Disclaimer: If I owned B:UTRH or Teen Titans, than Red X would be Jason Todd before he became Red Hood, Raven would be flirted with also, and we'd know what happened to Jason after the explosion at the end of the movie



Leaving Azarath/The Dream

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now.

The young Raven, wearing her white cloak and leotard, stood before her mentor, Azar, in front of the main temple in Azarath. She was confused. Azar had just told her that she had to leave Azarath.

"But Azar, why? Have I done something wrong? Am I being banished?" the child asked, eyes wide. Azar's kind blueish-purple eyes crinkled at the edges as she smiled gently, looking straight into Raven's wide, violet eyes.

"No, my dear child. This is the next stage, one of the final parts of your training. To complete it and gain mastery of your powers, you must leave Azarath, and go to Earth. You do wish to master your powers still, don't you?" Raven nodded fiercely. "Than you must go. I wish you didn't, but it is necessary, for the sake of your training." The leader of the monks of Azarath kneeled down and placed a hand gently on Raven's shoulder, before raising them and they glowed slightly. A book appeared in her hands. "Here. Take this. This book will guide you to a human you can trust to take care of you. You will know when you have found the right person. The jewel in the book will begin to glow. When you have decided to settle, open the book, and it will send everything you will need to you. Do not open it before you have found a decided to stay with someone. Trust the book to guide you to that person." Raven nodded.

"Thank you Azar. I will take good care of it. I promise not to open it too soon." she hugged her mentor. "I wish I didn't have to leave. I'll miss you." Azar smiled sadly and looked into her student's eyes.

"Some things change our lives forever, altering our world, our future, affecting the rest of our lives. This is one of those things for you. It will seem scary, and hard, and your life will be full of challenges. But you will find, in the end, it will be worth it. You will be changed from the inexperienced child you are today to a wise, strong, and lovely young woman. Like a bird spreading it's wings. Your destiny is yours alone. Remember that, my little Raven. Be brave. Now go! Go forth, little bird, and spread your wings to fly!" Azar chanted her mantra, which was slightly different for everyone in Azarath. A portal opened. Raven stepped up to it. She turned back to the woman who had raised her and acted as a second mother to her.

"Goodbye Azar. I will make you proud." she promised, clutching the book, before turning and leaping through the portal.

"You already have." Azar whispered as the portal closed behind Raven.

Raven woke up from her dream. She felt a pang at the memory of Azar, the monks, and her old home. It had been 15 or 16 years since that day. She still missed Azarath, her mother, and Azar dearly. But all those things had been gone for about 7 years, ever since the Prophecy of the Gem began to come true. Now, Raven was almost 23. She was considering going solo as a hero soon. She sighed and got up, grabbed her cloak and walked out of her dark room into the manor.

I hope this better. Leave me your thoughts! Peace out! -lanamere