Disclaimer: I don't own Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z! or any of its characters in these three one-shots. If I did, I would've let RRBZxPPGZ be canon and fill the anime/manga with so much of RRBZxPPGZ that it would be suffocating and just fangirl/fanboy-worthy for all fellow fangirls and fanboys out there of these pairings.

Anime/Manga: Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z!
Overall Title: Love, Hatred, and Indifference
One-Shot Title: GREEN: The Meaning of Indifference
Genres: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Humor
Rating: T for Teens (13+)
Overall Pairings: RRBZ x PPGZ
One-Shot Pairing: Butch x Kaoru / Buttercup

Love, Hatred, and Indifference
Three One-Shots: RRBZ x PPGZ

GREEN: The Meaning of Indifference

A black-haired teenager around the age of sixteen sighed bitterly as she stared out the window of her bedroom. Her light green eyes stared boringly at the birds that were perched on tree branches just outside her window. The two birds were chirping happily, and from the looks of it, the teenager could see of how they weren't siblings, but instead friends—or perhaps even more than that. A frown formed upon her face before she let out yet another bitter sigh for the umpteenth time that day.

It was as though everything was taunting her—no, mocking her.

She scowled as the birds began to scoot even closer to one another. Just as she was about to open the window to shoo them away, a loud motor from a nearby motorcycle scared the two birds off instead. The teenager rolled her eyes before closing the curtains of her window and going over to her bed to lie down. Her light green eyes stared at her ceiling for a while before she groaned, turned to her side, and scoffed.

Today was just not her day.

She shouldn't be bothered by it at all, though. Normally, she doesn't really care. The teenager wasn't grounded, but she just forced herself shut inside her room to allow her to contemplate on what just happened—both today and the entire week so far.

Momoko and Miyako, her two childhood friends, were annoying her over the phone to get a boyfriend already. Because the two both had one—both of their boyfriends were ironically brothers—they thought that because they had a third brother, she should try hanging out and getting together with him instead. The black haired teenager just found that utterly weird and abnormal, so she just declined the offer when they brought it up the first time…except that they brought it up over and over to the point of where the black haired teenager was so annoyed with their persistence that she gave in.

So on Monday, the teenager met the third brother. She was told by her two childhood friends that he had black hair, pale skin, and dark green eyes. The black haired teenager replied jokingly if he was some sort of vampire, but the two childhood friends merely giggled and replied that he wasn't. Instead, they said that because he was now the only single brother of the group, he attracted a lot of attention from the female population. When the black haired teenager raised her eyebrow at this, Momoko responded that it was necessary for her to know in advance, so that way, she could try to get to him before other girls would. Afterward, the black haired teenager rolled her light green eyes in response.

She was supposed to meet him at the park—somewhere on a bench near the large fountain of water that people would always swarm around. When she arrived there, she found a man there, around the age of seventeen or eighteen. Because he had black hair, pale skin, and dark green eyes, she assumed it was him, so she walked over to the man.

When he noticed her presence, he glanced at her from the corner of his piercing eyes. His eyes briefly scanned her, from the top of her body and all the way down before staring back at her face. He made no response other than continuing to stare at her.

The black haired teenager stared back at him with her light green eyes as she frowned. "You Butch?"

"And you're Kaoru?" he replied, raising an eyebrow.

The black haired teenager known as Kaoru nodded in response.

The man known as Butch, on the other hand, continued to stare at her.

Kaoru frowned before narrowing her eyes. "What?"

"Nothing," Butch replied before he stood up and nodded his head in the other direction, indicating that he wanted her to follow him.

Kaoru continued to frown, but she followed him, anyway.

Months then passed, and the two had grown closer in their relationship, except that the two seemingly showed no interest in the other person at all. Kaoru knew that Momoko and Miyako realized this right away. Although Miyako understood the situation, Momoko was insisting that Kaoru should get together with Butch already. Kaoru would respond that they're already friends, but she had no interest in getting together with Butch.

But that was a lie. Kaoru knew better than to lie, especially to Momoko and Miyako, but she did it, anyway.

At this thought, the tomboy couldn't help but throw her pillow toward the ceiling, only to have it fall back on her face. She expected that to happen, but she didn't care. She wasn't supposed to care, for crying out loud. They were just friends, and she knew that. He didn't care about her, and she didn't care about him. It was a weird relationship, but it worked out, nonetheless. Even though they hung out together most of the time, it was how their relationship worked. If Kaoru somehow did something clumsy, then Butch would laugh his ass off; if Butch utterly failed at something, then Kaoru would snicker at him before calling him a total moron. The insults they threw at each other, and the profanity they used—that was how their relationship worked.

Besides, the only reason that Kaoru didn't want to advance was because she was already content with their relationship as it is. She was never the girl to be affectionate like Momoko and Miyako. The tomboy never thought of affection as something necessary to be expressed. Just knowing it alone made much more sense to her. If her relationship with Butch did advance, then what would happen to how they were before? It would poof into thin air, as though it were nothing, and before she'd know it, they'd be acting like two different people—both her and Butch.

Kaoru growled underneath her breath before stomping out of her room and leaving the house angrily. She scowled upon remembering what she saw earlier this week: a girl with Butch. It wasn't just any girl. It was a very feminine female. She wasn't overdressed to the point of where her clothes seemed provocative, but she was dressed like Miyako. In fact, she was dressed a lot better than Miyako. If anything, she was prettier than Miyako, and that was saying something. She was holding onto Butch's arm the entire time, smiling and laughing as she lay her head on Butch's shoulder. Hell, she was even the perfect height for him. What annoyed her even more was the fact that Butch was smiling. Out of all the things she saw, Kaoru never once witnessed a smile on his face—only a grin, if he was amused, or a blank face, which was actually most of the time.

The tomboy growled even more at the memory. She shouldn't care about this at all. She shouldn't care about Butch at all. In fact, this shouldn't even be on her very mind, but it was eating her away, anyway. She knew the reason why. She just didn't want to admit it.

Kaoru only realized this because at the time, she was with Natsuki to head towards their school's soccer field for another challenge between the two. In the middle of their match, Natsuki mentioned of how off Kaoru's game seemed; he knew her well enough to know that something was on her mind. When Natsuki brought up Butch and what they saw, Kaoru flinched. Before the tomboy knew it, Natsuki confessed to her—angrily. Her eyes went wide, and he was narrowing his eyes at her.

"Out of all the guys you fell for, it's him?!" he yelled. "That guy doesn't give one damn about you! He's off with some other girl, isn't he?!"

Kaoru narrowed her eyes. "Shut up, Natsuki. You don't know what the hell—"

"He knows, doesn't he?!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

Natsuki glared even more at the tomboy. "I'm talking about your feelings for him!"

"I don't have any feelings for that guy! We're only friends!"

"Just tell him and get it over with, already!"

"Okay, now you're just sputtering nonsense! I told you already that I don't like him! Why the hell are you so insistent—"

"Because I like you, Kaoru! I liked you for all these damn years, but for God's sake, I'm getting sick of being friend-zoned by you every single time when that guy comes around!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

Natsuki narrowed his eyes at her even more before lowering his voice. "Whenever he comes around, you look a lot happier than when you're with me."

Kaoru blinked a couple of times at Natsuki, not knowing how to respond. Before she knew it, the brunet scoffed and left her all alone on the soccer field.

At this memory, Kaoru groaned. She finally calmed down because she was now walking around the streets of Tokyo City. The honking cars and swarms of people somehow made her lose her train of thought and her anger. When Kaoru went to confront Natsuki about his feelings for her, the brunet responded that he knew that he would always be friend-zoned by her. Afterward, he stated that he needed some time away from her, and before the tomboy knew it, their friendship ended right then and there. They became distant, and Kaoru merely frowned at this entire ordeal because she knew that if she did the same with Butch, the same thing that happened with her and Natsuki would happen with her and Butch.

She wasn't supposed to care, for God's sake. They're just friends that could care less what would happen with the other. If one got hurt, the other would laugh and mock them. Whether or not they'd help completely depended if the one laughing was in the mood for it.

They were just friends. She's supposed to keep it that way. Hell, she shouldn't care. The point of their friendship was indifference towards the other person's feelings because quite frankly, that's how their relationship worked, damn it! Most people wouldn't even maintain a relationship like this because of the fact that it was too much of a roller coaster; it was too complicated and confusing for two people to even involve themselves like this, especially if they were of the opposite genders.

Oh, but Kaoru and Butch were different. The only way to make this relationship work was though apathy, and if that didn't work, then the constant insulting, teasing, mocking, etc. definitely worked to help their friendship.

The tomboy doesn't even know how she started having feelings for Butch. But then again, she saw that there was no point to having feelings for him, anyway. He was more into girls that were similar to Miyako, or sometimes, a mixture of both Miyako and Momoko. Kaoru was the opposite of the two, for crying out loud.

But then again, she was the only one that understood his sense of humor, even when their insults were thrown at one another. Any other girl that would do something like that would just rage, throw a tantrum, and leave before coming back the next day because she was worried about Butch, or she would end up crying and coming back the next day before apologizing and accepting forgiveness. Kaoru, though? She would just laugh her ass off before jokingly calling Butch one hell of a jackass.

Kaoru growled under her breath. When she saw from a distance that Butch was with that same girl from before, she felt a lump in her throat. The tomboy frowned. Sure, she knew she wasn't as attractive as Miyako, and she wasn't as hyperactive as Momoko. Those two could easily lure people in with their personalities, but with Kaoru? She'd most likely scare them away, unless she would purposely grin at them. But at the same time, she refused to change herself. If she was going to fall for a guy, he had to accept all of her. There was no way in hell she was gonna change herself for someone else. She did that already with Narushima, and the boy ended up being a wimp, for crying out loud. The tomboy was glad that she dumped him after the first date.

Butch was different from other boys that she knew. For instance, he was the first boy that she ever met who just didn't give a damn about what others thought about him. He was also the first boy that she ever met to be a total playboy. Whenever the two hung out and Butch spotted an attractive female, he would always say to Kaoru that he'd be right back before flirting with the girl that piqued his interest. Kaoru didn't mind because she would always roll her eyes and say she didn't really care, but lately, she began to notice that she'd feel a small pang in her chest whenever he'd do something like that.

Kaoru knew that she fell for Butch, but the chance of them being together? It was never gonna happen, especially with that beautiful brunette with Butch. As the tomboy stared at the two from a distance and watched of how the brunette was happily giggling while Butch was smiling, her chest felt another pang. Butch never smiled at her, and yet, here he was, easily throwing one towards this brunette.

Kaoru sighed bitterly. She felt like running back home and curling herself up under her blanket. It was unlike of her to do something like that, but hell, lately, that's all she's felt like doing nowadays. Butch was a playboy that didn't give a damn about anyone but himself (and his brothers, of course). If that was the case, what did that mean about the brunette? Is she just another fling, or is he actually taking her seriously? Judging by Butch's smile, Kaoru couldn't help but think that it was the latter.

Another bitter sigh escaped from her lips. Lately, her sighs were the only way to cope with these new profound feelings instead of unleashing the waterworks.

"Butch, you're so sweet."

"Not as sweet as you," he replied before whispering, "And it's not just your personality I'm referring to."

The brunette giggled before hugging his arm even tighter. Her cheeks were entirely pink, and a smile adorned her face. Hell, it was obvious that she was one of the most beautiful girls he ever went out on a date with. Her personality wasn't that bad, either. He had his fair share of annoying girls; he even had ones that were really stuck up and bratty.

There was one factor that irked him about this relationship, though: his personality. At least, his personality towards this brunette—and every other girl he was in a relationship with that came before her. Naturally, they all came to him because of how apathetic he was towards almost everything. At one point, though, they would always cry because they could never get through that apathy to get him to care about them. Thus, Butch had to sometimes force himself to start saying sweet lines to the girls, but remain apathetic to them as much as possible.

Honestly, it made him sick. As much as he enjoyed flirting with these females, the minute they started to become serious and even go to the extent of crying, Butch had a choice: dump their ass or put on a facade. He only went with the latter if he was interested enough in the girl to actually do it, such as with this brunette he's with right now. Otherwise, he would've bluntly dumped them, and he wouldn't give a damn if they did cry, anyway. That's how he always is, though, so even if he did lose a girlfriend, it just didn't matter enough to him to start caring. All of his ex-girlfriends were a pain in the ass to deal with; hell, even his current one is one as well.

"Butch, you love me, right?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Butch nonchalantly replied as he stared at a skateboard through the window of a shop they were just about to pass.

"So you don't care about me?"

Butch quickly turned his head to the brunette, only to find that her face was utterly hurt. Now he had a choice: dump her, or use that facade of his. He glanced back towards the skateboard, thinking about how Kaoru would love it. Her previous one broke—courtesy of Butch because he went too far with it one day—and this one he just found looked exactly like it. His dark green eyes traveled back to the beautiful brunette, letting himself stare boringly at her. At first, their dates were fun and interesting, but afterward, he got bored of her and their dates.

It wasn't like with Kaoru. With her, Butch could be his true self without having to show that damn "affectionate" facade that girls were always so hung up over when it came to relationships. He could be an asshole towards her, and she would just be a total bitch back. It was how their relationship worked, and that's how he enjoyed it. If anything, the tomboy was the only girl he could think of that wasn't as annoying—or boring, for that matter—as his ex-girlfriends and his current one.


Butch turned his head back at her after staring at the skateboard for some amount of time. He frowned, and at once, his true apathetic character came into view while he stared at the brunette. "Whatever."


Butch pulled his arm away before walking towards the skateboard shop.


"We're over," he interrupted before turning his head at her. He watched of how the brunette had tears in her eyes, and just as she was about to say something, he added, "You may be pretty, but you're one hell of a boring woman." When he saw of how she was now crying, he shrugged it off and went into the store, not even bothering to look back at the beautiful brunette that was now running off into the distance. All that went through his mind right now was buying that skateboard for Kaoru. He may be an apathetic dude that doesn't give a damn about what others think, but the least he could do was find a replacement for breaking the tomboy's skateboard.

Time had passed, and Kaoru found herself sitting at the same bench when she met Butch. She continued to stare at the fountain, wondering if it too was mocking her. All of a sudden, she felt her cell phone vibrate. Taking it out of her pocket and looking at the caller ID, she rolled her eyes and answered the phone. "What do you want, jackass?"

"That's one hell of a way to respond, you ungrateful bitch."

Kaoru rolled her eyes. "Shouldn't the king of all assholes be with his girlfriend instead of calling me?"

"You sure suck at insulting me today. Normally, you'd respond a hell of a lot harsher than that."

"I don't give a damn. Now, what the hell do you want, you jackass?"

"Oh, so I'm guessing that the bitch doesn't want what I got for her, then?"

Kaoru raised an eyebrow, even though she was aware that he couldn't see. "What the hell—"

"Just turn around before I make you."

The tomboy turned around to find that there was Butch, who was standing right behind her. He then held up a replica of her skateboard, and at this, she couldn't help but break out into a large smile. At once, she grabbed the skateboard and hugged it tightly against her chest before turning to Butch.

"No need to thank me," he replied before breaking out into a grin. "I did it because I broke your old skateboard. Figured you'd love this one."

"Hell yes, I do! How did you find one like it, anyway?! Its design isn't even in stores now!"

"I got lucky," Butch replied, grinning still. "Found it in a skateboard shop that my ex and I passed by."


"I dumped my girlfriend," Butch replied as he rolled his eyes, letting his true character as an apathetic person surface.

Kaoru frowned. "But I thought…"

"Thought what?" At this point, Butch was raising a calm eyebrow at her.

The tomboy hesitated. She didn't want to let him know about her feelings towards him, so she stated, "I thought that you were serious about her."

Butch scoffed before grinning. "The girl was good-looking, but she was boring. I admit that she interested me, but keeping up that stupid facade is annoying."

"Facade?" Kaoru asked out loud, even though she didn't mean to. Now she was really confused. She thought all this time that he was serious about the brunette, only to find that he was never serious with her in the first place. That, of course, meant that the discovery about her feelings for him was pretty much pointless. Nothing was going to change, even if he dumped that brunette. They would continue the same routine and have fun with each other, but their relationship would never change. Kaoru knew that, and at this thought, she couldn't help but frown.

"Kaoru? Hey, Kaoru. Hello? Little Miss Bitch gonna respond or what?"

"Shut up, you asshole," Kaoru replied, narrowing her eyes as she broke out from her train of thoughts. She held her skateboard even more tightly towards her chest. The fact that he bought it just for her somehow gave her that warm feeling inside, but she reminded herself that she shouldn't care. Their relationship should remain like this, no matter what.

Butch chuckled before breaking out into a grin. "She responded. I thought that you zoned out on me like that clueless redhead friend of yours."

Kaoru rolled her eyes, but she stayed silent before staring at Butch.

Butch, on the other hand, stared right back, having that apathetic look on his face once more. "What? Something on my face?"

"I'm just wondering why you broke up with that girl."

Butch shrugged. "I told you already. She was good-looking, but her personality was way too mundane for me. The first date was okay, but everything after that was a complete bore."

"What about that facade you mentioned?"

"Girls like it when apathetic guys show them their sweet side. I either dump them once the waterworks come, or I show them that facade I mentioned. Why are you even asking, anyway?"

"No reason," Kaoru replied before breaking out into a smile. "Thanks for buying me the skateboard. I really appreciate it."

At this, Butch couldn't help but stare. "Who are you, and what the hell have you done with Kaoru?"

Kaoru laughed at this in response.

"Wait a minute… Don't tell me Little Miss Bitch is actually taking an interest in me now." At this comment, Butch couldn't help but grin at the tomboy. He meant it jokingly, of course, but when he saw for the first time that a blush appeared on her face, the grin slowly dissipated from his face. From all of the time he knew her, he never once saw the tomboy blush. Sure, he had seen her smile at least once, and that caught him off guard the first time, but this blush threw him off guard even more than her smile.

"Like I would be interested in you, asshole," Kaoru replied, rolling her eyes as she placed her skateboard down on the ground.

Butch began to take note of other features about her, but what he couldn't help but stare at was her face. Even now, she was still blushing. He blinked before calmly stating, "Holy shit, you really do like me."

"No, I don't," Kaoru replied, narrowing her eyes.

"I know that blush from anywhere. I've seen it on my ex-girlfriends—"

"Yeah, well, I'm not them, okay? So don't you dare compare me to them."

Butch continued to stare at Kaoru, who was now no longer blushing, but glaring at him instead. He watched her facial expressions, especially when she scoffed, and just as she was about to skate away, he held onto her wrist. He was already content with their relationship as it is, but he knew her better than that. That kind of blush he saw—it wasn't something out of embarrassment. He knew the tomboy much better than that. That's why he needed to make sure.

"Do you like me?" he asked, staring at her. His face was completely blank as he stared at the tomboy.

Kaoru stared back before stating, "So what if I do? It wouldn't matter, anyway, because you'll find some other pretty girl to be your girlfriend."

He couldn't help but stare blankly. The one girl that he could actually hang out without having to put up that stupid facade ended up having feelings for him. He honestly didn't know how else to react, so he just continued staring at her, letting his apathetic personality take place.

Kaoru sighed. "Just forget what I said, all right? I don't want things to be awkward between the two of us. Anyway, I'm gonna head home now." The tomboy then got on her skateboard, and just as she was about to skate away, Butch pulled her back, letting her fall into his arms as a small yelp escaped from her lips.

"The bitch shouldn't leave until we sort things out," Butch replied as he looked down at her.

"The asshole should let me go before his ass will get kicked," Kaoru replied back, frowning.

At once, Butch did—only to let Kaoru fall flat on her bottom. He snickered as the tomboy glared at him. This was another reason why he loved hanging out with her. If he did this with any of his previous girlfriends, they would've cried, and they sure as hell wouldn't react like Kaoru.

"You freaking jackass!" Kaoru yelled.

"Back at you, bitch," Butch replied, grinning.

"Shut up," she growled.

"Never. The bitch should be happy that she got a skateboard courtesy of the asshole, yes?"

"Oh, shut the hell up already!"

Butch let out another chuckle before he then suddenly asked, "So, have your friends been bothering you?"


"Getting together with me."

Kaoru narrowed her eyes while raising an eyebrow.

"You know, my brothers have been bothering me as well," he stated as he walked closer to her. "They've been saying that the two of us should get together already."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Kaoru replied harshly.

Butch shrugged. "Just thought that maybe they're right—that maybe we should give each other a chance."

Kaoru widened her eyes at this before backing away.

At this, Butch couldn't help but frown. As much as he hated to admit it, although he didn't care about anything, he found himself caring about one more thing: Kaoru. If she were to reject him now, their relationship would never be the same. There would always be that awkward tension. As much as Butch hated to admit it, he'd actually care if she was gone. After all, she was one of the few people he could unleash his inner self as an apathetic asshole, and somehow, they got along that way.

"I don't know," Kaoru replied softly. "My friendship with Natsuki just pretty much ended earlier this week."

"Why's that?"

Kaoru hesitated. "He confessed to me that he liked me. He mentioned that I seemed happier with you than when I was with him, even though…you know." The tomboy shrugged, knowing fully well that Butch got the message, so she continued, "Anyway, we got into a bit of an argument. Afterward, when I tried to talk to him about it, he would just avoid me… Now, our friendship is pretty much over."

"I don't see why that's the reason you're hesitating."

"On what?"

"Us being together. I don't mind that idea."

Kaoru widened her eyes. "How?! Don't you get it?! If we're in a relationship, we won't be the same ever again!"

Butch shrugged. "So?"

"'So?!' What do you mean by 'so?!' I don't want this relationship to change, damn it!" Kaoru sighed, biting her lip slightly before stating softly, "I just don't want our friendship to change into something so different that we won't recognize each other anymore. I…I like our friendship the way it is already. Our bickering, our insults… I just don't want it to change."

"Who said it won't?"

Kaoru looked at Butch dumbfounded. "We'll be a couple."

Butch shrugged.

"How does this not bother you?!"

"Because I don't see any point stressing over it."

At this comment, Kaoru couldn't help but shut up and stay silent.

Butch stared at the tomboy some more before asking, "How did you start liking me, anyway?"

The tomboy shrugged. "I don't know. I shouldn't even be caring about this, anyway—"

"Why not?"

"Because our relationship has always been full of apathy, insults, mockery—"

"So, you're saying you don't want to give us a chance? I mean, bitch, I gave you a skateboard, so you may as well give me a chance," Butch stated, letting a grin show on his face at the last sentence.

Kaoru's eyes widened. "But—"

"If you don't give me a chance, I will make you, and trust me, you don't want to see my flirtatious side."

"I've already seen it, asshole," Kaoru replied as she glared at him.

"Towards others, but not you," Butch whispered before smirking. He then grinned before adding, "I'm actually interested in making you blush again, you know."

Kaoru narrowed her eyes at him. "If I agree, will you shut up and let me go home?"

Butch nodded while grinning.

Kaoru sighed. "Fine."

"Say it like you mean it because I know that you have feelings for me."

Kaoru hesitated, feeling uncomfortable under Butch's gaze. "I'll…go out with you." At once, she added quickly, "But this doesn't mean anything, so don't get any smart ideas!"

Butch stared at her once more, watching of how Kaoru's cheeks went from pink to red in mere moments. He smirked and added, "I'm definitely gonna enjoy going out with you."

"You're not supposed to care, you asshole!"

"Oh, but I'm already caring, you damn bitch."


"Once a bitch, always a bitch."

Kaoru glared at him before skateboarding away.

Once she was finally in the distance, Butch yelled, "I'll pick you up tomorrow at your place at around eleven!" He wasn't sure if Kaoru flinched or not, but once hearing her angry reply with her long string of insults and curses, he couldn't help but grin.

After all, he enjoyed being with the tomboy for a reason.

Ever since that day, the two were happy with each other—other than Kaoru's annoyance at Butch's apathy, or her annoyance with his sudden flirtatious lines. She was sure that it was a way for her to feel flustered, and unfortunately for her, Butch's plan definitely succeeded. Kaoru's friends, Momoko and Miyako, and Butch's brothers, Brick and Boomer, were happy upon hearing this set of news.

Of course, their status as a couple never stopped their insults and mockery.

"Fuck you, you damn bastard."

"Bitch, if you're the one that's doing it, I don't mind."


"Love you too, you freaking bitch."

And it's only afterward that Kaoru would unleash a string of curses and insults at Butch, who would only annoy her even more with his apathy. Most people would find this relationship to be rather weird, but for these two, it worked just perfectly for them—until Butch's sexual advances went too far.

"What the hell?! Did you just—"

"Grope you? Hell yeah, I did. I was just trying to get a feel of my girlfriend's ass, that's all."

"You asshole! I should kick your ass!"

In the end, though, the both of them knew that they were a perfect match for each other. He was the apathetic dude, and she was the hot-tempered tomboy. Somehow, their chemistry worked for each other because after all, Kaoru was the only girl that Butch wanted to keep around for a very long time.