Song Of Hope: Just a short little one-shot. Had the idea when writing for one of my other stories.

Kyoya sat in bed, very old and sick. His two daughters were there with him. Suki held his right hand, and Mesujishi held his left. Suki had grown up to look exactly like Ai, and Mesujishi looked exactly like the female version of himself.

"Papa, I don't want you to go." Suki had tears coming out of her eyes. He smiled and lifted his hand to her cheek.

"I've been suffering for so long. Not only with this sickness, but with a pain in my heart that just refuses to go away. But soon, both will be gone."

"Papa! Please, don't die!"

"I've lived a long life. 65 years old is a pretty good age to live until. I not only got to see my children grow up, but I got to see most of my grandchildren's lives as well. My life has been kind to me to make up for the loss of your mother, but soon, I'll be seeing her again. I would've seen her a long time ago, if it hadn't been for the fact that she would've hated me to all of eternity if that had happened." Mesujishi looked like she was going to burst into tears.

"But Papa, neither of us want you to die! We love you Papa!"

"I know you do, and I love you too. But I'll be seeing you again, someday. But quit being so dang sad. You should be happy for me. My pain is going to fade away, and I'll be happy again."

"But we don't want you to leave Papa! We love you so much! You can't die now! Don't leave us!" The way Suki was talking reminded him of what he had said to Ai when she died. Then, he started seeing a vague, hooded figure. The figure slowly walked up to him.

"This reminds me of when your mother died. I'm slowly starting to see Thanatos now. It won't be long."

"PAPA!" They both screamed it simultaneously.

"Are you trying to get rid of my hearing before I die?"

"Don't die Papa!"

"Stay with us! Don't leave us now!" Thanatos beckoned Kyoya.

"I'm afraid my time is up." He sat up and kissed both of his girls on the forehead. "You are both my girls, but now I'm going to see my first one. I'm going to see your mother." Thanatos pulled Kyoya's soul out, and as his soul was pulled out, he turned back into that twenty-five year old man that he had been. His body then fell onto the bed, lifeless and cold.

"Papa? Papa!"

"NO! PAPA!" Mesujishi fell onto his cold, dead body, bursting out into tears. "Please come back! Please don't leave us! Papa!"

"He's gone Mesujishi! He's gone." Kyoya looked to Thanatos.

"Kyoya, you are very lucky. The only reason you aren't going to the fields of Apophasis is because your wife pleaded your case with Pluto. Now follow me." They went through some weird vortex until they were in a place that was very happy, and filled with warmth and light. And there were some people waiting for him, but the person in front was who he was the happiest to see, looking just as beautiful as she had before she had died.

"AI!" She had her arms open wide.

"Kyoya!" They embraced each other. "Pluto told me you were dying, and I begged him to let you come here, instead of where you would've ended up. Apparently, Pluto's turned into a sucker for these kinds of things, because he sees how heartbroken wives get when these things happen."

"As long as we're together, I'm perfectly happy. If you're here, then I'm home."

Song Of Hope: I've decided in the long run, Ai won't die in Ai Minasan, because that would screw-up the plot of Zero-G, so Ai will live in that one. But this is going to be the second to last installment of this Saga.