Hey guys I have another fan fic it's a bleach familiar of zero crossover look it up also here you go oh also vote at my poll for favourite character if you don't know their names check out their book or manga it's in the title

"Prim!" the cry comes out of Katniss mouth snapping Edwards out of his own past memories. Katniss runs towards the girl before she makes it to the stage, the crowd parting as she does so, she grabs Prim and shoves her behind her back "I volunteer, I volunteer as tribute" Ed notices the confusion apparently there are very few volunteers in this place he notes. "Lovely" the pink haired weirdo speaks "but I believe there is a small matter of introducing the reaping winner and then asking for volunteers and if one does come forth then we, um… " She trails off unsure. Ed is angry at this, them trying to be all official, it's just a girl trying to save her family 'just let here volunteer what difference does it make' Ed seethes though careful not to look angry, he doesn't want people to see him as out of place, not yet.

At this time the mayor speaks up "what does it matter ?" he seems to know Katniss from the way he's looking at her "let her come forward" Katniss sister is screaming frantically trying to keep her from going "no, Katniss! No! You can't go!" Katniss tells her harshly to let go, The boy from earlier comes and grabs Prim letting Katniss take her place "well bravo" the weirdo applauses Katniss much to the disapproval of Ed, and everyone else "that's the spirit of the games, what's your name?"

"Katniss Everdeen"

"I bet my buttons that was your sister. Don't want her to steal all the glory, do we? Come on everybody! Give a big round of applause to our newest tribute" the weirdo trills happily. But to Eds ears he hears nothing, not a single clap and he is proud of this district, sure he hasn't been her long but he already like it. Then they do something Ed doesn't quite understand the put there finger to their lips and hold them up in the air 'it's probably some form of goodbye' Ed thinks storing it in his head for later. The drunkard comes out next barely coherent and barely able to talk

"Look at her. Look at this one!" He throws an arm around Katniss apparently stronger than him looks since she can't pry him off "I like her. Lots of…" he trails off not finding the word, or trying not to faint. "spunk!" he says triumphantly "more than you" he lets go of Katniss and walks to the front of the stage "more then you!" he's pointing at… a camera? Eds never seen one quite like that one before he takes a look around seeing them everywhere now on top of buildings behind him some are even caring them. Ed turns back when he hears a crashing sound apparently the drunk fell off the stage and nocked himself unconscious. Ed huffs an air of laughter seeing that every camera is now pointed at him 'he is going to famous' Ed thinks jokingly 'why was he even up there?'

Some people with stretchers come and take the man away and the weirdo is trying to get the ball rolling again "what an exciting day" as she say it she trying to straighten what is obviously a wig which is at a very funny angle "but more excitement to come! It's time to choose our boy Tribute" she puts her hand on her head trying to keep the wig from falling as she makes her way to the glass bowl plucks one out and is in front of the podium again. Ed doesn't even have time to think when the name is called "Petta Mellark!"

Ed turns to Katniss the look on her face says she knows him. Eds mind is racing, should he volunteer and try to help her or find some other way. He couldn't just let her die after what she did for ni-Prim after a second he calms 'I know what I'm going to do' ever slowly he raises his left hand. No one notices as all eyes are still on Petta "I volunteer" this gets every ones attention. They all turn to Ed his smile is cocky and big they're silent as they part letting him through, Petta is just standing there with a look of shock as Ed passes him. Ed stops and turns to him "guess this is your lucky day, bread boy" then he continues to and up the steps to stand next to Katniss who is staring, mouth slightly agape, at him. Ed sees the question in his eyes but he also sees the relief 'probably didn't want to kill a friend'.

The mayor begins reading something called the treaty of treason basically some big piece of paper saying how all the districts are in the wrong and they must pay for their crimes blahblahblah. When he's done he motions for Ed and Katniss to shake hands. She reaches out her right hand Ed hesitates for a second before complying. His right arm is made of metal, if she notices he could get into a lot of trouble. As the hand shake is happening Ed give her a reassuring look saying "I will help you" Katniss gives a look of surprise from this. They finish the handshake Katniss doesn't notice his arm or if she did she's a very good actor. They turn back to the crowd and some music play Ed assumes it supposed to symbolize something.

The moment the music ends a group of those people in white surround both Katniss and Ed. They are marched into the building they were standing in front of and led into separate rooms when in there Ed takes a seat at the couch. The room was pretty fancy, nice thick carpets, velvet chairs, it was nice, but not the nicest he'd been in and not what he had expected from such a poor place what he didn't expect was a visitor. He didn't know who he was but he did look a bit like that other kid, Petta, maybe his dad. He sits awkwardly in a chair and stares at Ed, Ed stares back, before he could talk the guest reaches in to his coat and pulls out a small white package and hands it to Ed. When Ed reaches for the white parcel taking it he notices the burn scars on the man's hand's 'he must be a baker, or a psycho' when Ed opens the package he notices the nice smell, there cookies, still warm to.

The man looks at Ed "thank you" Ed looks at the old man and smiles "don't mention it" the baker is soon ushered out of the room and Ed pockets the cookies while also looking at his silver watch 'almost 3:00'. When Ed gets another visitor he was actually surprised, the baker he gets, he practically saved his sons life, but who was this. it was a girl and her mom they both had blond hair and blue eyes he recognized the small girl, it was Prim then that must mean- "I'm Katniss mother, Catalina Everdeen, and this is Prim" Eds mouth is agape, this is very unexpected "I'm E-Edward Elric" when he looks at Prim her eyes are red and puffy, there are still tears falling down her checks. she looks at Ed with eyes that convey so much emotion that he has to say what she was thinking, smiling a big brother smile he talks "don't worry, I won't kill Katniss" this leaves them both stunned their mouths are open they had never expected this. Prim rushes over and gives him a huge hug, Ed gives her one back. Ms. Everdeen is still standing there shocked and staring. Prim looks up at Ed a small smile on her face "thank you" she lets go and walks back to her mother grabbing her hand. Ms. Everdeen walks to Ed with Prim in tow "thank you, really, thank you" they proceed to walk out and Prim gives Ed a sad smile.

When Ed Is led out of the room to a car but it's a lot more advanced than any he's seen, it was sleek and appeared to go really fast 'ok so far there ahead technologically, but how are they scientifically' it was a short ride to the station. When Ed got there it was swarming with cameras and news people just trying to catch a glimpse of him. He caught a glimpse of Katniss she seems almost bored "probably trying to appear strong, seems the games have begun". They stood in the door of the train letting the cameras take in their image, Katniss in her blue girly dress with a bored look, Ed in his red long coat, black pants and white gloves with a look of steel. Standing side by side they couldn't look more different, Ed standing 2 inches taller with his long blond hair and Katniss with her olive skin and black hair, the only thing similar was the braid in each other's hair. When they were done and finally walked into the train the doors closed and the train started moving immediately, Ed was surprised it accelerated so quickly, he turned to Katniss she too looked a little surprised at the moment 'must be her first time'. Both of them are shown there rooms it was much nicer than anything at the justice building. The weirdo or Effie, as she liked to be called, told Ed he could do whatever he wanted but that supper was in an hour.

The first thing he did was check for cameras it took ten minutes but just to be safe he clapped his hands and put them to the floor checking for anything out of the ordinary 'the usual metals, tin, iron, chrome, what the train is made of. Nickel, copper, zinc, the wires, lithium probably how it's getting its power. Unless the camera is built into the train using the same material I can't detect any abnormalities. I guess its fine to take a shower.' Ed then proceeded to get undressed, his metal arm and leg in full view, and he put his clothes on the bed and walked to the shower. He turned the nob and warm water fell out of the shower head and cascaded down his body dripping down his muscles and hair, it felt good. When he was done he dried off and put his clothes back on including his glove but not his jacket and went to bed it would be a long day and he wanted sleep anywhere he could.