A/N: I'm back and with a brand new story! It is different from my usual because it's not SasuSaku (sorry Sasuke-Kun you'll have to sit this one out). Instead, it's a very odd couple because 1. It's a crossover couple. And 2. It's YamiYugiXSakura, which is very uncommon. The reason for this is because I watched all the original Yu-Gi-Oh episodes this past summer, and just sorta started thinking about how my favorite female anime character Sakura and my (new) favorite male anime character Yami would look together. Then I read the few fanfics there are of these two and this story evolved into what it is. Very long explanation I know, but I needed to explain where my head is. My other stories are being worked on slowly, but I just had to get this story off my chest. Well, I hope this story will open your eyes to the possibility. Oh, and don't worry; Sasuke-kun will be back (either in this story or the next… only I knowJ)

Chapter 1: Tears and Chocolate-covered Strawberries

Sakura…Sakura…Sakura… His voicing was constantly repeating her name in her head. She hated herself for being caught off guard by …well by him while her teammates were fighting. Even when she tried to attack him, she froze almost getting in fatal danger.

Damnit! Why can't I forget about him! He's clearly not coming back! Focus and stop being weak! Her inner self shouted. She ignored her inner and shoved her in the back of her mind as team Kakashi made their way back to Konaha to report a failed mission. The thoughts of failure along with the aching of losing Sasuke once again brought tears to the pink hair beauty's eyes. She looked down to hide the few tears that fell, so Naruto wouldn't see her cry. He was already beating himself over not fulfilling the promise from all those years ago.

As they broke through the trees and looked at the front gates of Konaha, she took a deep breath and dried her eyes, but couldn't dry her bleeding heart. As the four crossed through the front entrance, they soberly greeted the two guards on duty. Sakura glanced over at her team.

"Well," Sakura stuttered trying to keep her voice even," hmm...I-I d- …Tell Lady Tsunade that I apologize for my part of the failed mission." With that, she took her leave before she lost whatever dignity she had left.

Quickly arriving to her house and unlocking the front door, Sakura was pleased to find her mom wasn't home. She set her pack down on the one of the end tables in the living before heading to the kitchen. Once she reached the fridge, she pulled out a plastic container of strawberries and then reached up in one of the top cabinets for the chocolate syrup. After pouring the syrup into a small bowl, the depressed pink roseate climbed the stairs to her room to end her night like most others… with tears and chocolate-covered strawberries.

I hope you guys liked! I know it was super short, but I have to next two chapters written. I will update if I see that people actually read this majorly insane mess of a story. *sigh* Well, please leave a review to see if I should continue this or end it. My other stories will be updated either today or tomorrow! I promise that!