The second they made it back to Dalton, Blaine made a beeline for a bathroom to wash himself up, leaving the others to sort out the newcomers. He barely even noticed Kurt as he rushed past.

When he came back out, freshly clean and in new clothes, the hallways were deadly silent and it took him a while before he found everyone. Every single one of them were crowded in the common room. They all glanced up when he came in, deathly quiet, and he moved to sit next to Kurt, who wrapped an arm around him, comfortingly, holding him close and kissing his cheek.

"Cooper and Santana told us everything that happened while you were out. We were just waiting for you to come in for Sam and Enzo to tell their story." Kurt told him softly. Blaine nodded and looked at the two in question. He assumed Enzo was the guy that had been with Sam and his siblings.

And not a second later, Sam began his story.

Sam slammed the door shut with all his weight before spinning around and grabbing Stacey, picking her up and then running straight upstairs. He ran with her into Stevie's room, where he slammed the door shut once again. He placed Stacie on the bed where her brother was already sat.

"Sammy, what's going on-"

There was a loud groan outside the door and Stacie screamed.

Sam grabbed her, slamming his hand over her mouth. He was dripping with sweat and his breathing was heavy. The adrenaline running through his veins was starting to wear off. The fear was starting to kick in.


No he had to stay strong. Not for him. For them.

He'd just watched his parents die, he had to protect them with his life.

The remained holed up in Stevie's room for three days, but quickly they realised that they needed food. Sam left them locked in the room, telling them not to open the door no matter what they heard, and went to clear the house. He found his father in the living room, and he had to kill him. He had to kill the monster his father had become.

It was painful, and Sam let himself finally cry. They weren't here to see him after all. And thankfully, there had been no other monsters in the house. So Sam picked up his dad's dead, half rotten body and carried him out into the yard. He found a small patch of overgrown grass to put him in and proceeded to cover him with fallen branches from trees. It wasn't much of a grave, but Sam mainly did it so that they wouldn't have to see him.

He then went back in and let them out of Stevie's room. He kept them fed from then on, now that they had free roam of their house again. But he never let them leave, not once. They managed to stay there for a while before one day, while they were all upstairs, they heard the door bang.

Sam stood, put his finger to his lips and motioned for them to stay. He then picked up his baseball bat and left the room, quietly sneaking down the stairs. The first thing he noticed was that the door, which he'd always kept locked, was wide open, the handle broken.

He gripped the bat tightly, his heart racing in fear. He heard banging sounds in the kitchen and headed towards them. He turned the corner quietly, bat raised.

A man was rummaging around in the cupboards, pulling out all their remaining food.

"HEY!" Sam yelled, walking in, bat in hand, shaking.

The man jumped in shock and dropped what he was holding and immediately threw his hands in their air and turned. He had dark green eyes and messy dark hair. He was foreign.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked, nervously but angrily.

"I thought this house was abandoned I'm sorry! I'm just hungry! Please don't hurt me." His accent was British, maybe? And he seemed sincere enough.

"We don't have much to give."


"My brother and my sister. We have so little as it is. Why us? Why not someone else?"

"Kid... have you not left this house?" Sam shook his head, his hands growing sweaty as he adjusted his grip. "Kid... there's no one left."

Sam shook his head again, this time in disbelief. "You're wrong. Someone's coming to rescue us. The disease will be gone soon."

"There's no one left. No one's coming. We're fucked man."

"No..." Sam's voice cracked and he let go a single tear, all hope leaving him.

The bat fell to the floor as Sam covered his face. The man watched for a minute before talking again.

"Look, kid, you can stay here as long as you want and keep pretending things will get better. Or you can come with me and we can protect each other. Find food and maybe other people. There's a safety in numbers, kid. And those siblings of yours probably need safety, right?"

Sam looked up at him, eyes wide.

"Choose what's best for them, kid."


"I'm Sam."

"Lorenzo. But just Enzo."

Two blonde heads popped out from behind the door. "And this is Stevie and Stacey."

He nods. "Well then... you ready to go?"

"Well that's pretty much all the important stuff. Enzo fixed up a car and we drove until broke again. Ended up holed in that kitchen for about three weeks before we heard gun shots. We tried to make our own way out, but Cooper beat us to the punch and helped us out." He shot Cooper a thankful smile, before looking over at his siblings.

They were finally sleeping peacefully, curled up on a chair together, Stevie holding his sister close. Finally safe.

"What about you?" Sebastian said, eyeing up Enzo.

"What do you mean? Sam explained everything-"

"No. That's not what I meant." Everyone watched Sebastian curiously, unsure of what he was doing. "You've been wary ever since you came here, like you're looking for a way to escape."

"Well, that's a natural response? You guys could kill me at any second."

Sebastian, clearly annoyed, stood up, whipping his knife out as he did and started walking over before anyone could stop him.

"What. Did. You. Do." He said, holding his knife up to Enzo's neck.

"Sebastian! Stop it!" Rachel shouted at him as Thad stood and tried to pull him away, only to be pushed aside. Everyone began yelling over each over, the volume building.

"I don't know what you're talking about! Please!" Enzo pleaded.

"TELL ME!" He screamed, pressing the knife down.


Silence fell upon the group, staring at Enzo in shock, even Sam, who'd spent over three weeks with the man. Sebastian's eyes filled with hatred and his grip on the knife tensed.

"Please. Please let me explain!"

Blaine stood up, pulling himself from Kurt. "Bas, let him speak."

"Why should I? He's the reason our families are dead, Blaine!"

"Sebastian. Step away. We let him explain. And then after that, we'll decide on what to do."

Sebastian tensed again, but pulled away obediently. He stood close though, ready to pounce at any second.

"Enzo. Explain, now."

Not missing a beat, Enzo shot into action, his eyes watching Sebastian's knife warily.

"I'm a scientist. My colleagues and I were working on certain vaccines and viruses. One of them, Max, he... he started mixing our work together. I told him to stop; I knew it wasn't going to turn out good. But it was like he was possessed. He was crazy, he would not stop what he was doing. And then one day, he started testing this thing he created on animals. In secret, we would have never let him do that if we'd known. From what I know they mostly died from what he was injecting into them. I didn't know any of this until after though.

"I came into work one day and it so silent... It was never silent... I went to our lab and... There was blood... there was so much blood. He'd... he'd injected every single one of my colleagues with this serum he'd created... They were lying on the floor, I thought they were dead. Max was standing there, smiling... And then Michael stood up off the floor. I thought he was dead, I was so scared... He bit Max... he ate him.

"And I ran. I ran away. I left California and by the time I got to Kentucky, everything was gone."

The room was silent, watching in shock.

"But I think if I can get back there, find Max's research... I can fix it."

Blaine frowned, unsure of what he meant.

"What do you mean?" Cooper asked from across the room, eyes filled with fear.

"I can make a cure."


I'm so sorry about how long this took and I totally understand if no one's reading. I suck, I know I suck.

This bad, I just wrote it's half one in the morning i'm so tired and it's so bad but I had to get something out there.

Hope you guys are still reading :)