Sorry that it's been 6 months since the last update…

Today is a snow day for me so I can update for once!

Don't expect another update for a while, finals are coming up. (Ugh!)

Anyways, as always, enjoy the story!

Cammie POV

I cautiously opened the door to find Annabeth straightening her side of the room. Annabeth's hair was thrown back in a messy braid, with several strands falling out of the misshapen attempt at a French braid.

She stopped cleaning long enough to notice that I had returned. Annabeth didn't appear to say anything to me, as she was mumbling under her breath, this time in English. It was something about how she told me too much too quickly, and that it would be easier just to dip me in some river then to try to fix this mess.

Annabeth then turned sharply and looked at me. "What?" She asked me suddenly. "I know what I look like right now. Where have you been?"

I tried not to act scared as I thought of a response. "I was with my mother."

Annabeth visibly calmed down for a bit, but I had to continue. Even if she thought she should keep secrets from me, I was still going to tell her. "She plans on expelling you."

Even though she was calm a minute before, Annabeth was on the brink of insanity again. "What? Expulsion? Why hasn't she told me?"

I tried to calm her down, but seeing Annabeth like that, so raw, so powerful, I could do nothing but stutter. "She- she thinks you failed your language final."

Annabeth laughed, a laugh that wasn't pleasant. I could tell she was trying to restrain herself- she wasn't usually like this. "Me, fail a language final? Out of all things to 'fail' me in, who would choose that?"

Her words were getting to me. It was hard to stay calm, when this half-divine being was standing in front of me, seething with rage, and yet she was peaceful. She was rational. She was wisdom incarnate.

I watched as Annabeth composed herself once again, turning into this surreal essence. Annabeth left the room with her head held high, her hair in place, and a slight smirk on her face.

There was nothing left that I could do, so I laid down on my bed, and slept.

Of course, things weren't peaceful in my head.

It was a typical day at Gallagher. Everywhere I looked, there were girls, girls smiling and laughing. Conversations about every single thing imaginable were taking place, from fashion to fascists. I myself was with a group of girls, 2 I did know, and 1 I didn't recognize. Bex and Liz were chatting with this girl, like they trusted and knew her.

Bex turned to me, and introduced the new girl. "This is Macy," Bex started, "and we can trust her, right?"

Both Bex and Liz stared at me, their eyes, tinted gold, staring into my soul. "We can't trust you anymore, Cameron. Why did you leave us?" At this point, their frowns were fake, their true emotions were of anger, of indifference. I realized that these weren't Bex and Liz, these were the demons possessing them. All of a sudden, smoke came out of their mouths, and the two girls fell down to the ground.

I tried to pick them up, but they weighed heavier then I remembered. I glanced up desperately at Macy, but she looked as confused as I was. "Don't look at me," she stammered, "I'm not supposed to be here."

The girl disappeared, leaving me with two unconscious possibly still possessed teenage girls all by myself. I looked around desperately, but all of the girls smirked and jeered. Their eyes were glowing, some were transforming into creatures I didn't recognize. They all glared at me, wicked smiles on their faces. One had the nerve to speak: "Join us, dear Cameron. We won't abandon you like your dear friend Annabeth. Trust us."

The others joined in, chanting, moaning, shouting, screaming, "Join us! Join us! JOIN US!"

I couldn't get away. Bex's body began to stir. When she opened her eyes, she spotted me and screamed. "Cammie! Why? Why would you leave us in there, with them?"

Liz finally awoke as well, but she stayed silent, only looking at me from time to time. When they both regained their energy, Bex and Liz slowly stood up.

Bex attacked me, or tried to at least. She was still so weak that I managed to get away in time. I tried to escape the mob of demonic entities, but they pushed me back done again.

It was Liz's turn, and she wasn't happy. Liz clenched and unclenched her fists, glaring at me.

Finally, she spoke.

"Cameron Morgen. You of all people should know what it's like, to be left alone, to feel the mistrust. Yet you still put others through it?"

I nodded my head in shame, and I didn't dare say anything. Her words hurt, they hurt more than any punch, kick, or stab could. Liz continued, accenting every word with her sharp tongue.

"You betrayed us, Cammie. How could you?"

The others took her words and began to chant. "How could you, Cammie? How could you let her in? Why? Why, Cammie?"

They began to close in on me. I fell to the ground, overcome with emotions.

"How. Could. You?"

I woke up screaming.

There you have it, folks. I apologize for not updating sooner. Please forgive me
