Alex, The new family wizard, decided it was time for a change of scenery. So, she moves to Washington at the start of her new adulthood. Jacob, heartbroken that the love of his life is happily married with a newborn daughter, imprints on Alex. Will they be something more or will Alex boyfriend, Mason have something to say?

Wizard of Waverly Place/ Twilight.

Chapter One: Beware Of The Wolves

Sighing, I dropped my suitcase down onto the empty road before turning my head left and right for any signs of cars. Finding out was clear, I crossed the street and stopped once more in front of my new house. The two-story tan house started back at me. The dark brown roof, door frames and window frames going perfect with the color of the house, having the dark sky decorated with stars as its background.

I searched for the keys inside of my red pullover pocket. Meeting the cold metal of the key, I unlocked the door to my new home. Slamming it shut, I breathed out before waving my hand causing the bag that was previously in my hand to float itself to the bedroom.

Gosh, those were a lot of stairs.

I am so glad I'm a full wizard now. If I ended up losing my powers, I wouldn't survive. Despite all those lessons my best friend, Harper gave me, I was as useless as a flashlight in broad daylight. I went straight to the kitchen in search of a snack to feed my never satisfied stomach. I walked into the fully unpack kitchen (once again, thanks to magic), I pulled out a bag of Doritos and began to think about my life-changing.

I still can't believe I manage to win the family wizard competition. Never in the life of Professor Crumbs did I think I was going to accomplish that. I have to give myself a pat on the back for that one. I even manage to beat my older and not to mention a smarter brother, Justin. Well, then again, he is the new Headmaster of Wiz Tech. Hell, the only real person who got the short end of the stick was my younger brother, Max who got no powers and just ends up inheriting the family's sandwich shop. But, he seems okay with it.

I sighed, I'll miss that pathetic sandwich shop which I despise doing work in. I smiled at the memory of tricking doing my work. Maybe moving to Washington wasn't such a good idea. I wanted a change from New York. All the flashing lights and beeping cars. All that fancy jazz. So, I flash not only myself, along with a house down in Washington and bam, I live here now.

I always remind myself if I ever get homesick, I can just flash myself back home. Another perk of being a wizard. I plopped the last chip in my mouth before crumbling up the bag and tossing it away. Running my fingers through my hair, I wondered what I should do next. Oh, I know. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and unlocked it. Dialing a number I know by heart, I placed the device against my ear as it rang.



Still ringing-

"Hello? Alex?" I instantly grinned at the sound of my British boyfriend.

"Mason." I exchanged before we start laughing. I shook my head.

"So, how's Washington? Is it better than in New York?"

I snorted unattractively. "How would I know. I got here like... five minutes ago, idiot." I heard him snicker at me.

"Oh, right. Excuse me." Then, the sound of a wolf howling grabbed my attention.

I raised my eyebrow, "Mason, was that you?" I looked outside into the dark woods. I saw nothing but the tree branches swaying and the soft whistle of the wind.

"No. Perhaps there wolves there as well." He suggested.

"Highly doubted." I breathed.

"Just beware of the wolves, Alex. Don't want to get bitten." He joked. I rolled my eyes. A causal thing for me to do.

I scoffed, "Ain't nobody afraid of those wolves." I heard my boyfriend laugh while I smirked into the phone. Heading to my bedroom, I reached into my drawers for don't pj's. Finding some shirts and a large T-shirt, I quickly put it on. I yawned which came unnoticed by Mason.

"Go to bed, sleepyhead. I'll talk to you in the morning."

I plopped down onto my bed and pouted. "Aw, why? I swear I'm not sleepy." He chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, right. Love you, Alex."

"Love you too." And with that, we hung up. Laying my head on the pillow, my eyes began to close as I started to drift off into a set of dreams. Not until I heard another howl.

So, how was the start of the new story? Was it better than the old one? Review!
