Bonus Scene

I was not in this story anywhere near as much as I should have been, so I'm high-jacking it. Bwahahahahaha!

Who am I? What do you mean who am I? I'm only the one whose been reviewing every single chapter. Been first reviewer most of the time, in fact. I'm the one who noticed that all but two of these chapter titles were song titles from the real Gym Class Heroes band. (Those other two "Let's Dance!" and "Fire Alarm!" must have been written after Todd joined them, amirite?)

And trust me, it wasn't easy to find time. I'm really busy here. What with having Bea Arthur vs Betty White fights with Pyro and playing Marvel: Avengers Alliance (Yay! I'm an Avenger! I knew the invitation had to be coming sooner or later. Everyone becomes an Avenger eventually!)

I just remembered. I forgot to make a comment in my review for chapter 2 about how you can't take away Gambit's eyes from him either. Also, you can't have Lorna without green hair. Or Kurt without blue skin or a tail... wait... you never gave Kurt a tail! What's wrong with you, woman?

Oh, and that troll you had for a little while there. Yeah, they didn't shut up and go away because you refused to feed them. I tracked them down and killed them. Yep. That was me. All me. Also, you now owe me $1,000,000. In cash. What do you mean you don't have that kind of money? And that you don't believe in contract killing? How can you possibly believe that murder is immoral? You write about assassins all the time! Oh here it is, the "it's fiction" excuse. Blah blah blah. Well, I'm fiction too you know! And maybe that was just a fictional killing, did that every occur to you! You could just give me $1,000,000 in fictional money! I have a child to feed, remember? I don't care that Pyro can support himself now. Rumour has it that he and Wanda are expecting twins.

Thank you for using Deadpool's private contracting services, for all your private contractor needs, before you need them, or even know you want them.

By the way, have I mentioned that I liked how Kurt's father was Lord/Baron/Count Wagner in this story? Azazel is lame. And stupid. Seriously, demon fathers are so last century. Although personally, I'm partial to Kurt's biological parents being Mystique and Destiny like rumour has it was originally intended. Heh Heh Heh. Mystique and Destiny getting it on! Wait, what's that? You like Lord Wagner better? What do you mean that it's not biologically possible for Mystique and Destiny to have a male baby? Mystique's a shapeshifter, she could... she doesn't mimic DNA huh? Oh well. I can still think about them getting it on. Hey do you think Mystique shapeshifts into a dude when they do it or is she herself? I think she should be herself. That would be hot.

Upon rereading chapter 25 I realise something. Bella Donna and Gris Gris must have been really pissed that Julien decided to come with them for ice cream. Especially when it turned out he didn't really want ice cream. I can see it all now, Bella Donna walking sexily up to the boys, looking at Gris Gris and saying "I want some ice cream, you wanna come?" "Oh yeah," says Gris Gris, "I definitely wanna come." Then Julien spoils everything with his "Seriously? Ice cream? Fine. I'll come too."

Oh and TehLily, you wanna know what could go wrong if you get enough sexy pirates together? You get tired. Very, very tired. Or Syphilis. Or both.

Wiccamage, I noticed you wished that Bella Donna's baby would be Gris Gris in your review to chapter 30 when the pregnancy was announced. Wish granted! That was my idea, by the way. Sure, Chellerbelle is going to claim credit for it and say she was dying to use that reveal scene for a story sometime and was thrilled to pieces when she found a place to use it, but it's all lies. You may thank me now.

I like how you slipped in a rant about Storm/T'Challa, Chellerbelle. You did everything but outright say "I hate this stupid little contrived relationship and I'm so glad their farce of a marriage is over." So I decided to say it for you.

Also, I noticed that no one noticed your favourite power reference. You were right, it was too subtle. Attention readers! Go back and reread the end of chapter 38. Rogue 'absorbs' Remy during the basketball game. Go on, I'll mark your spot so you don't lose where you were up to on this page.


You may now all flip out about how you can't believe you missed that.

And now I bet you're all patting yourself on the back about how you knew that Bella Donna's baby wasn't going to be Remy's. I don't know why. It's not like it wasn't blatantly obvious that that's how it was going to turn out.

'Course it didn't much help that you got reviews accusing Bella Donna of lying to Remy about how conception worked. And then you went and changed things so that Bella Donna figured out she made a biology mistake. And then got told by other people that you had it right the first time. Yeah, don't think I didn't notice you go back and change things so that it was clear that Bella Donna slept with Remy and Gris Gris about the same time.

You know, this all could have been avoided if you weren't so squeamish. Maybe then you would have actually been in class while they were discussing reproduction instead of having to leave 'cause you were lightheaded and then promptly collapsing in the middle of walking to sick bay? You probably can't even remember who caught you! You're so squeamish, you can't even handle discussing how bruises are formed! Hey Chellerbelle they're caused by blood vessels breaking!

So have you fainted yet?


You're not even a little bit light headed?

Oh come on that so not fair. I know that totally got you in high school! Darn it. This is like that time when they watched the video on brain surgery and everyone was so used to you fainting by then that they kept looking over at you waiting for the next one and you never did. What kind of a sideshow are you?

Speaking of sideshow, why, why did you let JayCee's RedGold bring Joseph into Gym Class Anti-Heroes? He totally got in the middle of the ROMY! Though, yeah, the closet scene was hilarious! What do you mean, what do I care? You're always putting those two together on MAA, and in your fanfic, and stuff. It's kind of hard to avoid it. Plus two words: kinky sex. It's bound to happen sooner or later with these two. Preferably sooner. I also ship Jonda and HarleyPool.

Oh! Can you write a story all about me and Harley Quinn on a grand adventure?! What do you mean you are already busy writing your epic tale of love, long life, and super-powered butt-kicking? But... but... it's Harley Quinn! Bad at relationships, deadly with a mallet! No? Alright... fine... go on with your epic ROMY... just leave me out in the cold... after all the support I've given you!

I like JayCee's Red Gold's Gym Class Anti-Heroes better anyway. I get more air time.

- Deadpool aka Wade Wilson aka DP