A/N: Sorry I didn't upload yesterday but the words weren't flowing like they should've been. Hope you like it. I think it's pretty good but I'll let you be the judge of that.


Read, Review and Enjoy

Chapter 11

Desperate Measures

"Is—is Ivory alright?" Tohru wonders as she, Hatori, Bass and Yuki stand on the porch and stare at Ivory's tigress form lying in the yard.

"She's fine, she's just sun bathing," Bass says with a smile.

"Oh! I guess she's getting in sun before it starts to rain again," Tohru concludes with a bright smile. "This is the first time I've seen Ivory in her animal form! She's so beautiful!" Tohru remarks.

"She is isn't she?" Hatori admits. Ivory tail starts to flick happily and Bass laughs.

"You know she can hear you," Both Hatori and Tohru's eyes go a bit wide.

"Really? Well I guess she does have great hearing being a tiger and all," Tohru says with a small smile. "But why isn't she talking?"

"Sometimes it's hard for big cats to talk in their animal form. They're animal is so aggressive that it won't allow them to talk. Lio can still talk because she's young and her animal isn't so aggressive, but she'll probably lose her ability to," Bass explains in a simple tone. "But she understands everything and pretty much has the same personality, just a bit more aggressive and has a hankering for raw meat,"

"Oh wow…that must be hard for Ivory not being able to talk and all…" Tohru says thoughtfully.

"Why because she's chatter box?" Yuki and Bass say in unison in a bland voice looking at Tohru with a blank face.

"Oh no! I didn't mean that!" Tohru says frantically and Ivory glares at her sister and Yuki. "Hey! I was reading about white tigers, and it said that they're supposed to have blue eyes, so why does Ivory have grey ones?" Tohru wonders and Bass shrugs.

"Just because of the body not knowing whether to give human or animal DNA. Now you'll always know which one is Ivory and which one is some random tiger that might want to kill you," Bass says in a light tone. Tohru's hair stands up and Ivory stares at Bass who shrugs. "It's good information to know," –Suddenly Ivory stands up her ears perked as she looks in the direction of the road. Bass naturally follows Ivory's lead. Then, Ivory crouches down—

"What's happening? Is someone coming?" Tohru wonders.

"Tohru, you might want to go inside," Yuki says also looking in the direction of the Williams sisters.

"But what—oh, is there a car coming?" A sleek black car that looks unbelievably expensive quickly comes into view of everything and Ivory gets lower to the ground. "What's wrong Ivory?" Tohru wonders now turning her attention back to her roommate and friend.

"Tohru, if you don't want to see a fight go inside," Bass says crossing her arms, her head dropped and eyes closed.

"What's gonna happen?" Tohru wonders in absolute confusion.

"Absolute war," Hatori says simply and the car parks in front of the house about ten feet from Ivory. As soon as Siberious absent-mindedly opens the door Ivory takes off at full speed and tackles her father, but before he hits the grown his skin pops like a balloon from it's human skin and transforms into a crazy large tiger.

"Oh my God!" Tohru gasps covering her mouth with her hand.

"You really should—," Yuki starts but Tohru's not really paying any attention to him because once Siberious finally hits the ground he pushes his hind legs in Ivory's body sending her behind him. Ivory quickly lands on her feet and faces her father who is now on his feet as well. They circle each other teeth bared.

"Why is Ivory fighting her father?" Tohru wonders.

"The real question is why is he fighting back?" Hatori says as Ivory leaps for her father's head once again. And though Ivory is massive she looks so underdeveloped compared to her father.

Siberious takes her daughters attack but then rolls her around so that he's on top of her. Ivory scratches him in the eye and Siberious cries out so loud that it practically shakes the house.

"What the hell—," Shigure starts running out of the house with the girls who stop at the sight of World War III: Animal Kingdom Edition.

Siberious looks down at Ivory and somehow maneuvers her so that the back of her neck is available and he bites it as gently as possible and soon Ivory's heart starts slowing down and she relaxes enough to change forms. Siberious quickly releases and Ivory lies on the floor practically listless.

"Ivory!" Tohru shouts about to run to her aid but Yuki and Hatori stop her.

"Don't. Our father is extremely dangerous in this form," Bass says seriously. "And Ivory's fine. If you grab a cat in the back of its neck they'll immediately calm down,"

"I'll go get them clothes," Tohru says as if she needs to keep occupied.

"I hate you," Ivory mutters so quite that only Siberious can hear. Siberious looks at Ivory and his heart skips a beat. If he could cry he would. If he could talk he would plead. And if he could walk he'd run far away with his family.

But he can't.

The Sohma's, Williams and Tohru sit awkwardly at the table. Ivory with fresh clothes and Siberious with one of Shigure's robes and bandages right below his eye and on his cheek. "Why are you here?" Ivory finally spits.

"I've come to collect Lio and Tabs—,"
"You're not taking them! Get out of here!" Ivory shouts loudly and stands up. "You're not wanted! You're a terrible person and you're not my father or theirs!" Siberious smiles but his heart feels as if rusty nails are puncturing it.

"Ivory is that any way to talk to your old man?" Siberious wonders in a pleasant tone.

"Are you smiling right now?" Tabby wonders.

"Get the hell out of here!" Lio shouts and Siberious looks at her with wide eyes.

"I didn't know you had such a foul mouth!" Siberious booms almost as if he's proud.

"Siberious," Bass says in a very serious tone and all three of her little sisters look to her. "I think it's best if you leave. Maybe come back in a few days then we'll talk about what you're planning to do. But as of right now you're in dangerous waters,"

"I'll walk you out Siberious," Hatori says. "I'm on my way out anyways," Hatori says standing up. "Kyo should be fine by later today or early tomorrow," Siberious stands up reluctantly and follows Hatori out of the room.

"Damn bastard!" Ivory fumes plopping back down to the ground.

"Ivory," Tohru mutters and you can hear the pain in her voice. "What happened?" Ivory looks at Tohru deciding what she should share with the foreigner.

"My father called me about some very bad news earlier today," Ivory shares trying to calm herself so she doesn't take her anger out on Tohru.

"Bad news?"

"You see my father is like Hatori times one hundred. He gets orders from my grandmother to do certain things…and…well…it's hard for me to be his daughter because of his job," Ivory admits without sharing too many details. As soon as Ivory had got the call she told her sisters, Shigure, Hatori and Yuki. This is partly why she was in her tigress form because of all of her anger.

"So…did someone find out about your secret?" Tohru wonders and Ivory laughs cynically at how well she keeps up.

"Not really. Someone disgraced our family though," Ivory explains. "I'm gonna go lie down for a bit. If I don't sleep off my anger I'm probably going to destroy the house," Ivory says suddenly standing up. "Bass keep an eye out on the littles," Bass nods and Ivory heads upstairs but as she goes she hears part of Hatori and Siberious's conversation.

"She doesn't mean any of the things she says…I can tell…I think she's just…disappointed," Hatori assesses.

"I know. I know…but I can't keep doing this…I know I'm the person who carries out the desperate measures…but is that role—title heavy enough to betray my own daughters?" Ivory not wanting to hear anything else quickly runs up to her room so she can think. She enters her and Tohru's room and lies on the bed.

"Who the hell is he to have remorse?" Ivory fusses looking up at the ceiling but Ivory can't stop the tear that escapes her eye. "Damn bastard."

A/N: Please excuse any mistakes, they are in fact mistaken! Review!