Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf. **

Warnings: Torture, abuse, some swearing. Trigger warnings to come.

Stiles was too quiet, way too quiet. It used to be that Scott would beg him sometimes to shut up so he could concentrate, but he would give anything for Stiles to be chatting his ear off now. Scott couldn't help but stare at him, he looked so different from when they had last seen each other. The normal vibrant and chatty teen was staring out his window completely still and silent. He was wearing Mr. Stilinski's coat and his pants since they found him.

No, he didn't want to think about that room that Stiles had been in for 4 months. He couldn't seem to help it though. There had been no windows, only a single light bulb that had been too far away from where Stiles had been chained to turn it on. No, he wasn't going to think about the room anymore, or the fact that the jacket and pants were hiding numerous scars.

The car stopped and Scott pulled his attention away from Stiles, they were here. Stiles gave no indication he realized where they were and just kept staring out his window. Scott got out of the car, and along with Mr. Stilinski made his way around to Stiles door. Mr, Stilinski opened it and Stiles still didn't even seem to realize that he was supposed to get out.

"Stiles," he said quietly, hoping to gain his attention but Stiles just kept on staring silently.

"Stiles," Mr. Stilinski said louder and Stiles still didn't seem to notice. Scott and Mr. Stilinski shared a short hopeless stare before turning back to Stiles.

"Stiles!" Mr. Stilinski shouted and Stiles still didn't look away from where his eyes were. Scott put his hand on Stiles's shoulder hoping some psychical contact would break whatever trance he was in. Stiles finally blinked and looked at them.

'Stiles, we've got to go in," Stiles didn't say anything or nod, but he did get himself out of the car and stood looking at the hospital impassively. It hurt Scott so much to see his friend like this, so unlike himself and he knew stealing a glance at his father that Mr. Stilinski felt that same way. Stiles started walking towards the hospital entrance and Scott and Mr. Stilinski followed him.

They went into the door and Scott's Mom was there to greet them, she knew they were coming as they had called on the car ride over. She was looking at Stiles. She couldn't see the scars that were there or the bruises, or broken bones, but they were there. No, he didn't want to think of how Stiles looked when they had found him, but his mind went back there anyways without his consent.

The floor had been covered in dried blood, Stiles's dried blood. His naked body was covered only in bruises of various stages of healing. He hadn't looked away from the wall when they had come in.

No, he couldn't think about that right now. His mother was leading Stiles and Mr. Stilinski away and he had to follow them. Scott had to be there for Stiles, who had always been there for him in the past, even when he had been too far into Alison to see it. They were lead into a room where his Mom gave Stiles a hospital gown and told him to change into it. Stiles stared at the hospital gown, but there was no complaining, no jokes.

"Do you need help?" Mr. Stilinski asked. Stiles continued staring at the gown and Scott wondered whether or not they were going to have to continue trying when Stiles shook his head. Mr. Stilinski left the room and Scott wanted to leave too, but he had to ask.

"Do you want me to stay?" he felt horrible that he wanted the answer to be no so bad. Seeing the dried blood and bruises had been horrible the first time, he really didn't want to have to see them again. Stiles took a moment then shook his head again. Scott felt horrible about being grateful that Stiles didn't want him there and left the room.

Once he was out of the room he tried to concentrate on anything else. The way he felt so much pleasure at killing the men that had held Stiles captive, he should feel bad about that, but he didn't. He had felt a little bad until he had seen Stiles, although he knew they hadn't been good to Stiles ever since he had stepped foot in the house and smelt his blood.

"Scott," he jumped and looked at his mom who was looking at him concerned.

"Are you okay?" Scott laughed, but it wasn't a pleasant one.

"My best friend has been kidnaped for the last 4 months. He doesn't look or sound like himself," His mom handed him some scrub bottom which he looked at with confusion before remembering he was in his boxers, having given Stiles his pants. He didn't feel embarrassed at all funnily enough, but he took the pants from his mother, took off his shoes and put on the scrub bottoms and put his shoes back on. It gave him something else to focus on for a little bit which he was grateful for. A doctor went past them and headed into Stiles's room. Scott stared at Stiles's room, should he go in now? Support him through the examination? Mr. Stilinski seemed to think so, because he headed back into the room and Scott stared at him for a moment.

"Things will get better, after all, he has you," his mother tried to soothe him putting her hand on his back, Scott shrugged it off, a fat load that did him. Scott was a werewolf and it had still taken him 4 months to find him.

"Mom, how can he ever be better after everything he's been through?" Scott asked looking at her face and saw her scrambling to come up with an answer, which meant she didn't know any more than him.

Scott nodded, then took a deep breath, he should be in there with Stiles, be there for him, because whatever he was feeling had to be only a fraction of what Stiles must be feeling. He walked into through the door and saw Stiles was in bed though the blankets were only over his feet. The gown didn't cover his arms or legs and Scott tried to avoid looking at the bruises, the cuts and dried blood that covered the exposed limbs.

The doctor was touching him and although it had to hurt, even though the doctor was doing in gingerly, Stiles didn't make a sound. What did those bastards do to him to make him this way?! Scott immediately went over to Stiles and grabbed his hand. He didn't care that normally two boys, even ones who were best friends don't hold hands, he did care then Stiles didn't hold his hand back. In fact, he seemed to have become lost again in the wall to his right. The doctor stopped touching him and looked at Mr. Stilinski.

"Well, he's bruised up and several of the cuts are going to need stitches. He seems to have two broken bones, one his left leg, and one in his right arm. We'll need an X-ray to be sure." Mr. Stilinski nodded and Scott looked down at Stiles, who hadn't looked away from the spot on the wall.

"I'll send someone up here to clean and stitch him, then we can x-ray him. You said you already processed him right?" Mr. Stilinski and Scott shared a look. There had been no need, they had killed the ones responsible for what had happened to Stiles. Mr. Stilinski just nodded.

"Alright then, someone will be here soon," the doctor said then left the room. Scott looked at Stiles, who still hadn't looked away from the spot on the wall he had been staring at for at least 5 minutes now. Scott's grip on Stiles's hand increased, but Stiles's grip on Scott's hand was still exactly the same.

The nurse that walked in a few minutes later wasn't his mom. Scott wished it was, even though his Mom probably wasn't there because she might have a hard time stitching Stiles up. The nurse turned to them and asked.

"I'm going to have to clean and stitch him up during part of which he'll be naked." Scott had seen Stiles naked before, it wasn't something he particularly liked seeing, but he had seen it before. Of course, when Stiles was naked he would see all of them again, all the wounds. He could handle it, Scott nodded and a little bit after Mr. Stilinski did. She first took a wash cloth and ran it over his face, arms and legs removing the dried blood, dirt and whatever else was on his body. She set to cleaning up the cuts. Scott honestly wasn't sure it was any better now. There was no dried blood, but he could see every bruise and every cut where some of them had been hidden before. After looking over for a few moments, she took something out of a drawer. It was a syringe which she quickly removed from its packaging. She looked at Stiles who during who hadn't once looked at her she had come into the room. She looked at them instead after a moment.

"It'll numb him," She told them before shot him several times on his arms and legs. Scott watched Stiles's face, he didn't look away from the wall the entire time, or even wince in pain. The woman glanced at Stiles's face again and brought out a needle this time started stitching him up.

Scott was starting to feel sick. He had never felt sick of the sight of blood before, or even someone being hurt. But this was Stiles, his best friend. His friend was being stitched up and he wasn't making a sound, he still hadn't even looked away from the wall. She finished the last set of stitches then looked at Stiles with pity in her eyes.

"Honey, I'm going to turn you onto your back. Is that okay?" Stiles didn't move still. The nurse after a moment gently rolled him onto his back. Scott's eyes started to water and his stomach started to roll. He hadn't seen his back in the house, too focused on the horror that was his front. He heard the nurses sharp intake of breath. His back was a mess. There were what looked like whip marks all across his back, many looked deep and very painful. There were bruises too and other smaller cuts. He wanted to be there for Stiles, but that's when his stomach chose to rebel. Scott rushed to the bathroom that was part of the hospital room and emptied his stomach's contents into the toilet. Just when he thought he was done barfing another wave of nausea would hit him. There was a hand on his back he knew that hand anywhere.

"Mom, how's he supposed to be okay?" he asked again, this time tears were making their way down his cheeks and he didn't even care to wipe them off. "He's broken and I don't how I'm supposed to fix him?"

"Scott, it will take time," she said slowly "maybe even a lot of time. But you'll be there for him, every step of the way and that will make all the difference," he really wanted to believe her, believe that everything one day would be fine again. Believe that Stiles would get back to his annoyingly talkative self, but he wasn't sure if it could.

"The nurse is done cleaning and stitching him now. He'll be taken for an x-ray in a few minutes," Scott got up from his position next to the toilet and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He washed his hands in the sink next to the toilet. He then cupped his hand underneath the still running water and brought the water to his mouth, he swished it around a little bit and spit it into the sink. The teen turned to face his mother who was looking at him concerned.

"I should go be with him until they take him away," he tried to say strongly, but it didn't come out that way.

"I think that would be a good idea," she agreed and Scott nodded, he made his way back into the room and saw Mr. Stilinski staring at Stiles and Stiles still staring at the wall. Scott swallowed and made his way back to his friend's side. He grabbed Stiles's hand again.

"Stiles, I don't where you are, but I'm here for you okay? I'm here for you," he assured softly. Stiles's eyes didn't so much as blink though. Scott fought the tears back that wanted to escape this time. He had to be strong for Stiles he had to be. Someone stepped into the room with a wheelchair. They were coming to take Stiles, he fought back the wolf in him who wanted to rip this person apart who wanted to take Stiles away from him. Instead, he stepped back as the nurse got his friend out of bed and settled him into the wheelchair and started wheeling him out.

As soon as Stiles was out the door, Scott couldn't seem to stand anymore and fell into a chair by the empty bedside. He felt so weak, so drained and since Stiles wasn't in the room anymore, he could feel these things without feeling so guilty. He heard more than saw Mr. Stilinski sit down next to him. Scott looked up and saw Mr. Stilinski looking at him. Scott swore to him with his eyes that he would do whatever it took to heal Stiles and Mr. Stilinski swore it back to him. They as one looked back at the bed Stiles had been laid on and settled into to wait till he came back.