Notes: Well, I have written a lot in the past two days for this fic. There will be another story taking place after this one. It will be based in humor and family centered. Read and I'll talk more at the end.

Jack walked into the room where Cupid sat lost in thought. Cupid turned his head to glare at Jack before his eyes soften. The older man smiled at Jack and than uncrossed his legs. He stood up and placed an arm around Jack.

"What do you think of Heat?" Cupid asked. "Be true with your words."

"I think she's amazing, funny, bright, and always ready to have fun. She's a great person." Jack stated.

"And how do you feel about her?" Cupid questioned.

"I care for her very much. She's my good friend." Jack replied.

"Is that all you think of her as?"

"Look! I don't understand." Jack stated letting his feelings out. "Why are you asking me this? I was my love stone thing and it didn't say her name. It said some other girls name."

"You did what!" Cupid screamed out. "I will kill Crush when I get my hands on her."

"Don't. I'm glad I found out now instead of later. I would hate to hurt your granddaughter." Jack explained.

"I can't believe she did this to my Tessa!" Cupid yelled out in a fit of rage. Cupid yelled out more even though he didn't feel the need to. "Heat should have had the chance to be happy. She lost so much and now she can't even have a little bit of love. She shall be punished."

"Wait! Did you just call Heat 'Tessa'?" Jack yelled out.

"What?" Cupid asked with horror. "I did no such thing."

"You did too." Jack said as his eyes went wide. "You called Heat 'Tessa!'"

"Hush!" Cupid yelled. "She doesn't like being called her birth name."


"Aaaaaaa!" Crush screamed out. "I am the worst Cherub EVER! I let Heat leave knowing that she was going to trade herself to Ora in hopes that he let the others go."

"How could ya do that?" Bunny screamed back.

"She said that to show two people they love each other... it maybe a good idea to have one save the other." Crush reasoned.

"Yes, like from falling down stairs." Cupid yelled as he stormed into the room.

"I'm sorry!" Crush cried out. "I've been working for 200 years without a day off and they weren't going anywhere. I need love to!" Crush was a mess. "I haven't slept all the night through for years. Bliss was easier to find love than those children!" She hissed the words out.

"You could have just asked for time off!" Cupid screamed.

"No! I promised her mother I would find do it!" Crushed by her own words, the blue haired female looked at Jack and the others. They all seemed to be against her. Jack seemed the most hurt by her actions.

"Bliss would have understood why I let her go." Crush whispered. Bunny and Sandy stood still for a moment as they let this new found fact hung in the air. They had no idea that Heat was Bliss's child.

"We can still find her!" Jack reasoned. "You can find any cherub in the world." Jack stated pointing to Cupid.

"I can find anyone, but her." He sighed out.

"She may be half cherub, but it should still be possible. Just a little harder." Crush whispered.

"It's not just that." Cupid explained. "She isn't just a normal cherub."

"What does that mean?" Bunny questioned.

"I may be known as the guardian of love, but," Cupid paused trying to find the right why to say what he had to. "that is a lie."

"If you aren't-" Jack started.

"Bliss had taken over the job from me. I had lost my wife. I couldn't see the point of love anymore."

"But she died and love lived on without her." Crush pointed out.

"Because, when Bliss was dying Heat stepped up. She knew that Bliss was dying and throw herself in front of Ora's attack in order to save her mother and all love in the world. It was in that moment Heat became the new protector of love. I never told her because I didn't think she would be able to handle the news well."

"Why didn't you at least tell me?" Crush panicked. "I let her go thinking that Ora would use her to scare you! I thought as a princess of cherubs the most he would do is lock her in a cage until you came!"

"I couldn't tell you! You would have told everyone!"

"That isn't true! Right Sandy?" Crush asked hoping he would side with her. He didn't. He made a picture showing a big mouth and Crush looked at him as though she were hurt. "I kept her real name from everyone and no one every knew that she was Bliss's little girl."

"Because you took a death oath on it!"

"Oh yea..." Crush recalled to herself. "I did."

"How do we find her if ya can't tracker her?" Bunny asked.

"She's half cherub. Maybe she has a tracker stone?" Jack thought out.

"No, that was destroyed when she took over her mothers job. It blow up." Cupid looked deeply upset.

"And the other cherubs? Can you find her through them?" Bunny asked.

"If they are still cherubs. They may have been turned into Fallen." Crush replied.

"What about me? Can you find her through me?" Jack asked as he placed a hand over his heart.

"Find her through you?" Crush and Cupid both asked. Sandy had a questioned mark over his head. He was confused by this as well. Crush's eyes went wide.

"Yes, Yes, I think we could." Crush danced in the air glowing a bright yellow. "It would be just like how Psyche found Bliss when she was taken."

"Yes, I think that spell could work." Cupid reasoned. "I am glad that you read that story to the new cherubs every chance you get."

"It's not really a spell like you would think." Crush explained to Jack. "But we need something that needs something important to the both of you and you have to think hard about her. Recall a big event in both your lives. Something so small, but life changing." Crush stated.

"I have this." Jack said as he pulled out a small rag. "Don't ask."

"I guess if you think that's something important to you both..." Crush sounded unsure. "Now think back as deep as you can. Find a memory that's meaningful to both of you." Jack closed his eyes and thought back to something meaningful to both of them.

It was snowing. The first bit of snow in a long while. Jack had to be about ten years old. His sister had been left in the house while he went out to find his friends. Jack past by a small girl with doll like checks. She looked like one of those dolls that he saw in the shops. She seemed upset and she pulled out her black hair. She stared at it as if it would change color any moment.

"Hello?" Jack said as he walked towards the girl. He knew that he shouldn't be talking to her. She was dressed up in the finest dress he ever saw and he was in ragged old clothes that his cousin could no longer fit.

"Hello," The girl smiled at him as if he were the most important person to her. "Would you like to sit next to me?" She asked making room for him.

"I guess if you don't mind." The girl laughed softly.

"I do not mind one bit."The girl took out a small bag from beside her. "Would you like a toasted nut? My daddy gave me some before he went to work."

"Yea," Jack smiled as he took a few nuts. "My name is Jack."

"My name means Harvester." The girl stated softly.

"Uh?" Jack seemed confused.

"That's what mommy says to people when they ask for my name. It's Tessa." The girl whispered.

"That's a pretty name." Jack stated as he looked into the girls deep green eyes. She beamed at being told that.

"Thank you." The girl smiled to herself as she played with her hair.

Jack smiled softly as he recalled what Heat had told him earlier. 'I met you once before that.' He reminded that moment. The two of them sitting outside the town church and laughing as he told stories about the town. She listened as she rested her head on his shoulder. She said that she had never met anyone as funny as him. She wanted to play in the woods with him and he had felt like he could spend forever with her by his side.

"Oh, wow" Tessa whispered.

"Hmm," Jack looked up at where Tessa's eyes had landed.

"I thought I saw the Man in the Moon." Tessa smiled out. Jack laughed at her silliness. She paused to glanced at his face and before Jack knew it his face his an inch a way from hers. He ran a hand over her face and she leaned into his touch closing her eyes. He would have kissed her if someone hadn't called his name and hers. The girl blushed as she slowly back a way from Jack and ran towards her mother.

"Oh, what a pretty light." Crush awed out as a bright light formed at the area of his heart.

"What's happenin?" Bunny questioned, slightly worried.

"It's nothing." Cupid stated. "A simple spell." Crush knew it was more than a simple spell. Jack was using his love for Heat to call to her heart. It was a sweet loving, pure act. That was somewhat girly. Oh, Crush thought to herself. No wonder Cupid lied.

"Be ready to follow that light." Crush stated as she hovered in the air. The blue light shot out of Jack and towards wherever Heat was.


Heat stared at the room she was in. She didn't understand how she got home. She recalled going to see Ora and than blacking with Jack standing over her. She held her head as she tried to piece together what could have happened. She looked down and saw that she was wearing a dress. Odd. She didn't recall changing into a dress. Heat did a spin to get a feel for the attire. She touched her head to find that her hair was pulled up into a tight bun with a few loss curls. The dress was a shade of blue, like ice, and it touched the ground. It flowed like water as she moved and made her feel like a princess. It made her think of Jack too.

She heard someone clear their throat behind her and turned to looked at the person. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Jack watching her from the door frame. He looked so wonderful with the light shining on him as if he were an angel. She took a moment to take it all in.

"Wow. You look..." Jack started, but couldn't find the words.

"Like a girl?" She finished with an eye roll. Jack chuckled.

"I was going for beautiful, but yea. There's no doubt that you are a girl." He looked her up and down. It was an action that made Heat blush.

"What happened? How did I get here? What happened with Ora?" Heat questioned, trying to understand what was going on.

"Ugh, I really don't want to get into that right now." Jack whined. "I'm still trying to recover from the battle."

"I guess I could wait to find answers." Heat reasoned playing with her finger nails.

"We won." Jack said as he picked up her chin.

"Really?" Heat beamed out.

"Yea, thanks to you." Jack whispered staring into her eyes. "You were breath taking."

"Would you like to dance?" Heat asked as she pulled herself a way from Jack.


"Yes, in the other room." Heat explained. "I mean I'm dressed so nicely and it would be a shame if I didn't dance in this."

"That sounds... nice." Jack smiled softly as he followed Heat into the other room. He rubbed his head as he looked around. "There's no music."

"I don't need music to dance." Heat stated kindly. She placed her right hand on his shoulder and laced her left hand in his. It wasn't a grand dance, but it was perfect for them. It was just as she always dreamed it would be. She let herself get lost in the steps and the feeling of his cold touch, She felt her heart opening up and the room seemed to be glowing a sort of blue color. Her heart skipped a beat when it looked like Jack was about to kiss. She closed her eyes readying herself for the moment she had been waiting forever for.

She kissed him with all the love in her heart and couldn't bring herself to pull a way. Heat felt funny though. The kiss was making her light headed and she was having trouble keeping herself up. She heard someone in the background screaming 'NO!' in a pained voice. Something was wrong here. Something didn't feel right. Jack's grab was hurting her. All the loving care he had given her was fading a way faster than a blink of the eye. Heat tried to push Jack a way, but couldn't. She opened her eyes in horror to find not Jack's cool blue eyes, as she had thought she would, but the dark, evil eyes of Ora. She let out a scream before passing out from lack of energy. Ora had used the kissed to steal her powers. He had tricked her into opening her heart to him.

Ora dropped Heat onto the floor without much care. She was nothing on that he had taken her powers. She would be lucky if she even lived more than an hour. He laughed at how she foolishly believe his lie.

"I most thank you Jack Frost!" Ora snickered out. "I don't think I would've gotten her to open up to me if it wasn't for you." He gave a hollow laugh. "She was so willing to believe that her foolish dreams of love could come true. She was even willing to ignore every sense she had. What a waste!" Ora stated as he kicked Heat across the room. "It's a shame that her mother died was willing to die for such a stupid child."

Jack had been burning with rage since the moment Heat hit the floor. He could only see red and Ora's words made him see blood. He couldn't hold it in any longer. Once Ora had kicked Heat across the room, Jack ran to attack the fiend. Jack was thrown with ease across the room as Ora finished his speech.

"Child." Ora went on. "I have the powers of the guardian of love within me. Add that to the powers I had before, you are no match for me."

Jack pulled himself up. "I don't care. I won't let you get a way with hurting her." Jack shot an ice attack at the dark cherub.

"Foolish boy." Ora stated as he built a power ball of dark light. Jack made an ice shield to keep him from him and he skated to Heat's side. She looked paler than him, which was not a good sign. The ice shield shattered and throw Jack back. That hurt a lot more than the ice boy thought it would. Still, he had to stay strong. He had to wake Heat up. He needed her to be okay.

"Heat!" Jack cried out as he tried to shake her up. He turned just in time to fire an attack with his staff and stop Ora's assault. "You need to get up." Jack was almost at the point of tears. "Heat!"

"It's no use boy." Ora laughed out. "I have taken everything from her. She has nothing left to live for."

"Heat... that's not true..." Jack whispered as he let tears drip down his face. "Tessa..." He whispered so softly that Ora couldn't even hear. The dark cherub watched with joyous eyes as Jack fall to pieces. He would let the boy have this heart breaking moment. It would make the child's soul that more tasty.

"Tessa, please..." Jack whispered as he turned Heat onto her back. "Please wake up. I can't... I can't lose you... not before... I tell you... how I feel..." Jack breathed out. "I love you too much to watch you die..." Jack bent down to look into her face. "Please, Tessa. I know you love me back. Please, if you can hear me... please... come back to me... if you love me... please... find your way back to me..." Jack whispered as he bent down to kiss her. It was a kiss that held all the love he developed for her over the years. There was a flash of a bright blue light that circled the couple. Jack felt Heat's hands move to hold his head in place as she kissed him back. Jack smiled as he kissed her with more passion.

Heat opened her eyes when the two parted from each other. What had happened? She wondered and smiled as she looked into Jack's eyes. He had kissed her. He had said he loved her and kissed her. She glared at Ora who had a look of horror.

"I bet you thought you took all my strength." Heat hissed out as she pulled herself up with Jack's help. "I have news for you. You haven't taken everything a way from me." Heat screamed as she glowed brighter. "And I want what you took from me."

"See, if you can take it back." Ora yelled back as he throw one of his dark blasts. Heat stood her ground and throw a blast of light his way. The two lights burned each other out. This was a shock to Ora.

"You made me think that I was to blame for my mothers' death." Heat hissed out. "I remember! I remember what happened and I won't let you get a way with what you did!"

Heat remembered it was snowing. She guessed the reason why most of her memories started with snow was because she lived in a land full of Winter. She had been ten at the time and she was coming home from playing with a boy from town. The boy and she were best friends. He was old than her by a year, but he treated her like an equal. He didn't seem to be bothered by the fact she was a girl who climbed trees and ran wild. His other friends did though... She recalled them having a fight over it.

Heat recalled that at the time she went by her real name, 'Tessa.' That was why she craved that name in the side of a tree along with the name of her best friend. She loved the why he called her name and the way it made her feel. That may have been the reason why she stopped letting people call her Tessa. It always came out bitter after he left her life.

It was cold. Heat remembered thinking, which was odd because cherubs don't feel cold as long as love burned in their hearts and Heat had never stopped loving. She heard her mother calling her name and telling her to run. She didn't understand what was happening. Her mother was covered in blood and looked like death was coming for her. She recalled Ora standing over her. Heat couldn't let her mother die. She was too important, not just to daddy, but to the world.

Tessa ignored her mother and stood her ground. She would use her body to shield her mother, the guardian of love. Tessa stood firm as Ora laughed at her silliness and fired what was sure to kill them both. But it didn't. Tessa was amazed as her body glowed the brightest light she had every seen and his attack melted at the touch of her glow. Her black curls turned back to there true color, pink and her eyes seemed to shine like to green stars.

Bliss watched in awe of her child. She had tears of pride. Her little girl was taking over her powers. Ora seemed scared for a moment, but regained himself. He sent another attack her way. She sent on of her own and it cut through his like butter before striking him in the chest. Bliss closed her eyes knowing that her baby girl would be alright. She let sleep over take her as she thought of the amazing things her little girl would be able to do. So young and so amazing.

Heat recalled that by the time North and Cupid came on the scene Ora and her were deeply tired. They had been too evenly match. It was North and Cupid who finished Ora off and locked him a way... but they would never have been able to if she hadn't fought the evil cherub. She past out as soon as Ora was locked a way. The power, the emotions, the drama, all of this was too much for her to handle. Bit by bit, the pieces of that event were taken from her, locked a way. So that she could only recall the snow, her mother bleeding, and the dark cherub that would be her nightmares.

"You are upset that I killed your mommy." The evil being laughed out. "I meant to kill you too that night." He sneered.

"I was too much for you than and I'm still too much for you." Heat screamed as she attacked the man who killed her mother.

"Not anymore." Ora yelled as he showed his true power. "I took a lot from you. Even with that little bit of power you have left, you are too weak to stop me."

"Good thing she's not alone." Jack stated with a smile.

"Where are the others anyway?" Heat asked looking around.

"Dealing with the guys at the front door." Jack smirked out. "They didn't like the idea of me crashing the party."

"Good thing you did." Heat joked. "I almost died of boredom."

"That's not funny." Jack stated as Heat went into attack mode. "I mean it!" Jack called out as he ran to join her. Heat fired her light attack and Jack fired his ice attack at the same moment. The two attacks hit each other creating a big bang that throw Ora off his feet and sent the teen look beings backwards a little bit.

"Did you know we could do that?" Heat asked.

"No, but that was cool." Jack said in amazement. "Let's do that again."

"Right." Heat agreed as her body glowed brighter and her eyes started to shine like two green stars. The two of them fired, and though Ora tried to shield himself from the attack, Ora was powerless against the new couple. The dark cherub was sent crashing through the wall and onto the outside battle. Heat flow to continue were assault on the man that hurt her family.

"Heat!" Crush screamed as she saw her close friend fly through the sky. "She's alive."

Heat punched the crap out of Ora before tossing him onto the ground and threw a large ball of bright light at him just as Jack threw an ice beam at the dark cherub. This seemed to really hurt the evil being.

"I can not be stopped by children!" He was in a stated of disbelief. This was not happening to him.

"I am not a child!" Heat screamed with rage as she powered up more. The shadow beings that the others were fighting backed a way in fear. Her light was too bright for them to stand. Cupid and Sandy used this moment to gain the upper hand and finished the Fallen off. Bunny raced onto the scene just than with the freed cherubs.

"Jack!" Cupid yelled. "Hold Ora down so that she can regain what he took!"

Jack did as he was told as Heat turned into her own star. The light from her body called to the powers Ora had stolen with his kiss. There was a blue light that started to claw this way out of the evil cherubs body and it reached out for Heat to take hold of. She reached out for it and started to burn brighter as it came to her.

"It's so beautiful." She cried out. "I can't hold on much longer to this." She stated as she felt the light wash through her soul.

"Just a little longer love." Bunny stated as he watched the light travel towards her. Jack let go of Ora when he saw what was happening to the woman he loved. She had enough of her power. She could stop now. Ora sent a weak blast of dark light at the brightly lit girl. Crush's eyes went wide. She jumped in front of the child see watched grow up and took the attack. Heat powered down just in time to caught her friend.

"Crush!" Heat yelled out in panic. "Grandfather?" Heat questioned Cupid as she landed on the ground softly.

"She is fine." He stated. "The attack was a weak one. You were the one in true danger."

"I saw his attacked melt against my power." Heat explained. "I couldn't have been in any danger."

"No! If he had hit your center while you were in that state, you would have turned evil." A male cherub explained. "I have seen it before. It is the reason for our power locks."

"I don't understand what happened to me." Heat stated as she grabbed her hair. "Where did all that power come from? The same thing happened when I was a girl?" Jack made an ice cage around Ora while Heat was regaining herself.

"Oh, no. You aren't getting a way that easy." Jack stated with a frown. "Hey! Guys! I understand how awesome it is to be out of a cage, but what do we do with this one." The fallen Ora looked like a weak helpless child. Heat bite her lip.

"I guess I took too much from him." She reasoned.

"I have just the place to put him." Cupid stated as he made a sign for two cherubs to come over.

"Will it hold him this time?" Heat asked. "And what was up with what I just did?"

"Oh, that was just your guardian powers acting up." Cupid waved off. "Don't worry about it. We will talk on this later."

"My guardian powers?" Heat asked herself. Her face beamed after the words sunk in. "I am a guardian? Of what?"

"Love." Bunny stated.

"Aaaa!" Heat danced in the air. She went to hug her arms around Jack and gave him a deep kiss. "I'm a guardian! A Guardian!" She kissed him once more.

"I know." Jack laughed back.

"I can't wait to tell daddy." Heat explained. "He's going to freak out." Heat let go of Jack to follow her grandfather and started asking question about her knew role.

"Who is here father?" Jack asked when the love of his life was out of sight.

"Ha!" Bunny chuckled. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Is he someone important?" Jack asked with a small laugh. Sandy started making an image of gifts flying around before Bunny waved the images a way. Sandy looked slightly worried.

"Now, now. Let the boy find out on his own." Bunny laughed out. "I need to get back to work and so do you." Bunny reminded Sandy. Sandy nodded his head and waved a quick goodbye.

Jack was puzzled by this, but let the feeling past.


"Hey Jack," Heat called out as she hovered towards him. "Sorry I just left you. My bad."

"It's okay. It's a big day for you." Jack pointed. "Beating the man that killed your mother, becoming a guardian, and getting all this." Jack waved a hand over himself. Heat giggled with an eye roll.

"And a big day for you." Heat stated as sh circled her arms around his frame. "You really love me for me?"

"Yes, and I would love you even if you weren't the cherub princess and guardian of love." Jack meant every word. The two shared a chaste kiss.

"Thanks good. I was worried you'd be scared off by my parentage. I mean people freak out when they find out about who my dad is. Which we should tell him before he finds out for someone else" Heat explained.

"Do a lot of people freak out when they hear who your dad is?" Jack questioned wondered as he thought of a good moment to ask who the man was.

"They go crazy. Hope kept repeating it over and over. 'You're dad is Santa!' like not was more unbelievable than a girl who glowed and hovered in the air."

"Santa?" Jack repeated. "You're dad is North!"

"You didn't know?" Heat realized. "Oh, my... I thought you knew."

"No, no I didn't know."

"Oh... you don't want to be with me anymore..." Heat reasoned out.

"What? No! I mean yes! Yes! I want to be with you even with him as your dad! But I met your sword wielding father, who I have always been on his naughty list!" Jack freaked out. "He's going to hate me being with you or worse kill me!"

"Daddy likes you." Heat recalled. "And you saved the world twice and my life. Plus, daddy will be okay once we tell him how much mommy loved you."

"I never met her." Jack pointed out.

"Jack!" Heat yelled out. "I thought you recalled our past together."

"I remembered when he first met as children outside that church." Jack yelled back. "Was there more?"

"Yes!" Heat cried out. "A lot more! Ugh! It doesn't matter" She huffed out.

"You sure?" Jack asked.

"It's years ago, and I was told you'd never recall them. I'm just happy you recall anything." Heat promised. "But we need to tell my daddy before he finds out. He won't like feeling left out."

"Okay, okay." Jack agreed. "Can we wait a few months though?"

"Yea, I guess we could wait until after Christmas. But not much later than a month from now." Heat warned.

"No, a month from now we will go tell your father." Jack promised.



End Notes: So, did anyone see North being her father? And that stuff about a past together? Well, I leave that opened in the air since I plan to do other stories dealing with the two. One set before Jack became Jack Frost and one about Jack telling North about dating the big guys baby girl. Oh, anyone else scared for him? I kinda am. I still haven't seen the movie yet, but I will and than I'll be able to write lots of daddy daughter moments. If you have any ideas about crazy things that should happen when Jack tried to tell North the news send them my way. R&R and watch out of the nice installment. (I'll think of a cool series name later)