I was in the mood to write and all night my mind has been on soul eater, so... Enjoy and REVIEW, please.

I am in the process of reading the manga so this is going to be the anima version, so to say, of soul Eater.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Maka held the newborn child in her arms. She was only nineteen; a year older than her mother when her mother gave birth. Maka was still in the hospital bed, seeing as she just gave birth to the bundle of joy. She had given birth to a boy. Oh, how she wished Soul was here to see the child, but he was dealing with some sort of family affairs. The baby boy slowly open his eyes. They were crimson color. Hmm, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here how about we start from the beginning. No, thats not right; how about the beginning of the middle? It sounds good enough so let's go with that. You just sit and read, while this story unfolds before you.

Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, Blackstar, Kid, Liz, and Patty had made it out alive from fighting the Kishen. All were injured; Maka the worst, yet she seem to be the only one standing during the battle. After the Kishen got defeated they all at least muster some energy. As they stand talking the sky was covered with now free souls. It was a beautiful sight. They all went home not wanting to stay awake much longer after all they been through. Soul unlocked the door to their apartment and made way for Maka to enter first. They both went in and just flopped on their own beds not really caring about school work or the simple fact that they needed to eat. Maka held the postcard from her mother to her chest as her eyelids slowly drooped shut.

Maka awoke in the middle of the night from a nightmare. She was soaked in sweat and a scream escaped her throat before she could stop it. She didn't understand why this nightmare unnerved her so much. She had bad dreams before, but this one... It was just too much. With the stress of the Kishen incident and having her mother gone she got a dream, one she whats to forget. It was about her mother... Her mother had become a new Kishen and was even stronger than the last. Everyone refused to fight her, and the ones who didn't that ended up being dead from the waft of Maka's mother in Kishen from. The only one left to defeat her was Maka. Maka shook her head she needed to forget the dream.

Soul rushed into Maka's room as soon as he heard her scream. He entered her room just as she was shaking her head; ridding herself of the dream. "Maka are you okay!?" Soul asked worriedly. Maka shook her head again. Tears were flowing from her eyes. "Well, what happen. I just today told you were cool; crying and screaming for no reason isn't cool, Maka." Soul said awkwardly. He instantly regretted even uttering a word after the death glare she gave him. Damn it, she looks so cute; even with tear streaking her face. Soul thought to himself.

"I-I just had a bad dream, okay. Go back to sleep; I'm fine now." Maka said whimpering.

"No your not." Soul muttered as he sat down oh Maka's bed and pulled her in a comforting hug.

"S-Soul..." Maka whispered before pressing her face to his chest and weeping.

Soul stayed by Maka's side til she fell asleep. Then after staring at her longer than was nessacary he left to his own room. Damn Maka, why do you make me feel like this? Soul question her in his mind. He had always had feeling for Maka since they frist met, but he tried to hide that fact from everyone; mostly himself. He didn't deserve a girl like Maka and he didn't want to drag his shit into her life. He doesn't know when he was finally able to admit the fact he loved her. He believes it was right before she defeated the Kishen; when they entered soul dark place, so to say, where the red demon was. She had saved him from being fully engulfed in the black blood. But even before that he had always loved the way she would have a book at hand when ever or where ever, He loved how some of the littlest things pissed her off. He also loved her face she made every time she got pissed off. All in all he loved Maka, but he can't ever tell her that.

I want to write more, but am ending this chapter here. Next one should be out Tomorrow. REVIEW, PLEASE!