AN: I dunno how long this one is gonna go. I'm hoping to make it more than a one-shot, but we'll see how inspired I stay. This is completely and AU, set 12 years down the road from the series. We'll see how this goes.

Bear with me.


-Not so Little-

My name is Judith Grimes. Although, Uncle Daryl still calls me "Little Ass Kicker".

I'm 12 years old now, as old as my brother was when the entire world went to hell in a hand basket.

Hmm, dad probably wouldn't approve of me cussin' like that, but what he don't know won't hurt him.

We still live in the prison, although it's become a lot more like a commune now. Kind of a weird fortress meets hotel, according to Carl.

Carl is my brother. He's twenty-four years old and a pain in my ass. He thinks he's king of the world, just because he's outlived so many people. He's a good leader though, I can see why everyone respects him as much as they do. Carl lives in Woodbury now. He's become their leader, and he still comes by to visit every couple of days, with his wife, Beth.

Dad lives in the prison with me and Uncle Daryl and some other survivors.

We also have a little town thing called Hilltop. It's like Woodbury, but we built it from the ground up.

That was our world. Three little towns trying to survive alone against the hordes of walkers that still wandered in from time to time.

We very rarely saw other survivors anymore. Just walkers.

Dad said it had been about three years since the last survivors arrived at our doorstep. And there weren't a lot of kids my age comin' through either. Dad was worried, I could tell that much. He seemed a lot more tired lately than usual, too. I guess it wasn't easy being the leader of all these people. My dad was like a king.

I liked that, it made me a princess.

A princess who could kick your ass for lookin' at me wrong, but a princess nonetheless.

Life at the prison was pretty good for what we had, and things were pretty stable, we had food and water and crops and friends.

Unfortunately, everything was about to change.