Hello! I know this is late, but I wanted to wait until I got through 60 chapters on my 100-day challenge. You should check that out, by the way. It's got all sorts of genres and characters. And pairings. My specialty is angst, but there's romance and horror and hurt/comfort and family … Okay, enough of my advertising.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.


"Hey, Mattie! Look what I got!" America shouted, entering his brother's house with a frozen turkey in his arms. Yes … he carried a frozen turkey to Canada's house.

"Huh?" Canada looked up from where he was waiting impatiently for the hockey game to come back on. When he saw what America was holding he raised an eyebrow. "Why do you have a turkey?" he asked warily.

America sat the turkey on the coffee table. Canada resisted the urge to hit him. He had to keep repeating to himself that America couldn't help being an idiot.

"It's Thanksgiving. Duh!" America placed his hands on his hips … like a chick, Canada noted humorously. "Don't tell me you forgot!"

Canada blinked. "Thanksgiving was last month …"

"No way, man. It's in November."

Canada shrugged. "Well, mine is in October."

America's mouth dropped. "What? You already celebrated Thanksgiving and didn't invite me over?" he whined.

Canada rolled his eyes. "I did invite you over." You just forgot and didn't show up.

America crossed his arms. "Well, I didn't celebrate with you," he pouted.

Canada sighed in exasperation. "Do you want me to celebrate your Thanksgiving, then?" he asked dully.

America frowned. "No way! This would be your second Thanksgiving, which isn't fair!"

"It doesn't really mat –"

America gasped dramatically. "You just want more turkey! That's it, isn't it? That's why you never told me that your Thanksgiving is in October!" He pointed an accusing finger at his brother.

Canada rolled his eyes. Again. "I did tell you."

"Well, that's not fair!" America grabbed the turkey quickly, as if he thought Canada was going to steal it. He clutched it to his chest, ignoring how cold and wet it was. "No turkey for you!" And then he ran off.

Canada sighed. "My plan didn't work. Oh, well. There's always next year." Good thing America had a bad memory.

And so, another year he didn't get his two Thanksgivings. At least he tried, though.


This is what happens when it's Thanksgiving and you're born in Canada with Canadian parents but raised in America with American brothers and American people …