he pulled out a dress covered in a plastic white sheet.

"What's going on?" Stefan asked.

"Surprise, surprise, Elena's in trouble," he rolled his eyes. "Be right back," he called over his shoulder.

"Wait," Bonnie called, "I'll come with you."

She needed to see Elena, desperately. At an approximate guess it seemed as if they had somewhat switched places. Well, if the way the Salvatores were acting was anything to go by. She took a step to follow Damon but was pulled back by the other brother.

So this was how it felt to be jammed between a Salvatore sandwich.

She tried to not be weirded out over the fact that her hand was currently being held by Stefan's, and she tried to not blush as his seawater eyes searched hers. "What are you doing?"

"Elena needs me," she stated, "maybe I can help her."

"I thought you said you had no magic?" Stefan frowned.

Bonnie bit her lip. "I have to try. What can I say, old habits die hard," she joked, "besides, even if I can't do magic there's other ways one friend can help another."

Stefan nodded nobly, "Okay." She could tell he had more to say, something on his mind, but there wasn't time for that right now.

He leaned in slowly to kiss her sweetly on the forehead. Her eyelashes fluttered in astonishment and her cheeks reddened.

And then she remembered who she was, who he was, and where they were. None of this was right. Stefan was Elena's boyfriend. She pinched herself discretely. It hurt. So she wasn't dreaming then.



"Are you in love with Elena?"

It seemed a reasonable question to her. However Stefan's brow creased in confusion, and maybe even worry. "What are you talking about, Bonnie? Of course not. You know I love you."

She nearly choked on her own tongue. "Okay," she stammered. "Are we a…couple?"

Stefan looked at her carefully. Had she hit her head or something? "Yes, Bonnie. What th-"

"I have to go," she interrupted, "I need to speak to Elena. I'll see you later."

She scurried away in what she hoped was the direction Damon had gone in, leaving Stefan dumbfounded and frozen to the spot.

Thanks for reading, please do review xxx