Chapter 2

The next morning, Pit and Palutena rode off to Viridi's Temple on their heavenly chariot. Pit had butterflies in his stomach. He was still afraid that Viridi would have him imprisoned or worse executed. But in truth, what he was afraid the most was that Viridi might never speak to him again. But he was certain of one thing, he is going to do whatever it takes to make it up to her.

When they arrived and parked at the front if the steps, they disembarked and looked up at the temple. Pit breathed in his courage and walked up the steps with Palutena walking beside him. When they reached the door, Palutena used the knocker to have someone with a gentleman tone from the inside ask "Yes? Who is it?"

"Arlon, it's us, Palutena and Pit." Palutena answers.

The door opened and Arlon popped his head out, seeing the visitors. "Ah, Lady Palutena and Master Pit. May I ask of your business at the young mistress' domain?"

Pit gulped and stepped forth as he explained "I... I've come to apologize to Viridi of what I said. Didn't she tell you about yesterday?"

Arlon placed a fist under his chin, scratching it with one finger. "Ah yes. She appeared very upset when she returned, the poor girl. But recently, she has been quiet and seems very troubled, as if though in deep regret."

Pit and Palutena made surprised expressions. "What do you mean?" Palutena said wih a hint of worry in her voice.

"Mistress Viridi wasn't being as... Ahem... Bossy as she usually is." Arlon began. "Plus she hasn't eaten her vegetable dinner or slept all of last night."

Pit felt really awful to hear that. Did he really hurt her that bad? Now he feels unsure of this. Palutena placed a hand on his shoulder, resulting in Pit looking up to her. She smiled at him as to reassure him and fill up his confidence which worked. She then looked back at Arlon asking "May we come in, please?"

"Of course. To be quite frank, Mistress Viridi had requested to allow you to come in as though she's been expecting company, specifically you, Master Pit." Arlon stated.

Pit was a little taken aback. She expected him to arrive. Probably had a trap set for him to get back at him hard. But he breathed in some courage and stepped in with Palutena. Arlon closed the door and stepped up beside them. "I will show you to her sanctuary."

Arlon walked to the stairs with Pit and Palutena following him behind. He led them up the steps down a hallway and stopped to a door that looks like a big strip of bark which they assumed was Viridi's bedroom door. Plus it had a sign hanging on it that said 'Do not disturb, or die!'

Palutena looked at Pit. "Are you sure you'll be alright?"

Pit nodded his head calmly. "I'm sure."

"I will escort Lady Palutena to the sitting room where she will await you for the time being." Arlon said. Then he makes an unsettled look. "Good luck."

"Thanks." Pit said quietly. When he was left alone, Pit breathed in to not be overwhelmed by the awkwardness that was to come and knocked on the door. "Come in." A responds Viridi's voice, as Pit opened the door slowly to see Viridi sitting on her bed facing the window away from the door.

Pit approached the bed and sat next to the little deity as he greeted "Hey."

"Hey." Viridi greeted back.

For the first fifteen seconds, things were unsettle and quiet. Pit made an awkward cough as he tires to think of what to say first. He decided to begin with how things have been. "Arlon told me how you've been. Now I feel really bad. But if it makes you feel better, I... I couldn't eat or sleep either." Pit waited for Viridi to talk back, but all he got was silence and a sad expression. Pit adjusted his position to feel more comfortable and continued. "Wh... what I said to you... before you left... It was stupid of me! I shouldn't have blared at you 'if you were a real goddess.' Making you feel unworthy of being a goddess, it wasn't my place. If someone says I'm a sorry excuse for a guardian... I would be pretty upset and frustrated."

Viridi looked at pit with her arms crossed in a bundling manner, showing that she was listening. "You did so much for me, and yet I went and broke your heart like a big fat jerk. Maybe I didn't deserve your help after all. Maybe I should've suffered having to do things on my own." Viridi covered her mouth with her hands in shock of hearing Pit say those cruel things to himself. "If you hadn't helped me... I would've been left alone to face the Chaos Kin to free Lady Palutena... I should be grateful that you are a goddess, because... despite that you have different opinions on humans from Palutena, you still have good reasons. Anyway... What I'm trying to say is... Well... I'm so..."

Viridi suddenly embraced Pit in a hug, burring her face in his chest, which surprised and confused the angel boy. Viridi breathed in and said "No Pit... I'm the one who should be sorry... For starting the fight with you... I called Palutena a pansy, I gloated at you about me being a goddess, and I frustrated you with my beliefs of humans. What kind of friend is that?"

Even though he felt heart warmed of Viridi apologizing for her behavior yesterday, he was still in a bewildered state. "V... Viridi? How could... How could you forgive me so easily? I... I thought you would be angry and would expect me to make it up to you."

Viridi snuggled in his chest as she explained "I know. Your right. I would want you to show me how sorry you are, but... right after I left, I looked down at the planet, expecting to see a human trample a flower, but instead I saw a little girl picking a flower and give it to her dad. The father then had his daughter put the flower in a vase and poured water inside. Then I saw a little boy pretending to be a warrior climb a tree to rescue a cat. Seeing that made me realize how right you are about humans not being alike from one another."

Pit felt relaxed to hear Viridi tell him that she accepted his knowledge, but he still felt bad about what he said to her that day. Viridi broke the hug and looked up to him with soft eyes. "I then reflected on what I've done during dinner and felt so guilty, I couldn't even take a bite. I couldn't even close my eyes at night, because I had a nightmare of everyone hating me, lecturing me, and not even looking at me without sneering, including Phosphora, Arlon, and Cragalanche. I've felt so alone and hurt, I didn't dare go back to sleep."


"But seeing Palutena furious at me felt like the worst. I don't know why, but... Maybe it's because Plautena was like what she is towards you." She narrowed her eyes away from Pit for a moment. "I guess because Palutena has been so strict at me that I was feeling like she was my mom in so many ways." She then looked back up in his calm eyes. "From what I've thought about since yesterday, I've realized that you were right about me. What kind of Goddess am I if I don't listen a single word from others around me?"

Pit felt as though something soft and comfy filled a void in his chest seeing Viridi accept her past actions and behavior as resentful. But Pit didn't like seeing her wallow in pity, so he smiled at her placed a hand on her head and stroke her hair gently, causing her to slightly blush. "Viridi, even if Palutena doesn't accept your actions and beliefs, she still is really grateful for helping me, and so am I." Viridi made a smile, feeling happy to hear Pit thank her. "So with that being the case, I think you make a pretty awesome goddess."

Viridi was so touched by the angel's words that she hugged him warmly. She was in complete and utter awe and happiness. Pit, the angel who called her a sorry excuse for a goddess and broke her heart just now patched it up by saying she is an incredible one. "Your too nice, Pit. But thank you, for everything."

Pit was so proud of himself for lifting up Viridi's spirit, so he hugged Viridi back. "Your welcome." The heartfelt moment lasted for about a minute or so before they broke apart.

"I pretty much owe Palutena an apology too." Viridi felt anxiety when she mentioned that. "And I should be prepared for my tush becoming red."

It was pretty true. Considering Palutena's strict side, she would more likely give good spankings to children, especially to Viridi. "Yeah, you better!" A sudden deep yet young voice said, startling the angle and goddess.

"Wha?! Who's there?!" Viridi asked.

Pit let out a sigh of annoyance. "I know who it is. Pitto."

Just then, a piece of wood came flying off over their heads. They looked at the hole that was made by a kick from non other than Dark Pit, who aggravatingly came in and demanded "Quit calling me that! It is not gonna stick!"

Viridi fumed with annoyance as she asked "And what are you doing here?! How long have you been floating there?!"

Dark Pit put the insult aside and smirked at Viridi. "Phew! Sorry to have ruined your romance, your highness!" Viridi blushed both in embarrassment and irritation after Pit's yang counterpart said that. "Anyway, I was just flying by when I saw you to looking like you were about to smooch up a storm, so I decided to watch."

Viridi sat up from the bed. "Well shows over! So if you don't mind, I have some... Personal business to look into."

"You mean kiss up to Palutena?" Dark Pit asked humorously.

Pit glared at his dark side. "She's not going to do it like that! She's been through a lot yesterday, so cut her some slack!"

"Oh like you, Mr. Lady wooer!" The fallen angle asked sarcastically, referring to yesterday.

Pit turned from Dark Pit and narrowed his eye in regret as he said "It was mistake. And I'm not doing it again."

At the sitting room, Palutena was sitting comfortably on a leaf, waiting patiently for Pit to return. While of course having her back turned on Phosphora, who decided to give her unwelcome company, not even speaking to her one bit.

"Aw come on, you gotta be at least a little happy to see me." Phosphora teased just to get on the older deity's nerves. "Not even a little?" The lightning warrior held her hand up, pinching the air.

"Nope! As I said, I don't like snobby teenagers!" Palutena said, not turning to look at Phosphora.

"Pit's a teenager." Phosphora pointed out.

Palutena knew that she was trying to annoy her as much as she could before Pit came back. "Yes, but he's not as snobby as you and he's more of fourteen!"

Phosphora rolled her eyes in humor. "Whatever."

They then heard the doors open. They saw Pit come in. Palutena got up and smiled at him greeting "Hey Pit. How did it go?"

Pit smiled back at his 'mother' and reported "It went great. Me and Viridi made up."

"So then we're settled?"

"Well, not quite yet." Pit informed making Palutena raise an eye brow. "Viridi wants to say something before we leave."

"Oh, alright." With that said, Pit allowed Viridi to proceed in. The little deity looked nervous as she walked up to Palutena with her arms behind her back. Palutena leaned forward to her with kindness on her face. "Hello, Viridi. What's on your mind?"

Viridi breathed in and out as she looked up to the adult goddess and said softly "Lady Palutena." It surprised Palutena to hear Viridi speak to her with respect. "I have been thinking about how much I annoyed everyone about my complaints and desires, I especially looked back at what I've done to make you so angry with me. And the way I behave towards you was improper for a lady. I now realize that I don't only look like a child... I am a child."

Palutena held a fist up to her mouth, feeling pity for the little goddess. "Oh Viridi..." Phosphora had her jaw dropped in a bit of shock and awe. She never thought that Viridi would openly admit... Well anything negative about herself.

"And like every misbehaving child I should be punished." Viridi bowed her head in shame, awaiting Palutena's respons.

Then much to her confusion, she felt a gentle hand placed on her head. She looked back up to see Palutena smiling down at her with care. "Viridi, there is nothing bad in being a child. And though you may act as a bug to some, we know that we would have nothing without nature." She slide her hand down to the cheek of a awe strucked Viridi and continued. "You have a lot to learn, but you should enjoy what you know so far."

Viridi smiled with excitement as she exclaimed "I have learned something yesterday, that not every human is the same. They have different eye views just like we gods and goddesses do. And that I should be careful what I say about others, show some respect."

"I think your going to make a wonderful goddess at such a young age. And I'm very happy for you for that." When Palutena finished, Viridi wrapped her arms around the older goddess' waist and Palutena placed her hands on the smaller deity's back.

As the two goddesses hugged, Phosphora stood there all stunned as Pit scooted to her. She looked at the angel with confusion. "What the heck is going on? Was is something I missed?"

"Nah, you haven't missed anything. Let's just say she took my advice well." Pit said with a bit of pride.

Phosphora then smirked and lightly punched him in the arm. "You dweeb!" Pit laughed as he rubbed the arm Phosphora punched as she laughed along.

And there you have it! If it was a bit rushed at some point, let me know in your reviews. (R&R)