Note: Hey all. I am just in love with the idea of this movie. I haven't seen it yet (planning on seeing it this weekend), but I knew I was going to love it and started writing this fic for it. I looked over what others had written and feel that yes this follows the same kind of story line, but with small twists in it. The tittle is a working one. If someone gives me a better one, or I think of a better one, I will change it. I think Jack is just so cute and I wanted to make a story for him so badly. I hope you enjoy and give ideas as what to put and such. I love hearing new ideas. Enjoy and review for me please.

There are times with in the year where Winter and Summer meet. They are the times when the weather battles for control. Summer fighting to stay and Winter fighting to come alive or vice versa. It is during those times of the year that two forces meet and soar through the streets dancing with joy, happiness, and light hearts. It is during those times of years that Jack was able to see her, Heat.

In a small town, a teen looking female sat laughed watching the children play. It had just started snowing, though it was too soon for that to happen. She smiled with joy knowing that Jack was coming and wondered where he would come from. She ran her hands down her tight dark blue jeans as she waited. There was a chill behind her and she turned her head to see if it was him. He wasn't. She pushed her light pink hair out of her eyes and stood up. Her white skin glowed with an yellowish light giving her the ability to float in the air. She hovered in the air for a moment staring at the area where the chill came from.

It was during her search that a snow ball hit her in the back. Heat was fast in through a small fire ball back at the person who hit her. She made sure that her attack would miss its mark. She flashed a smile as Jack gave her a dark snare. He didn't like the fact that she almost hit him. She laughed as she watched him regain himself. Once she was sure he was ready, Heat raced into the streets melting the snow that Jack made. Jack, in turn, raced to her side remaking the snow that she was destroying.

If one could see them, they would have seen to lights racing through the streets. Jack gave out a light blue shine while Heat gave out a bright orange light with hints of yellow. Heat let out a joyous laugh as she ran across a small lake. She stopped in the middle and waited for Jack to appear. Jack smiled at her and reached out his hand for her to take. She glanced at it and chuckled softly. She skated off and did a beautiful dance with flips and twirls. Jack watched in awe before joining her. She leaned into his touch and danced on the ice with him before flying off into the town once more.

It had been the early afternoon when they started. Now, it was well after dark. Most of the children had gone inside for the night, though there was still a number of little ones playing in the snow. Heat touched down in the center of town and started to make the snow melt, but stopped. Her eyes landed on a couple out far a way. They were holding hands and seemed happy. Heat glanced down at her hands for a moment last in thought.

Jack walked towards watching her study her hands. He glanced up at the couple that Heat must have saw. He wondered if she wanted someone to hold her hand like that. Jack had thought about such things often in his life.

"Heat?" He questioned, breaking her from her thoughts.

"Sorry!" Heat laughed out as she started to hover. Her voice sounded kind and warm. It was the kind of voice that made one think of spring and bright sunny days, "I was lost in thought." Heat turned around in a small circle to see what was around her. "I guess I should call it in."

"I believe it's about that time." Jack stated as he studied the female in front of him. "I guess I'll see you next spring." He didn't seem happy about that fact.

"I guess..." Heat stated unsure of herself. She hated to say goodbye to Jack. She enjoyed playing with him. It was nice. "Unless you would like to go for hot coco with me?"

"Hot coco?" He asked. Jack wasn't sure if he heard her right.

"Yes, there is a place near by that I go to every year when the season ends."

"I thought no one could see you." Jack stated in thought.

"The owners can." Heat smiled out. "The woman who owns it saved my life and she never stopped believing in me. She even made sure her family believes in me."

"And she makes good hot coco?" Jack questioned as he looked at the ground.

"The best in 100 miles." She stated with proud. "It's an old family recipe."

"I guess I could have a cup." Jack stated unsure of himself.

"Great!" Heat yelled out as she took his hand in hers. She pulled him down the street that would take them to a small cafe. It was her second home of shorts.


Jack was amazed as he took in the sight of the cafe. He had passed it a number of times before and never took much notice. He couldn't believe that he never stopped by before as the two walked in. The shop was called 'Northern Warmth' and had the feeling of Santa's WorkShop about it. The owner of the shop was a woman in her late 30's and who most likely was a mother. She smiled brightly at the sight of Heat and waved the two over after making sure no one saw.

Heat pulled Jack into a small back room where a table sat with three chairs. Jack found this odd at first.

"Since no one can see me, I have to stay back here. The people out front would freak out if they saw floating cups." Heat said with a hint of sadness. "But if we're lucky, Mike may come by. You'll just love him."

"I see you brought a friend." The owner giggled out. "And a cute one at that."

"Hello, I'm-"

"You're Jack Frost." The woman finished for him. "My name is Hope and Heat has told me much about you. My boy Mike loves to hear any story he can about you."

"Your son knows about us?" Jack asked confused.

"Yes," Hope stated. "I couldn't live my life if I had kept Heat and her world secret from him."

"Her husband knows too." Heat explained. "It was hard to get him to believe, but after we had to team up to save Hope... Well, he never stopped believing in our world and vowed to make sure that his children believed in us too."

"Wow," Jack stated as he thought the news over. "I never knew that there was anyone who could see you before today and now I find out there's a lot."

"Not a lot." Heat rushed to say. "Just three."

"I'll be right back with your drinks." Hope stated as she left the room.

"How much do they know?" Jack asked looking around the room.

"Not everything, but enough to keep them believing." She glanced down at her black heeled black for a moment. "I met Hope when she was a little girl. She was about five at the time." Jack wasn't sure why Heat was telling him this, but he let her go on. "I was there for her first everything. Her first kiss. Her first boyfriend. Her first time a way from home. I was even there when she got married and for the birth of her son." There was a hint of deep sadness when Heat said that last part. "We are very close."

"Do you want what she has?" Jack asked aloud by mistake. Heat's eyes went wide.

"Yes, I want to have someone to love and have children one day." She stated back softly pushing her hair out of her face. "I have always wanted to be a mother since I was young."

"I think that you would make a good mother." Jack said without much thought.

"Yes, and I am sure you would make a great father." Heat joked out hoping to lighten the mood. "Anyway, the last snow day you did around here left Hope out of work for a number of days. If you could tone it down just a bit, I'd be grateful."

"I can try to make it a little less bad." Jack stated with a smile. "I could break up the snow days so its one to two days at most every two months. It would give the kids a much needed break."

"So long as Hope is able to work, I don't care how you do your magic."

"Why haven't you started a family?" Jack asked after a long pause.

"Because, the right guy hasn't came along." Heat replied in a whisper. "It's funny. Hallow asked me that once and I didn't know what to say to him. But it was the same than too. The right guy wasn't there."


"My ex." Heat stated without much care. "He's a spirit that deals with Halloween and holidays that deal with that type of stuff."

"I don't recall every hearing about him before." Jack stated thinking the matter over.

"He doesn't like people much and really lays low. We didn't have much in common other than the fact we both liked playing pranks on people, but that grows old fast." Heat add as an after thought. "It always felt like he was trying to outshine someone else when we were together. Like he thought that there was someone else he was fighting against and losing to. I didn't much like that. I thought 'Why can't he be like so and so and not care what others thought about him?' I guess that's why we never would have worked. It was doomed from the start."

"You shouldn't say that. You never know. It could work out later on." Jack tried to smile.

"No it wouldn't have." Heat stated. "I saw his love stone. It had the name of some other girl as his soul mate."

"Uh?" Jack wanted to ask what the girl meant, but Hope had come back into the room.

"I just love your hot coco." Heat giggled out as she clapped her hands together. Hope smiled as she placed two glasses onto the table and told the two to drink up. Heat asked if Mike would be coming over and Hope frowned stating that he couldn't. Mike was seeing his grandma that week.

"I'll be sure to stop by during the season than." Jack smirked out. "I can't let the lil guy feel bad about missing out on seeing me." Hope beamed at Jack's words. She left the two alone again in order to take care of the front.

"That was nice of you." Heat stated taking a sip of her drink.

"Least I could do for a fan." Jack smiled softly taking a drink from his mug. "This is really good. It taste just like the-" He stopped as he eyed Heat. She was holding onto her chest with a look of horror crossing her face.

"I need to go." Heat stated in a panic. "I can't stay. I'm sorry."

"Wait!" Jack yelled out. He wanted to know what was going on.

"No time." Heat rushed out as she raced towards the back door. She throw the door opened and flow as fast as she could. Jack raced after her following as best he could. Heat didn't seem to notice him as she stared straight ahead in deep thought. After about two hours, she made a sharp turn and flow into a near by cave. Jack landed right behind her and walked slowly into the cave with her. He was amazed to find that the cave hid a workshop inside. The inside of the cave looked more like a field of flowers mixed with clouds. He imaged this was the think of place Cupid would live in if the place hadn't been trashed.

"No!" Heat screamed out. "What happened? My home is ruined." Heat rushed to check all the rooms she could before flying back into the room that Jack stood in. Jack turned his head to see a female crying in the back of the room. The tall blue haired female rushed towards Heat.

"Everyone is gone! Taken!"

"Crush? What do you mean taken?" Heat asked with worry and fear.

"Someone came and took them after breaking in and ruining everything." Crush stated through tears.

"What about Cupid?" Heat asked. "Was he taken too?"

"I didn't see him." Crush replied.

"This is bad. The King of Cherubs is missing and so is his all of his cherubs, well beside you and I." Heat stated. "We have to find him or else love will be destroyed." Heat yelled out.

"Wait! You're a cherub?" Jack questioned causing Heat and Crush to look at him with confusion.

"You followed me here?' Heat asked with wonder. "How did you pass the front door.?"

"I walked in?" Jack stated confused by what she meant.

"That's not normal." Heat stated as she turned her head to look at Crush. "I only one other being un-cherub that could come in here."

"If only cherubs can come in here than wouldn't that mean a cherub did all this?" Jack questioned the two.

"Right you are." Crush stated as she waved her hands in the air forming a picture of sorts. "And not just any cherub would do this. The cherub Ora must be the one behind this attack." A image of a male with dark eyes appeared in front of Jack before Crush blow out the image. "He was once a cherub of love, like the rest of us, but he let his heart fall into darkness and swear to destroy all love."

"He was locked a way years ago and we thought that would be the last of him." Heat added. "He must have broken free from his cage."

"Is he really that bad?" Jack asked looking at the two girls.

"The last time he attacked... he killed Cupid's daughter." Crush whispered as Heat stared at a small rose in front of her. She placed her hand over the rose and it started to bloom back into life.

"We need to get help." Heat stated in a dizzy. "We need to find Cupid and get one of the guardians to help us. If love is being attacked, then all they hold dear is being attacked too. Without love, they don't have anything to offer the world or gain back from it."

"We could ask North?"

"No! Not him!" Heat screamed out. "The last thing I need is to have him think I'm helpless. I spent years trying to show him I'm not a little girl. This would just show him that I'm still a child."

"Should I even ask?" Jack whispered to Crush.

"Better left for another day."

"We should ask Sandy! He would be able to find the ever dreaming Cupid." Heat smiled trying to forget about North.

"Oh and Bunny!" Crush yelled with joy. "I always wanted to meet him."

"You're so weird." Heat stated with an eye roll.

"I'll help too." Jack called out.

"Uh?" Crush eyed the boy for a moment and nodded her head. "His heart is a good one. He could so stand up to Ora."

"Fine with me." Heat stated. "Let's find Sandy first. I think that his tracker wasn't broken."


"Yes, everyone in the world has one." Crush explained. "It makes it easier for us to do our jobs."

"If you have trackers, why not use them to find the other cherubs?"

"Because Jack, only Cupid can have trackers on other Cherubs and no one can have one for him." Heat explained as she went down a near by hall way. "The tracker room is this way."

"So, how will you be able to find Cupid without a tracker?"

"Sandy can find him." Crush repeated what had been already said.

"How can he find Cupid if you guys can't?"

"He has powers over dreams." Heat noted. "No one dreams as big as Cupid. Sandy has to use pounds of dream dust in order to give our king a good nights rest."

"We should be close to the door." Crush added before walking into a door. "This would be the one." She breathed out as she slid down the side of the door onto the ground.

"Every time." Heat hissed out shaking her head.


Jack eyes went wide as Heat opened the door. There were miles of shelves with small orbs the size of tear drops. He couldn't believe that there were so many of them. Heat smiled as she hovered to the area where Sandy's tracker would be. She picked up a small stone that looked like the color of Sandy. Crush whispered that Sandy's stone was different from everyone else.

"Those who live longer than mortals have different kinds of stones. Most stones are a deep blue, but stones like the one you have reflect the owners soul more and more as time goes on. Sandy's stone is the color of sand because dreams can slip between your fingers before you even know they were there in the first place. It's why finding him a lover has been so hard."

"What does mine look like?" Jack asked in awe.

"It looks like a ray of sunshine pecking through a cloudy day." Crush stated with a soft smile.

"Hey Jack!" Heat beamed out. "Watch this!" Heat placed the stone onto the area where her heart could be found and than brought the stone to her lips and kissed it. It glowed bright and a small light flowed out of the tear shaped stone. It wrapped its around the three beings fulling the room with the color of sand. Jack couldn't even see the room any long and than the colorful light faded. Jack circled around as he saw that they were now in the middle of a street instead of Cupid's workshop.

"Cool right?" Crush asked waving her body back and further as she hovered in the air.

"How?" Jack breathed out in wonder.

"It's the best way for a cherub to travel." Heat winked out. "But it's a way one kind of deal. It takes us to the person in question and leaves the stone in that room. Worse, we have to fly back if we picked up the wrong stone or messed up." She sighed out.

"I didn't mean to get us lost that last time." Crush reasoned. "Which way is Sandy?" The blue haired girl asked.

"He is..." Heat stated circling around the street. "In here." She pointed to a small red house with a smile.

"I think that after this mess I want my tracker stone." Jack stated as he entered the house with the two females. Heat gave him an approving smirk while Crush glared at him. She may not have been the greatest cherub, but she still followed the rules. Before the blue haired girl could speak out, Sandy came walking into the hallway. There was a small question mark floating on the top of his head,

"Need to find Cupid." Heat whispered. Sandy sighed as pictures formed at the top of his hand."It's important this time. The cherubs have been kidnapped." Sandy stopped for a moment as he stared at the three hoping they were lying.

"It's true. I saw there place trashed and empty." Jack cut in. Sandy seemed confused about this.

"I have no idea how he got in either." Crush stated. "No Sandy. The locks aren't broken."

"Hey, we can debate this all after we find Cupid." Heat cried out, earning her a number of hush sounds from Sandy and Crush. Heat glared at the two.

"Let's get Bunny first." Crush whispered. "He seems great in a fight and there will be lots of that going down if Ora was the one who took our friends." Sandy had a look of horror and the image of a dark looking man above his head. "Yes, him. We think he may be behind everything."

Sandy rushed out of the hallway pulling the girls with him. If Ora was free, no one was safe.


"Alright, I get that this Ora is a bad guy, but why is who so bad?" Jack questioned after Bunny reacted in much the same manner that Sandy had.

"Ora was once a cherub who helped lovers find happiness. He was turned down by the one he wanted and went on to destroy the loves he helped to create. In doing so, he weakened peoples ability to believe in anything. Chaos started to rule the hearts of man and wars broke out over the smallest of things." Bunny explained. "This was before your time. By the time you came around, he had been locked a way. North and Cupid sealed him be as tight as they could for what Ora did to them."

"What did Ora do to them?" Jack asked.

"Hey guys! If your done with the history class, can we find Cupid?" Heat called out as she raced towards the two.

"You talked to North yet?" Bunny asked studying the pink hair girl.

"I don't think that we need him." Heat stated coldly. "Cupid will know what happened and after that than, if we need him, we'll talk to him."

"Fair enough." Bunny stated. "The man went through a lot last time Ora was about. Let him have his space n all until we know he's needed."

"That's smart... I wish had thought of seeing it that way..." Crush huffed out to herself. Sandy drew a few pictures over his head asking Crush something. "No, they don't know about that. I don't think it should be said. It'll bring up issues and make my job harder." Sandy made a few more images and Crush rolled her eyes. "Don't tell me how to do my job. I don't tell you how to do yours."

"What are you two on about?" Heat questioned.

"He doesn't think I'm good at my job." Crush whined out.

"Cuz you're not." Heat replied. "I mean who needs 200 years to make your couple get together."

"It's not easy." Crush whined. "They are stupid, stubborn, and blind."

"I beat I could make the match if Cupid would have given me the job." Heat stated pointing to herself. "No matter how stupid, foolish, stubborn or blind a couple can be to each others feelings, there is always a way to make them see. Have you tried putting one in danger? Lovers always step up when the one they love needs saving."

"No..." Crush stated in thought. "I guess that would have been a good idea..."

"See! I sooo should have your case." Heat complained. "Why won't Cupid give it to me? I could sooo handle immortals."

"Because he needs you to do other things." Crush pointed out.

"Whatever." Heat sighed out.

"Besides, I was able to get a little push forward for them." Crush beamed.

"I said whatever." Heat yelled out. "Let's go find Cupid."