After the party, life started to resemble normalcy.

Kurt went to physio every morning for the next two weeks - for less and less time until he was strong enough to not need it anymore. He was pretty much back to before the pregnancy, and he was immensely proud of himself.

But normalcy was hard, to say the least.

There were the constant explanations to people as to where Madeline came from - they often resorted to adoption or surrogacy if they didn't know the person well enough.

Blaine finished his course and went to work - a full time job that paid well, and soon they were able to afford a proper house, rather than their tiny town house - and they lived comfortably. Kurt continued with his course - albeit more slowly, but he knew he wasn't even going to attempt to find a job until Madeline was in school.

In such a short time, their life had been thrown into turmoil, and they knew it would never be the same. Not with Madeline. But it wasn't bad turmoil.

Burt and Carole did all they could - they babysat when the boys really needed it - when they needed to be alone, when life was stressing them out.

Fortunately, Madeline was a lovely baby - she learned to sleep through the nights quite quickly and only had off days rarely – and she was generally quite easily settled when she did get upset.

They were a little family, and it was perfect for them.


There were, of course, dramas. Kurt and Blaine often fought about trivial things. They hadn't gotten married, and they didn't really want to. It meant more expenses, and even though Blaine was working, they weren't millionaires.

Some weekends they did get mad – sometimes Blaine would find himself sleeping on the couch, or vice versa, but it was mostly stress that caused their fights. They often got over them quite quickly, and would generally apologise first thing in the morning, or halfway through the night.

Madeline always hated it when they yelled – and she grew to hate it more and more as she got older. Her birthdays were always celebrated with flourish, and Kurt and Blaine constantly reminded her how special she was.

Sadly, she was a little too young to really know how special she was.

Fortunately, that conversation didn't rise when she was young – Kurt and Blaine knew it would be hard to explain, and they hadn't really figured out how to tell her yet.

So she grew up happy and safe – times were changing and people were more accepting, and when they all met her Kindy teacher for the first time, a couple of weeks before it started, the woman hadn't even batted an eyelash when Madeline told her that she had two daddies.


"I can't believe it's your first day of school!" Blaine said happily, and Madeline giggled, standing up on her bed.

Blaine scooped her up, spinning around her room as Kurt watched them from the doorway.

"Daddy, down!" she scolded happily, and Blaine obeyed, setting her on her feet and kissing her cheek.

She blushed, running to Kurt and hugging him around the waist.

"Are you both taking me to school?" she asked excitedly. Blaine laughed.

"Yes we are! I got the morning off work just so I could go too!"

Madeline squealed, letting go of Kurt and hugging Blaine instead.

"When can we go?" she asked excitedly, bouncing.

"We can go as soon as I do your hair, and you put shoes on." Kurt told her, and Madeline nodded, running to grab her hairbrush and skipping back.

"How do you want your hair up?" Kurt asked her, running the hairbrush gently through her curls.

"Um...In pig-tails!" Madeline decided, standing still as Kurt quickly fixed her hair, knowing that she wouldn't be able to stay still for too long.

When Kurt finished, Madeline ran to check in the mirror, grinning happily as she bounced back into her room.

"Thank you daddy!" he cried as she grabbed her shoes, sitting on her bed to put them on.

"Daddy, can you do my laces up?" she asked innocently, tilting her head to the side.

Blaine laughed, dropping a kiss on her forehead.

"Of course sweetheart."


They made it to her school without incident, and Madeline chattered excitedly as Kurt helped her out of the car. She took both of their hands as they led her into the school, and as soon as she saw all of the people – students, teachers and parents – her talking slowed, and her grip on their hands tightened.

"You okay Maddy?" Blaine asked, kneeling down to her height. Madeline threw her arms around his neck, clinging tightly.

"There's so many people." She whispered.

"It's a bit scary isn't it?" Kurt asked, patting her back as Blaine stood up, Madeline still clinging to him.

She nodded into Blaine's neck, arms tightening.

"How about we go meet your teacher?"

Madeline looked up at Kurt curiously.

"Miss Ritchie?"

"Yup!" Kurt said. "And Grace will be there."


Kurt nodded, steering Blaine through the school until they were outside her classroom.

"We're here." Blaine said softly. "Do you want to hop down?"

Madeline clung closer for a second or two before letting go.

"Okay." She whispered, and Blaine set her down gently.


"Yup." She nodded, grabbing Kurt's hand again.

"Come on then." Blaine said gently.

"Hi Madeline!" Miss Ritchie greeted as they came through the door. "Are you ready?"

Madeline shrunk into Kurt's side, eyes taking in every detail, and nodding shyly.

"Your parents can stay for another ten minutes, just long enough to get you set up, and then they have to go."

Madeline nodded again, and Miss Ritchie grinned at her.

"You can sit anywhere you'd like." She told her, "Anywhere that isn't already claimed, just come and ask me if you have any problems, okay?"

Madeline nodded again, slightly more eagerly, and moved away from Kurt's side, studying the desks.

"I want to sit over there." She told them, pointing. "Next to the window."

Blaine grinned. "Okay. Go claim it."

Madeline grinned up at him, skipping through the classroom to the desk she'd pointed out.

Kurt and Blaine followed slightly more slowly, and by the time they reached her side, she was already chatting happily to the girl at the desk next to her.

Kurt smiled, unpacking her bag into her desk and grinning at Blaine.

"Alright then Maddy." He interrupted a few minutes later. "We have to go now, but I'll be back to pick you up when school finishes. Have a good day!"

"Bye daddy!" she said happily, hugging them both before sitting back down, turning back to the girl at her side.

"I think she's made a new friend." Blaine whispered to Kurt as they left.

Kurt didn't respond, looking absently at a women carrying a baby – probably the younger sibling of one of Madeline's classmates.

"Kurt?" Blaine asked, reaching for his hand and linking their fingers together.


"What were you looking at?"

"Oh... Nothing."

They kept walking in a comfortable silence, then Kurt spoke again.



"I want to have another baby."

A/N: The End :) There is a sequel. You can currently find it in 'A Collection of Klaine', under the name 'Uterus Kurt' (It's a working title, shut up :P). Once it gets it's own story, it will go down from 'A Collection of Klaine', so just a warning to anyone reading this and not able to find it in the huge chapter story.