
Hi! It's me again! I've got another Transformers story for you. I keep coming up with more story ideas. This one could possibly be a multi chapter fic, but I need reviews. I need you to let me know if you want more or not. No reviews equals no more of this fic. But, please don't hate.

This story is going to be about Ratchet. I just love him for some reason. Even though, it's his fault the base got destroyed in Transformers Prime. If only he'd just picked up the kids… Oops, spoilers! It's set in the Transformers Prime universe. This the first time I'm doing a Prime fanfiction. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: Transformers, their characters, and their franchises sadly do not belong to me.


Internal thoughts


Feminine Side

Ratchet was alone at the base. The kids were at school, and the rest of the team was scouting for energon. That's all they seemed to be doing these days. Either that or fighting the Decepticons. At least he could get some peace and quiet for once. Someone was always there bothering him or breaking the things he needed.

He was studying something that Optimus had picked up on one of their missions. It was some sort of orange, glowing rock. He'd never seen anything like it before. That is why he was glad he had finally gotten a chance to study it.

Just as he was pouring some water on it, just to see what would happen, it started to glow even brighter. Then, there was a brilliant flash of light, and a strange noise filled the room. It was like some sort of whistling. Then, everything went dark.

When Ratchet woke up, the rest of the team was staring down at him. When did they get here? They were looking at him sort of odd, like they'd never seen him before. Also, their guns were aimed straight at him for some strange reason.

"What happened?" he asked, still dazed from before.

"That's what I would like to know. Who are you, and what have you done with Ratchet?" Arcee asked in a menacing voice.

Ratchet snorted. "Have you lost your mind? I am Ratchet! Who else would I be? And could you please put those down?"

"You sure don't look like Ratchet," Bulkhead said, guns still aimed at his head.

"What do you mean? I look the same as I always have! And I thought I told you to put those things away!"

"Okay, that's Ratchet all right, but then that means…" Arcee didn't get to finish her sentence because she started to laugh. Bulkhead and Bumblebee followed. Even Optimus smiled a little behind his mask.

"What in the name of Primus is so funny?!" Ratchet yelled, now very annoyed with all of them.

Bulkhead, in between giggles, held up a mirror for Ratchet to see. Ratchet's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. In the mirror, a femme was staring back at him. A FEMME! Not the normal mech face he saw every day. It was the long, slender face of a femme.

After the shock had worn off, Ratchet finally spoke. "How in the pit did this happen?!" Oh Primus, even his voice sounded feminine. This was not going to be fun.

"I should ask you the same question, old friend," Optimus finally spoke.

"Well, the last thing I remember was that I was analyzing that glowing orange rock you picked up the other day. It started to glow brighter, and there was a flash of light. There was also this strange whistling noise. That's the last thing I remember before I awoke to find you all ready to shoot me."

"Heh, heh. Yeah, sorry about that Ratch'. You look totally different," Bulkhead said, embarrassed.

"Oh Primus, what did I do to deserve this!" Ratchet grumbled.

"Aww, come on Ratch'. Being a femme isn't that bad," Arcee said.

"You've been a femme your whole life. I, on the other hand, have not. It is completely different," Ratchet stated.

"He does have a point," Bulkhead pointed out.

"I guess you're right. But still, it isn't as bad as he's making it out to be," Arcee replied.

"He is right here," Ratchet growled.

"That is enough. All of you, get back to your posts. You all have something you need to do," Optimus said. Then, everyone went to follow his orders.

Later that afternoon, Bumblebee, Arcee, and Bulkhead had gone to pick up the kids. When they returned, Ratchet was at the monitors.

"Hey Arcee, who is that lady at the monitors? Is she another Autobot?" Jack asked, a little confused as to why she was there instead of Ratchet.

"Yeah, and where's Doc Bot?" Miko piped in.

"Miko, Jack, Raf, I don't know how to tell you this, but that is Ratchet," Bulkhead stated, grinning slightly.

All of them went silent. They stayed in that awkward silence for about two minutes before Miko spoke. "So, Doc Bot's a girl?" Then she burst out laughing. "Doc Bot's a girl!"

"You know, now that I think about it, that is funny," Jack laughed.

"Yeah," Raf giggled.

"What is all the commotion over there?! I'm trying to work!" Ratchet yelled from across the room.

"HE EVEN HAS A GIRL VOICE!" Miko just about died laughing. All three of them were on the floor, laughing their heads off.

Oh great, more humiliation. Just what I need. And Miko's involved. That's never fun. What did I do to deserve this? Ratchet thought to himself. "Alright, I'm a girl! I get it! Now stop laughing at me, or so help me I will tie you up and lock you in a closet!" he yelled.

"Awww, come on Doc Bot! We're just having a little fun! Or should I say Miss Doc Bot!" Miko said as she burst into another fit of giggles. Ratchet just rolled his optics and tried to ignore them. Eventually the laughter died down, and the kids went to the TV they were so fond of.

The next day, Bulkhead burst in with an excited grin on his face. "Guess what! Jackie's coming to visit again!"

"When?" Arcee asked.

"In about an hour! Isn't that great?"

Yeah, it's great all right, Ratchet thought sarcastically.

"Awesome! Bulk's buddy is coming to visit! He is soooo cool!" Miko said, just as excited as Bulkhead.

"I know! That's part of the reason we're best friends!" Bulkhead said.

Ratchet decided to tune them out. They were starting to annoy him. He turned back to the monitors and started working again.

After about twenty minutes of excited chatter about Wheeljack, Miko got bored and decided to pester Ratchet. "Hey Doc Bot, maybe I should get you a dress! I bet you'd look really good in a dress now that you're a girl! I'm not sure where to find one in your size though."

"I do NOT want a dress. I am perfectly fine, thank you very much. If you want to get a dress, get one for yourself," Ratchet growled.

"Hello! Miko Nakadai here. The girl who doesn't wear dresses!"

"Well then, go pester Arcee. I bet she'd like a dress."

"HEY!" Arcee shouted from across the room.

"But you're so much more fun to pester, Doc Bot!"

Ratchet rolled his optics and went back to work. After a while, Miko got bored and left.

When Wheeljack came, Bulkhead rushed up to greet him. "Hey, Jackie! How ya been?"

"I've been great! Hey, who's the pretty lady over there?" Wheeljack said, gesturing to Ratchet.

"Oh, um, that's Ratchet. Yeah, he kinda got turned into a femme."

"He's even better looking as a femme! Wow! This is going to be great!" Wheeljack grinned, now staring at Ratchet.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that you liked him. I still don't understand why he doesn't notice that you're flirting with him all the time," Bulkhead replied.

"I know. Maybe it will work better this time." Wheeljack strolled over to Ratchet and smiled. Bulked rolled his optics as he watched Wheeljack try to get Ratchet's attention yet again. The most he'll probably be able to do is piss Ratchet off, Bulkhead thought to himself.

"Hey Doc, what's going on?" Wheeljack asked in his most smooth voice.

"I'm working. Leave me alone. I'm busy," Ratchet said, annoyed. He didn't feel like having to deal with Wheeljack. He had been in love with Wheeljack for a while, and he didn't want to have those feeling come up. The thought that Wheeljack liked him back was preposterous, so he shoved the feelings he had for the Wrecker aside. But, if Wheeljack didn't leave him alone, they would resurface.

"Aww, come on Doc, I just wanted to say hi. You know, you look really hot as a femme."

"I said, leave me alone! I'm busy!" Ratchet yelled, exasperated. He was tired of Wheeljack's teasing. At least he believed it was teasing. But really, Wheeljack had been in love with the medic just as long as the medic was in love with him.

"Seriously, I'm not joking! You look even hotter than you did before!"

"Before?" Ratchet asked, confused. What did he mean by him being hot before? He was just an average mech. He didn't think anybody could even take notice of him. It wasn't like he was that special.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! You blew it Wheeljack. Now he's gonna hate you for the rest of your life. He's never gonna talk to you again! Stupid! Oh well, might as well keep going now that I've started, Wheeljack thought to himself. "Yes, before! I love you Ratchet! I've been in love with you since the first time we met! Are you happy now?! Now you're probably never going to talk to me again! I blew it!" Wheeljack yelled.

"Really?" Ratchet asked quietly. He was shocked. Wheeljack was in love with him? If someone else had told him that, he probably would have said they needed their processors checked. But Wheeljack himself had told him that.

"Yes, really! I just totally embarrassed myself in front of you! You probably hate me now, don't you?!" Wheeljack wailed. Then, Ratchet started to laugh.

"Why are you laughing? This isn't a joke!" Wheeljack cried.

"I know. I'm laughing because I'm in love with you. I didn't think you could ever like a bot like me, so I shoved the emotions down. Do I really look hot?"

"Yes! Especially now. You make a really good looking femme."

"But I don't want to be a femme! I want my old frame back! I just can't figure out how to change myself back!"

"Maybe I can help."

"You would do that?"

"Of course! I always like to help you!"

The events taking place were shocking to Bulkhead. Ratchet liked 'Jack back? He was happy for them, but it was still surprising. It was probably the thing he expected the least. What was even more unexpected was when they started to kiss, right in front of him!

His mouth must have been hanging open because, when they looked at him, they both started to laugh. "Oh, sorry Bulk'. We forgot you were there," Wheeljack said apologetically.

"Uh huh," was all Bulkhead could say in reply.

Wheeljack looked at Ratchet and saw that his hands were on his hips. "You know Doc, that pose makes you look even more like a femme."

"Shut up!" Ratchet growled, but he did move his hands down. Wheeljack grinned.

"Come on, let's get to work. I don't think you want to stay a femme forever," Wheeljack said.

Bulkhead decided he should probably leave the two lovebirds alone. He'd seen enough already. He still couldn't believe that his best friend was now together with Ratchet. Hopefully this day couldn't get any crazier.

More Notes:

Sooo, what did you think? I need reviews to know what you thought and to tell me if I should write more. It was sort of difficult keeping the characters' personalities right, but I tried my best. I hope you enjoyed. Let me know if I should write more.