Disclaimer: I don't own any WWE Talent or any of their families. I only claim ownership to my OC's.
Rated: T
Warnings: slash, het, AU, OC lead, explicit language, violence, mature themes, etc.
BEFORE YOU READ: This is pretty much all written already. I've been writing it for months now xD So, there's a few things you should know. First, and most importantly, this is COMPLETELY FICTIONAL! I own nobody but my OC's, as mentioned above. This is for entertainment purposes only. Second, the OC lead is loosely based off of me. The name is about the only thing true about me. Read on to find out more information. Please enjoy this!
Also: Image is ME! :)

#^#^# Wednesday #^#^#

A soft knock sounded outside of Phil Brooks' bedroom door. He looked up from his pile of homework and rolled his eyes. If it was his little sister, Selene, again, he was going to consider locking her in a closet.

"What?" he called with a hint of irritation in his voice. The door opened to reveal his mother and father on the other side, wide smiles on their youthful faces. The irritation melted away, and in its place slight confusion came in. "Oh, I thought you were Selene! I don't know how many times I have to tell that girl that I have homework to do before I play hide and seek with her again…"

His mother silenced him with a brief shh. "Phillip, honey, we have some good news!" His father stood next to his mother and put a hand on her shoulder and smiled wide.

He gave them a look. "Uh, what?"

"You tell him, dear," his mother said, looking up at his father. He looked at his son and smiled once again. "All of the paperwork is settled, Phillip. We're adopting a child, and she's coming in a few days!"

While his parents hugged happily, Phil's jaw dropped slightly before he snapped it shut and clenched tightly. "You're adopting a child?"

His parents noticed his sudden anger. "What's wrong, Phil?" his mother asked, looking slightly crestfallen. He inhaled sharply, trying to hold back every comment that was fighting its way to the surface.

"Um, okay, you're adopting a child, great. But why?"

"I know we have Mike, you, and Selene already," his mother started. "But we wanted another child. And since we didn't want to have another baby in the house, we decided that we'd help a child out who needs a loving family."

The 15-year old sighed slowly. "Can you tell me about her?"

"Sure!" his mother gushed, sitting on the edge of his bed. He swiveled his desk chair so he was facing his parents, who now sat side-by-side on his bed. "She's recently orphaned. Her name is Haley Nicole Richardson, 14-years old, and from Massachusetts. We've met her once, and she was very quiet, shy, and polite; all of them were, though, so she might have a different personality when she adjusts to us. You two will be the closest in age, as Mike's 18 and Selene's 9. And I know your father said she's coming in a few days, but, to be more exact, she's coming in three days, on Saturday. You'll have two days to adjust and bond until she starts school with you."

Phil sat, speechless. This was a lot to take in all at once. He told his parents just that.

"I know, honey," his mom said, rubbing his arm comfortingly. "We wanted to tell you in advanced so it could sink in a bit. We've already told Mike, and he seems quite indifferent about it. I know Selene's going to go insane when she finds out she's getting a sister…"

A small spark of jealousy flashed through Phil's body. As much as he loathed having his sister up his ass all the time, he enjoyed how she worshipped the very ground he stepped on. If this girl was going to come in and mess that up, and mess up his entire life, he wasn't going to keep quiet about it.

"Thanks for the heads up, I guess," Phil mumbled. "I'm going to finish my homework now."

"Okay, Philly," his mom said, ruffling his long black hair once. He tightened his body at the action. "See you at dinner."

#^#^# Meanwhile #^#^#

Haley Richardson sat at a long, wooden table sandwiched between two fellow orphans as she ate her dinner excitedly. She couldn't believe the paperwork had cleared so quickly. Since it did, she would be getting on a plane early Saturday morning and flying alone to Chicago to meet – and join – her adoptive family. She met her adoptive parents once before, and had been nervous and anxious throughout the meeting. Now she didn't have to worry about impressing them enough to consider being adopted. They wouldn't replace her deceased parents, but they'd help fill the void in her heart from losing them both so tragically.

To her left, Deanna was currently telling a joke to Courtney, which led to both of them laughing raucously. She turned to her right and smiled at Riley. They were the same age, both orphaned, and had bonded while at the foster home they stayed at. Riley was currently in the middle of getting her paperwork sorted out, and hoped it would clear soon so she could join her new family in St. Louis. When she had told Riley that her paperwork cleared so quickly, the two had hugged and laughed happily.

"Excited still?" Riley teased around a mouthful of baked potato. Haley nodded some.

"I'm wicked excited," she smirked. "I'm kind of nervous to meet my adoptive siblings, though. I've only heard their names once or twice before. I know I'm going to be very close in age to one of their sons, Phillip."

"I don't know about you," Riley started, trying to control a noodle from falling out of her mouth, "but I don't know how I'm going to get used to a new last name so quick."

Haley laughed. Leave it to Riley to be most concerned about her last name! "My new last name is gonna be Brooks. What's yours going to be?"

"Orton," Riley managed around another mouthful of food. "I'm still months away from that, though, so I can remain Riley Marie Birmingham for a while longer. I'm gonna get three siblings, too. The oldest is 16, and the others are 11 and 8."

"Are we going to go out of touch?" Haley worried with her forkful of food paused in front of her mouth. Riley shook her head, and Haley allowed the fork into her mouth.

"We can e-mail until we get addresses and phone numbers. We already have each other's e-mails. And, if your new family has a computer with a webcam, we can video chat, too."

"It'd be nice to have a familiar face while adjusting to an entirely new life," Haley sighed slightly. Riley patted her back comfortingly.

"You'll do just fine. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks were nice when you met them, weren't they? I'm sure they're going to be going wicked overboard making sure you feel welcome."

"I'm still a bit nervous, is all," she murmured to her empty tray of food.

"Aren't we all?" Riley chuckled once before tipping back her carton of milk and downing the rest of it. "We're some of the lucky ones. We're actually getting a home."

#^#^# Thursday #^#^#

Phil slammed his locker shut and came face-to-face with his best friend Adam Copeland. Born in Canada, the boy had been raised in Chicago for most of his life. They'd been friends since elementary school.

"Ready for History class?" Adam asked with a groan. Phil shook his head.

"At this point, I wouldn't mind Miss Hanley screaming in my face. It'd be a nice distraction from the shit going through my mind right now."

"What's wrong?" Adam asked, clutching his books to his chest as they walked to class together. Phil ran his free hand through his messy black locks before grunting once. "My parents informed me I'm getting a little sister on Saturday."

"What? Your mom's pregnant?" Adam asked, incredulous. "She looks so damn skinny, though!"

"She's not pregnant!" Phil spat. "They're adopting some orphan from Massachusetts. She's 14 and that's like, all I know about her."

"Sheesh. That sounds rough, Phil," Adam said sympathetically. "What did Mike and Selene think?"

"Mike didn't really care," Phil began. "And judging by the squealing and other excited noises coming from upstairs this morning, I think Selene is a bit happy."

The two boys paused outside of their History class. "I hope she isn't too annoying or anything for your sake," Adam spoke.

"Thanks," Phil murmured. "I hope so, too."

Feeling better, Phil pushed through the door and made his way to his assigned seat. If he couldn't talk about this matter with his parents, at least he could with Adam.

#^#^# Early Saturday Morning #^#^#

Haley rolled out of her bed quietly, hoping to not jostle the bunk bed too much as she did so. Jolene would not be amused if she was awoken so early in the morning, and would not hesitate to scream at her, even though she was leaving. Haley had packed before she went to sleep, so with her small amount of clothing, she shoved her quilt on top and slid into a pair of old shoes. She kept her flannel bottoms and t-shirt on, only adding a jacket to stop the cold weather from nipping at her exposed flesh. After buttoning it, she quietly left the room with her suitcase in hand and walked towards the gathering room. One of the many foster mothers sat drinking coffee from a mug. She was bundled up as well, as she would be driving Haley to the airport. Haley was surprised to see Riley sitting with her knees drawn to her chest next to Marlee, the foster mom, waiting for her as well.

"Riley?" Haley whispered, confused. Riley smiled at her friend and hopped up to give her a hug.

"I begged Marlee to let me go drop you off, and she finally gave in," Riley giggled softly. Marlee got off of the couch and led them to one of the vans. Haley kicked her suitcase onto the floor as she buckled in next to Riley. The two sat in silence for a few miles.

"Good luck today," Riley murmured with a sad smile on her face. "E-mail me as soon as you can. I want to know how you're doing."

"This won't be the last time we see each other," Haley said. She took Riley's hand in hers and gave a soft squeeze. "When your paperwork goes through, we can e-mail and talk on the phone all the time. For now, you can e-mail me whenever you're able to. I'll be sure to send you a message as soon as I'm able."

"Have fun with your new family," Riley said genuinely, "and on the plane ride, too. I haven't been on a plane in years."

Haley giggled, and the two sat in silence again while Marlee kept driving. With small-talk, the half-hour ride to the airport went by quickly.

"Good-bye, Haley," Marlee said with a smile. "Enjoy your new family. I'll make sure Riley's okay until she gets adopted, too."

"Thanks, Marlee," Haley said, "good-bye to you, too. And bye, Riley! I'll contact you soon."

Haley took her suitcase in her hands again and hopped out of the car, waving as they pulled away and drove off. Sighing, she walked into the airport alone and went to the front desk. There, she picked up her ticket and joined the lines to board the plane. After dealing with the bustling lines for over twenty minutes, she finally sat in her seat and waited for take-off.

A/N: As we go further along, it will become more and more of an OC lead. Now that you've read that, here's some more information about "Haley".
My name is Haley, and my middle name is Nicole. However, Richardson is not my last name. You don't need to know my last name. xD I do live in MA. I'm not an orphan, and I'm not 14! There is also no Riley in my life. And, obviously, I'm not being adopted by CM Punk's family. xD
I hope you enjoyed this. Another update will be here soon, as it's already written up. Please review! :D