Chapter 18

Embry's jaw tightened and he looked at me sternly.

"Please," I pleaded.

He sighed. "I can't say no to you."

I did a little squeal and hugged him. Just then Sam and Jacob walked into the room.

"So you're going to go on a hunt for a bloodsucker." Jacob smirked.

"Jake." Embry sounded a tad bit frustrated.

"How long are you staying in town?" Embry changed the topic.

"Not long. About a week." Jake replied.

"Then you're going back to the Cullens'?" Embry asked.

"The Cullens'?" I was completely confused.

"This family of vampires. Jake imprinted on their half human half vampire daughter." Embry answered nonchalantly.

"Do you think they'll know where my dad is?" I looked back and forth between Embry and Jake. Jake sighed.

"I'll call and see what I can find out." Jake breathed out before walking out of the room to go call someone.

"So we're really going to do this?" I squeaked and smiled.

"Yeah." Embry smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Have you both lost your minds?!" Sam yelled angry and shocked. "You're going to search for the leech that could've killed your imprint?!" The last part was intended for Embry.

"Sam, it's her father." Embry stood up and walked over to him.

"He stopped being her father, the second he became what he is."

I can't believe Sam just said that. I sat there with my mouth hanging open. I wanted nothing more than to get up and cuss the fucking hell out of him but I stayed quiet for Embry's sake.

"She deserves to see him at least one last time." Embry argued. Just then Jacob walked back in.

"I just got off the phone with Carlisle," Jacob began. "He said you could come up to Canada and they'd help you find your dad."

I could die from happiness.

"When can we leave?" I smiled.

"You have less than month of school left." Embry's parental nature was starting to kick in.

"I'm ahead in credits and I'm already exempted from finals. It wouldn't be a big deal if I got out a little early."

"Do you really think you're parents are going to let you just leave for Canada?" Embry interrogated.

"They will if I'm going with you to visit family." I smiled devilishly at Embry.


"So you're having a family reunion in Canada?" My mom asked Embry as me, her, him and my step dad were sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Yeah, and then we were planning on staying there a few weeks to site see and stuff like that." Embry coughed a little at the end. He is such a terrible liar. You'd think he's good at since he has the whole wolf secret thing to keep.

"I don't see any harm in letting Hadley go." My step dad spoke up.

"You deserve to have a little adventure." My mom smiled. "When are you guys leaving?"

"This Friday." I said before Embry could say anything.