Betraying My People Chapter 41:

A Happy Ending

It had been five years since the defeat of Gen and Choji, and things couldn't have worked out better. True to Shina's word, there had been no more problems, and Kisshu and Ichigo could relax.

Over the past five years, a lot had changed. Pai and Lettuce had gotten married, and Lettuce had moved to Cyniclonia. She and Pai were both working on science projects to improve the planet's food sources. With help from Keiichiro, they had found a way to grow fruit on Cyniclonia, and the Cyniclons loved it.

Taruto had surprisingly moved to Earth, and lived with Pudding and her siblings now. He was working in the Café, and unfortunately for him, all the girls thought he was adorable. However, he and the Mews were about to come back to Cyniclonia for a very special event.

Kisshu and Ichigo had both reached the age where they could get married, and the wedding was coming up in a week. They had both been preparing for the wedding for quite a while. Aunt Hamaya had helped Ichigo sew her wedding dress, and it was finished. They had started thinking about food, and Aunt Hamaya was making the wedding cake. Ichigo was a little sad lately, though.

Kisshu noticed, and one day he asked, "Koneko-chan, is something wrong?"

Ichigo sighed. "I guess I always imagined my parents at my wedding," she said. "Aunt Hamaya and Uncle Aran are wonderful, but it's just strange for me. I miss them."

"I know how you feel," Kisshu said. "I thought my parents would get to see me grow up, but it just didn't happen that way. I'm guessing it's harder for you, since you knew your parents longer than I did."

"Yeah…." Ichigo said. "But as long as we love each other, I don't think anything's going to go wrong."

"Unless Taruto does something stupid like he did at Pai's wedding," Kisshu said. "Remember how he and Pudding decided to be the 'entertainment'?"

"Oh yeah, that didn't turn out well," Ichigo said, giggling. "They totally trashed the decorations."

"And Pai was so mad he told Taruto he was a nuisance and he should take his sorry ass and Pudding's monkey tail back to Earth," Kisshu said, chuckling.

"Do you think it's safe to invite them?" Ichigo asked.

"After Aunt Hamaya's lecture last time, I think it'll be fine," Kisshu said. "Do I get to see your wedding dress?"

"When it's on me, not now," Ichigo said, grinning.

Kisshu pouted, making Ichigo giggle even more.

One week later: The big day had arrived. Kisshu was waiting in the Council room, which had been turned into the equivalent of a church, like it had been for Pai and Lettuce's wedding. Pai was standing with him, and Hiro-sama was performing the ceremony.

Kisshu was wearing a dark green button down shirt with a collar similar to the shirt he usually wore, and black long pants tucked into his boots. His hair was in its usual style, and he was kind of nervous. Pai noticed and said, "It'll be fine, Kisshu. And don't worry about Taruto and Pudding, their toys have been taken away, so they can't cause mayhem like they did at my wedding."

Kisshu sighed. "That is what I was worried about," he said. "I'm not worried that Ichigo will change her mind, or that I will. But I saw how unhappy you and Lettuce were when Taruto and Pudding basically destroyed your special day. I don't want that to happen to me and Ichigo. Especially not Ichigo, she's been missing her parents lately."

"I guess it's hard, not having your parents at your wedding," Pai said. "I think having you here for her will make up for it, though. She loves you so much. You really got lucky, Kisshu."

Kisshu smiled. "I know."

Their friends and family were filing in, and soon the room was full. All the Mews and Keiichiro were there, and Siria-sama had come as well.

Lettuce had been chosen to play the music, since she was good on piano, and now she started playing the Cyniclon version of 'The Wedding March'.

Everyone's eyes turned to the door, and clapped as Ichigo walked in on the arm of Uncle Aran. Kisshu beamed when he saw her; she looked absolutely radiant.

Ichigo realized she had never been happier as she walked down the aisle toward the love of her life. She was wearing a pale pink dress that came down to her ankles, which was embroidered with white lilies. It had a low V-neck, and long, full sleeves. She had let her hair grow much longer over the course of the last five years, and now it was pulled into a ponytail that hung over her left shoulder, tied with a white ribbon. She wore a silver chain around her neck, from which hung a pink diamond shaped like a heart.

She reached the end of the aisle, and let go of Uncle Aran's arm, smiling at him before joining hands with Kisshu. Uncle Aran went to sit with Aunt Hamaya as Hiro-sama began to speak.

"We are gathered here today to join together two hearts, as well as two races," Hiro-sama said. "Ichigo and Kisshu have not only saved our home numerous times, they have shown us that true love really does conquer all. I am truly honored to speak the words that will bind these two together forever. Ikisatashi Kisshu, do you swear to stay faithful to Ichigo, through good times and bad, through sickness and through health, and till the day you die?"

"I do," Kisshu said, his voice brimming with pure joy.

Hiro-sama smiled and turned to Ichigo. "Ikisatashi Ichigo, do you swear to stay faithful to Kisshu, through good times and bad, through sickness and through health, and till the day you die?" (A/N: Ichigo had already taken the name Ikisatashi when Hamaya and Aran adopted her, that's why Hiro-sama didn't say 'Momomiya Ichigo').

"I do," Ichigo said, with the same joy in her voice as in Kisshu's.

"Then you may give each other the rings," Hiro-sama said.

Ichigo and Kisshu each reached into their pockets, and pulled out a ring. Kisshu slid a slim silver band with a pink diamond onto Ichigo's ring finger, and then she slid a wider silver band with an emerald onto Kisshu's ring finger.

Hiro-sama put a hand on each of their shoulders, and said, "You two are now joined together in heart and soul. I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride, Kisshu."

Kisshu kissed Ichigo passionately, and she kissed back with equal passion as the crowd cheered. When they broke apart, they thanked Hiro-sama, and walked back down the aisle to their family.

Aunt Hamaya was crying, and she hugged both Kisshu and Ichigo. Uncle Aran also hugged them both, and soon they were surrounded by their friends, from Earth and Cyniclonia.

It was quite a while before the festivities ended, and by that point, Kisshu and Ichigo were exhausted. They went back to their room, and changed into their nightclothes. "I've never been so happy," Ichigo said softly. "I'm so glad everything worked out."

"I knew it would," Kisshu said. "I've never been this happy either. We're finally married, and we'll be together forever now."

"You're right," Ichigo said. "I love you, Kisshu."

"I love you too, my Koneko-chan," Kisshu said happily. Then he yawned, and Ichigo giggled.

The two of them curled up together, and spent their first night as a married couple sleeping happily, knowing that they'd be together forever.

Very fluffy, right? This is the end of Betraying My People, and there won't be a sequel, just so you know. I hope you all enjoyed it, and that you'll review the last, and extremely fluffy, chapter!