"Severus? Severus, can you please just tell me where you're taking me now?" the small witch giggled as the taller man led her gently by the hand, toward what looked to be an old lamp, and once again stared steadfastly ahead of him, seemingly ignoring Hermione's insistent, almost worried questions.

It was the middle of the summer, Harry's birthday was coming up soon, a few days in fact, and Hermione wanted to be around during the time. She hadn't seen him or any of her friends in about a month after their graduation, instead spending more and more time with Severus and, as he had abruptly and spontaneously asked her if she wished to move in with him after she had expressed concern living with the Weasley's for an indefinite amount of time- for conveniences of course- she had eagerly agreed and had for the month spent her time moving in her things. He had sported his typical sneer at her random knick knacks, cat hair, and other girly things littered about his house, though she would simply smile and shake her head at the man whom she knew really enjoyed her presence.

He had been gone some days- sometimes for hours, others an entire day- she had noticed, not long after she had moved in and, becoming worried, finally questioned him about his sudden disappearances. He would either shrug, stare, or grunt and reassure her it was purely Hogwarts affiliated and she need not worry. She would shrug it off, but would still worry on why the wizard had been acting so strange lately. Was he regretting asking her to move in with him?

As it was, Severus grunted now at her question for the seemingly tenth time being asked where they were headed, the only response he had given her thus far, and finally turned to look at her, stopping at a lamp in the middle of a field not too far from his- their home.

She stared at the old thing quizzically, and after a moment, looked at him with the same expression.

"Is- is that a portkey?" she saw no other reason for the broken, dirty lamp to be in the middle of a field.

He nodded, "Yes."

"And…where are we going?" she laughed nervously.

"You shall have to wait and see, I suppose," he held out an arm for her, waiting for her to take it so that she might be more comfortable during the travel.

She continued to stare, if not at the lamp, then at him, blinking owlishly, "I-I really want to know where we're going first…"

He dropped his arm, narrowing his eyes at her, "Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I do!" she stated quickly, "I just- I don't really care for apparating or portkeys and-and you've been acting quite strange lately and-,"

"If you take my arm, you'll find out why," he told her, not irritably, again lifting his arm and waiting.

"Alright," she breathed, licking her lips and preparing herself for the pull at her navel.

"Now, this one is triggered by a person's touch, not by time. So make sure you touch it as the same time as me."

She nodded, waiting for him to reach his arm out. When he didn't, she looked up at him, surprised to see him looking at her.

"Are you ready?" the corner of his mouth was turned up, almost as if he wanted to laugh at her nervousness, and she huffed.

"As I'll ever be," she grumbled.

He slowly turned back to the lamp, reaching his hand out close to it, watching her in his peripheral, and only when Hermione's was about where his hand was did he touch it.

As expected the pull she felt immediately touching it was almost nauseating but Severus's hold on her arm did help somewhat, especially when they landed. He obviously had more practice with them than she had and so they had landed much more gracefully than what she would have alone, though he still had had to grip her arm to keep her from falling over.

Once she no longer had the feeling of vomiting, she looked around her at their new location. It was quite warm, she instantly noticed, much warmer than what England or Scotland would be at this time. They were apparently just on the outside of a large muggle city, spotting the tall buildings on the horizon. Looking around even more, she noticed they were in a secluded area, with absolutely no one in sight. Her arm still folded in his, he began walking towards the city on the offbeat sidewalk they had landed on, tugging her along with him, after making sure the lamp would not be found.

"You're still not going to tell me where we are, are you?" she said, slightly irritated at him not telling her it would be this hot, already pulling at her collar, though he somehow seemed content still wearing his heavy, black robes.

Peering down at her as they walked, he saw her upturned face looking a tad miffed at him, and merely answered, "No", before staring straight ahead again.

She huffed once more. After only a few minutes of walking she couldn't take it any longer, "How can you stand this heat? I'm burning up!" And as if in evidence brought her hand she wasn't using to hold Severus up to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

He glanced down at her again and smirked, "Cooling charms, my dear. Are you or are you not a witch?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Wouldn't it just have been easier to tell me it was going to be this bloody hot so that I may dress accordingly?"

"Perhaps, but this way has been more entertaining."

Before she could argue again to his infuriating behavior a man on rollerblades and his dog nearly ran into them on the sidewalk, yelling at them in a slightly similar but altogether different accent from their own, Severus grumbling something under his breath which sounded something similar to 'imbecile'. Not really thinking too much into it however, Hermione instead realized how much closer to the city they now were, if the presence of muggles were any indication.

Casting a cooling charm around herself discreetly, she watched Severus transform his robes into something more muggle once they were positive no other muggles were around, which were really just dark jeans and a black t-shirt. She supposed muggles would look at her strangely as well if they saw her in a jumper, jeans, and trainers in this nearly scorching weather, instead changing to a blouse, shorts and flip flops, once again looking at him in annoyance; really, why couldn't he have just told her where they were going to save them from this hassle! Such an impossible and stubborn man…

Her inner grumblings were cut short as he stopped suddenly, as she noticed they were now on the edge of the city. He seemed to be looking at which direction to go and, deciding, turned down a busy street lined with cars. They kept silent the few minutes they walked, Hermione continuously biting her tongue to ask where in the heavens they were, when he had stopped unexpectedly at a small building, causing her to walk ahead of him a bit, and for him to jerk her backwards.

Smirking at him, she glanced to where his gaze was locked on, and gasped at the small words on the door window.

She looked to him slowly, bewildered and astonished. He was now observing her, watching her emotions span across her face as realization suddenly hit.

"Severus," she began slowly, slightly out of breath, "where are we?" she asked, both knowing she only asked to confirm her suspicions.

"Canberra," he answered.

She looked again to the small letters on the window which read, "Drs. Wendell and Monica Wilkins D.D.S. Family Dentistry".

"Australia," she whispered. She looked again to the amazing man beside her, tears welling in her eyes.

"Now do you understand why I couldn't tell you anything?" he told her lowly.

"How-how did you-?" she shook her head, wiping a tear away from her cheek.

He gently pushed her hand away to replace it with his thumb, brushing her cheeks softly, "It wasn't easy," he began, breathing out a laugh devoid of humor, "but I began searching for your parents not long after you had cried to me that night over them, with the aid of Kingsley, aurors, and other Ministry officials. During the school year, it took a bit more time with my teaching and grading I didn't have enough time to help them, but this month, being it's summer, I was able to assist more properly. I don't know why it took them so bloody long themselves without my aid to find them; there cannot be that many Wendell and Monica Wilkins in Australia whom are both dentists," he smirked, and she laughed tearfully, "but, that is why I have been missing in action so much this month, love. I got owled this morning that they had been found and that I may bring you to come and see them as soon as possible before they attempt to restore their memories and was issued a portkey. And, well, here we are."

"Severus…I…I don't know what to…thank you. Thank you so much. I love you so much," she rushed into his arms, hugging him fiercely, and then reaching on her tip-toes, kissed him soundly on the lips. A few muggles who passed by stared at the odd couple strangely, but continued on their way.

He kissed her back, and then pushed her away gently, nudging her toward the door, "It's time to see your parents."

She nodded, taking a deep breath, "I'm a bit nervous now," she whispered, chuckling.

"I understand," he said. "It's not every day you have to reintroduce yourself to your own parents."

She looked at him then, a strange smile on her face, "You do realize I'll be introducing you to them as well."

He hissed, "Bloody buggering hell," and as her laugh danced through the air merrily along with the jingling bells on the door as she opened it, to a beginning of a new life, his gift to her, she had no idea that what he had done did not even compare to the gift she had bestowed to him, all those months ago.


A/N: Well, here is the epilogue. I cannot believe this story is already finished, nearly two years later, but I know it would not have gone this far without those of you who cheered me on. So thank you, once more to each and every one of you. It means so much. I hope to be writing more soon, though they will likely be one-shots. Let me know if you liked, or not, it just makes me happy knowing you read and enjoyed. :)

Thanks for reading!