People, I am back and..fanfiction sure got different ever since I took a break..huh? Anyways, This is the -I think- final sequel to my current Ouran trilogy. I'm done with my pre-uni exam, HALLELUJAH! So now I've got three months to do whatever I want and update this story as fast as I can and maybe even create news one while I'm at it.

Now, this story features Kyouya and Kaoru, took place after they've graduated and now working. There are some minor new characters, like Hikaru's and Mori's fiancees. Don't worry, they won't take that much space, but they do play a vital role in this story so I can't just get rid of them. Enough chit-chat, once again, I'm glad to come back and I hope this story meet your expectations.

Though night-time is the time where people would sleep and reduce all activities, in one mansion in Japan however, is a different story. The two occupants of the huge bedroom lay breathless after an intense round of pleasure only they know. The secret of which these two share is deadly and if not kept hidden, they along with their friends and family could suffer terrible consequences.

A young man of age 27 with amber eyes and shoulder-length red hair stares tiredly yet lovingly at the year older man to his right. Those onyx eyes will always look sharp everywhere and every time as if he is the lord of all living creatures, and his short black hair still looks smart even when it's tousled and spiked after each session.

"Kyouya," Kaoru breathes out as he shivers slightly. The pleasure is yet to subside while Kyouya merely lies on his back looking like the cat who just had a big bowl of cream. The older man smirks at his love and runs a hand through the red hair, trying to offer a little comfort so that he could sleep. "That was different..."

The older man reaches forward and pulls the redhead close to give him a chaste kiss to the forehead. "Indeed it was; I don't mind doing it again, but you and I both have work in the morning, so why don't we call it a night? It looks like I gave it to you quite roughly," Kyouya muses out slowly as he watches the Hitachiin shiver a little more.

Kaoru offers a small, content smile before closing his eyes and allows himself to be taken by sleep. Kyouya continues to watch the younger redhead a little more before pulling him close into a tight hug and falling asleep.

Their secret is dangerous, no matter how much they want to show their families about this forbidden love, they know it could only end in disaster. This is why the only witness to their deliciously sinful act is the night sky and its companions.


The next morning;

Sitting at his desk, Kyouya watches Kaoru gets dressed to leave for the Hitachiin manor. Both knew Hikaru would flip after yet another night at Kyouya's, but he as well as everybody knows that Kyouya and Kaoru have a contract together, that Kyouya is willing to promote and sell Kaoru's fashion lines until it can stand on its own. Meeting between the two is quite normal and also quite frequent, no one would find it weird if Kaoru were to stay at Kyouya's over the night.

Unless of course, they are to lift the curtain and see what lies behind it. But that possibility is null as both Ootori and Hitachiin are always careful and meticulous in their planning together.

Kaoru zips his denim jacket and brushes his bangs to its usual place on his right side and turns to face Kyouya. With a smile and the grace of a cat, he gave the older man a chaste kiss to the lips and caresses his cheek. "Thanks for letting me stay for the night, love,"

Kyouya merely grins and jerks Kaoru forward until he topples down onto his lap. Sharp onyx eyes meet gentle yet fiery amber pools and their lips connect as Kaoru immediately submits like he usually does. Kyouya had long discarded his glasses and used contacts as he finds them easier to handle. Lord knows how many times he had lost, broke or even destroyed his glasses over the course of time until Kaoru suggested contact lenses.

"No problem, you know you're welcomed here anytime," Kyouya breathes out once they've separated. Kaoru chuckles gently and stands up alongside Kyouya. The two walks out of the office and heads out to the door. Whereas Kaoru has a studio near his mother's, Kyouya works at home, managing finances and balancing accounts.

Upon reaching the door, Kaoru secretly gave Kyouya another kiss to the cheek and with a mischievous smirk, runs off to his waiting limo without giving Kyouya the chance to retaliate. The older man was a bit struck when he felt the kiss, but after noticing that mischievous smirk, he smiles a smile that would positively make Kaoru stay up the entire night again.

Finally, the limo rolls off leaving Kyouya to watch it disappear in the horizon by the door. He was about to turn and return to his office when he heard light footsteps coming down the stairs. Suppressing a sigh, he turns his head to look over his shoulder and sees his father getting ready to go out.

The two males lock gazes and Yoshio made no attempt to ask Kyouya about Kaoru. He knew they had forged a good friendship during high school and he also knew that a deep bond with the Hitachiin is a good thing, particularly to get close to Mr. Hitachiin. His software is one of a kind and quite powerful to boot.

As he passes Kyouya, he told him; "You keep up that good relationship with the Hitachiin, their influence could be beneficial for us," before going towards the limo. Kyouya minutely twitches at that but he nods nonetheless to keep up with the false façade.

True, during high school all he cares about is that he wanted to forge a bond with the Hitachiins for beneficial purposes, but now that Kaoru is his dearest, he couldn't possibly use him even though he knew Kaoru still thinks their relationship is both for beneficial purposes and because of love. Still, he doesn't use the twins anymore, one of them is his lover and his brother is his friend. The thought of simply using them had been banished from his mind.

"Of course, father," Kyouya replies coolly as he made his way into his office. Yoshio stares at his son's back a little more, the gears in his mind grinding as he registers the strange tune of his voice, as if it's strained and that there's something deeper going on.

With a final thoughtful but cautious glance at his retreating son, Yoshio steps into the limo and heads off to his company as his mind races a hundred miles per second. He has a strange air around him lately...


Hitachiin mansion;

Kaoru yawns slightly as he steps out of the limo and head towards his room. Even after years of sleeping together, the twins never made any move to be separated into different rooms, only having their beds at opposite sides but even so they would push it together especially if they were feeling somewhat in need of a cuddle buddy or if the weather's a bit cold.

"Welcome home, Kaoru," says a cheerful feminine voice. Looking up, he could see Hikaru's fiancée smiling up at him with her usual bright smile.

Kaoru gave her an equally bright smile and wishes her a good morning as she follows behind him up to his and Hikaru's room. "I take it Hikaru is in a 'joyous' mood?" the younger twin chuckles mischievously. "But I'm sure that deadly karate chop of yours would've knocked him out cold, am I right, Mai-chan?"

26-year-old Kiyoshi Mai merely chuckles as she tucks her black shoulder-length hair behind her ear. Her silver-black eyes looking up at Kaoru with just as much mischievousness upon thinking of her fiancé.

"Oh, he is. But right now my karate chop isn't needed. Let's just say if he goes ballistic the moment you step into that room, I think I'll resort to my 'black Hunny-san' mode and not just knock him out cold," she answers without a hitch as Kaoru laughs.

As they made their way up the stairs, Kaoru gave a little glance at Mai noting how she had grown over the years. She and Hikaru had met each other during their third year in university after an incident where Hikaru had accidentally broken a gadget and literally made it explode. Mai was the first person who had heard the loud boom and was the first to arrive at the scene followed by Kaoru.

Much to his surprise then, she had given Hikaru one of the most violent tongue-lash that could come from a petite girl and managed to forge a love-hate relationship with the boisterous Hitachiin. Somewhere along the line, Hikaru had fallen for her and Kaoru gave them his blessings, partially due to the hilarity whenever Hikaru is being childish and results in Mai's not so gentle care. But mostly because she understands their deep brotherly love and that she would come nowhere near of ruining it, instead making it stronger if that's even possible.

"Kaoru!" comes the frantic voice of a certain ash-haired male at the top of the stairs. Hikaru still looks like how he was during high school except that his hair is now black and longer, and also he somehow managed to get a little bit of muscle along the way. "You were at Kyouya-senpai's again?!"

"What's strange about that?" Kaoru asks back with a shrug of a shoulder. Sensing another sibling fight, Mai slowly retreats backwards though it didn't went unnoticed by the twins.

"I've got to make a call with my dad. Being the only daughter of the Kiyoshi Inc. isn't easy you know. Let me know when you're done or when Hikaru needs another bucket of ice down his pants," she smiles out sweetly before bouncing down the stairs.

Kaoru stares after her for a moment before slowly turning to his brother with an incredulous stare. "She pours ice down your pants?" he drawls out slowly as if the notion came from another planet. Hikaru merely shrugs and gave his brother a blank stare.

"She does that from time to time. I don't know how though and it's not just my pants. My shirt, shoes, socks and even boxers are victims for her ice-dumping specialty. Last time she dumped ice down my pants, I retaliated by spraying shaved cream all over her face and hair," Hikaru replies nonchalantly as Kaoru flinches.

"Not a good day for the both of us..." Hikaru drawls out slowly at the end with a shiver. Kaoru only had to look once at the slight fear and burst out laughing causing his brother's face to turn bright red. "Don't laugh!" he screeches out as Kaoru holds on to the railing so he wouldn't fall.

"I'm sorry," Kaoru said between chuckles and snorts. "But to see you being owned by a girl is just too much! Not even Ageha made you shiver like that," Kaoru says out whilst wiping tears from his eyes. Hikaru simply huffs and stomps to their room followed closely by his brother.

Once in their room, Hikaru helps Kaoru to pack his finished dresses and clothes into one huge bag so that the younger Hitachiin could present them later on. They work quickly with jokes and laughter in between, until Hikaru mentions Kyouya which made Kaoru stalled a bit.

"You've been spending a lot more time with him lately; I'm starting to get a feeling something's up. He's not using you on purpose, is he?" Hikaru asks. His amber eyes seem to burn with anger and the frown marred on his face could even freeze Hell twice over. Kaoru shivers slightly but he kept the smile on his face so that he doesn't reveal anything.

"Seriously Hikaru, you have quite the imagination, no wonder you're a graphic artist," Kaoru chuckles out airily. "But you're wrong. Kyouya-senpai isn't using me; in fact I think he's helped me a lot these past few years,"

Hikaru hums slightly but looking at Kaoru's serene face, his posture relaxes somewhat. They've finished packing and Kaoru decides to bring some extra clothes in case someone spills coffee or he just needs to be more comfortable. Being in the fashion lines, Kaoru's wardrobe is twice of Hikaru's but the older twin doesn't seem to mind. In fact, he even said he doesn't need to buy clothes anymore seeing his little brother provides him with all the clothes he need.

"Well, we're done here. I'll come back in a couple of hours so you, Hikaru, be a good boy and start designing some graphics. I'll check it out later," with a wink, Kaoru jogs downstairs and heads straight towards the limo. Hikaru watches his little brother left without a word by the door whereas Mai watches him from her perch at the top of the stairs.

This is bad... she thought. Slipping away silently, she heads into her room Yuzuha had given her and pulls out her cell phone.


; He's on to his brother; I don't know how long I can avert his attention;

"It's alright, does Kaoru-san knows about this?"

; I don't think he does. But if he does know, then I doubt he'll say anything;

"Continue with the plan, but don't let them catch you. This is our only chance and we can't ruin it. We have to make it work,"

; If things goes out of control, then...;

"We'll have to bear with it. And whatever you can do, just do it. If say the plan goes out of bound, you are to use any means necessary to keep this a secret, and no more must be revealed,"

; You got it. But I'm not going to jeopardize my marriage with Hikaru; you know I love him;

"Don't worry, I'm not saying you should jeopardize it and I know you love him very much. Just...keep the secret as a secret. I have a feeling my fiancé and his cousin knows about them,"

; Those two are smart. As long as they don't leak the information, all is good. I have to go, Hikaru's searching for me. And don't worry; I'll stick to the plan unless things take a turn;

"Good luck,"

The bright green eyes of Masaru Akira close as she sighs tiredly. She flips her phone close and stares out of the window where Mori and Hunny are practicing together. Her waist-length wavy, thick light brown hair tied into a high ponytail and her bamboo green kimono made her look like a goddess of nature.

Standing up, she made her way to the clearing where her fiancé and his cousin are located. Mori immediately stops the moment he sees her and the two decided to take a break. Akira smiles at the two of them and offers them some drinks before folding her legs underneath her to sit down with the two cousins.

"Kira-chan, how's your father doing these days? I heard he gave his company to your big brother, is that true?" Hunny pipes up after drinking his tea. Akira's green eyes casts down shyly as they always do and nods her head. "Being the only girl in your family is tough, huh?"

"Not really, the stress given isn't as bad and I don't have that many important things I have to do unlike my brothers. My parents and brothers love me, that's all I need," she answers sweetly. Mori simply smiles and pats her head lovingly as he sips his tea.

The three companions enjoy their little relax time but for Akira, her heart is pounding in her chest. Her sixth sense; a sense of intuition is never wrong and right now her intuition is telling her that something bad is about to happen. Clutching her hand on her kimono slightly, Akira prays that Mai could get her job done and that whatever bad thing that's about to happen could be averted.


"I am no fool, Yuzuru. That son of mine and Yuzuha's son have something hidden and I will find out what it is," Yoshio voices out icily in his office. He had called Yuzuru about the slight change in Kyouya's attitude and the frequent visits from Kaoru to which his rival cum friend only waves off his concern.

; What are you worrying about? They have a contract don't they? Of course it's natural for them to have meetings regularly; Yuzuru answers nonchalantly. Yoshio said nothing and pretends to drop his guard but deep inside, he's formulating a plan on how to bring his son's and Kaoru's true relationship out.

So? Did it meet your expectations? You have no idea how many times I've rewrote this story since it's quite complicated and I'm not sure about the business world. This is practically my third try and..frankly I'm quite happy with it, and I hope you all do too. And umm..please don't just read and leave, I need some words to see how my skills have rusted..

Really..I think my brain's been reduced to half after an entire year of schoolwork..