Demi's P.O.V.

I sat on the cold ground in the freezing three in morning air. All that covered me was my gray tank top and a thin black sweater over it. I was in the park down the street from my house but I couldn't go back. Back to the place I once called home not tonight I couldn't stand that place. I have two brothers Nathan and Lucas they are great, Nathan's eighteen and married his wife Haley two years ago. No they weren't pregnant, they fell in love. Nathan wanted t get away from the pressure that is our family. Our father wasn't very happy about that, he did everything he could to try and make them break up but failed. Lucas is eighteen and lives with his mother he's a senior in High School. Lucas' mom Karen is so nice I wish she was my mom it's not like my mom is that bad but she's does whatever my father says. I don't even call him dad anymore, he wants me to call him sir but I'm just going to call him Dan. The way I'm treated is like a dog and because of that he's not my father he's an asshole. I'm in my second year of High School I turned sixteen over the summer, I celebrated with my best friend Selena we've been friends since we were four years old. Selena use to live across the street but she moved into a smaller house a half hour away three years ago. She still goes to my school but since we both don't have cars we can't hang out as much. It really sucks, she was my rock and so was my brother and now I'm kinda alone. I try and sleepover as much as I can on the weekends but she's got a family that needs her. When I got home from school Friday I went right to bed to avoid Dan coming home to scream at me. The worst part is he's this way not because of drugs or drinking it's because he's hateful. My mother only has ever like slapped me for her thinking I touched her pills or something but she's crazy and she pops pills, but unlike Dan she can be nice out of all the crazy. She woke me up at ten in the morning on Saturday to go shopping. When we got home Dan was waiting in the living room in he told Deb to start dinner or he's going to flush her junkie pills down the drain. He held up my math paper with a big C on it and threw it on the floor. He said I was a disappointment he pushed me into the walk and started kicking me for like five minutes then left me there as he went to eat dinner. I slowly got up and walked to my room. I was sore from the kicks he made to my back and stomach after he did all of that I left and I've been out in the cold for the last twelve hasn't always been like this my father wasn't ever real loving nor caring but he wasn't abusive toward my brothers. He was always cold and pushing or should I say demanding me and Nathan to do our best but at the same time telling us we will never be as good as him. He was more like a verbal bully until Nate left two years ago then the verbal abuse turned from saying I wasn't good enough to saying a was a whore or a bitch. A week of that turned into actual abuse. The worst he ever did to me was sprained my arm and my ankle and broke a rib. Deb doesn't really care anymore because he gives her junkie pills. No one has ever found out because everything he does is usually able to cover up, one time he gave me a black eye but I told everyone I fell into the table. He's given me a few cuts on my head and or face but those are easy to lie about. When I sprained my arm in ninth grade I said it was an accident and I sprained my leg this summer I said fell down the stairs. Selena is hard to fool but I think I've been doing a good job of it so far I wish I could tell her. I don't see Nathan much he and Haley moved an hour away. He invited me to spend Christmas with him and Haley last year it was the best Christmas I ever had.

I drifted asleep finally in the cold park to wake up six hours later at six in the morning . I ran over to my house and sneaked in, One good thing about home is we have a lot of money so I have my own bathroom, I have a phone and I have clothes but Dan never gives me money for things I need or anything. When I went shopping yesterday that was for Deb not me. I'm thankful I haven't grown out of my old clothes but when I do Selena loans me some clothes because she's a great best friend. I quickly I jumped in the shower the hot water running over my bruised achy body. 10 minutes later I got out and dressed myself in dark navy leggings, sky blue tank top with a black sweater. Then I blow dried my brown long hair and finished quickly grabbing my book bag and leaving quickly. I walked up to the bus stop as my bus was about to leave.
I got on and sat next to Nick Jonas he was a really nice guy that I've gone to school with for a long time, we weren't exactly close but we are friends and he totally has always had crush on Selena.

"Hey Demi." Nick said smiling at me.

"Hey." I said back. I thought of school and groaned now I have to deal with the queen bitches of school. I wasn't a loser but I wasn't liked by the so called popular kids because of my cousin Miley she's evil. Miley's my mom's niece so she isn't related to my brothers. No one at school beside Selena and Lucas know that Miley is my cousin.

We got to school and I quickly got off the bus at looked for my best friend. "Demi!" Selena yelled.

"Sel!" I smiled and walked toward her giving Sel a big hug not even caring that it's hurting me. It's been a week since we seen each other because she wasn't in school all week due to a family vacation, I could have gone but Dan wouldn't let me. She got home Friday afternoon but of course I wasn't allowed over.

"You look tired." Selena said to me looking at me with concern.

"I am I didn't sleep much I drank soda before bed." I said to Selena hoping she'd buy it and she did. Selena knows Dan is controlling and she knows Deb is a junkie. She doesn't know that Dan hits me but she knows Deb has slapped me a few times because she seen it. Selena knows some of my secrets but I didn't want her to know Dan hits me. She would involve Nathan and I couldn't take his happiness and freedom away.

I went to my locker as I opened it I saw him the king of popularity. Joe Jonas I've always had a crush on him but it was only because he's hot nothing about his personality appeal to me he's gets whatever he wants. I mostly had a thing for him growing up before he was this popular. He's Nick's brother they're nothing alike Nick is nice and Joe is a jerk. Miley also has a crush on Joe but I don't think Joe even likes her. I looked him as Joe looked at me I felt our eye lock for a moment before his best friend Zac pulled him away.

Joe's P.O.V.

Demi I thought remembering the girl's name I've been in school with her since we were little. She was sorta Nick's friend, I kinda remember playing with her in the beginning of elementary school. I never really talked to her much. Why did she look so sad, To come to think of it she always looks sad every time he sees her. Why do I even care is the weird part. I've never been the type to care about some random girl I don't even really know anymore. My phone vibrated I looked at the message from my aunt "Joseph can pick up some soup for dinner?" I read to myself. I replied the slipped my cell phone into my pocket. Soup I sighed my aunt is great but I miss my parents. My dad is on the road a lot for work and my mom overdosed a year ago she was depressed. I miss them so does Nick. I walked into my English class as the teacher talked to us about some stupid project I wasn't planning on doing.

"Joe." She handed me back my test that received an F and it said at the top see me after class.

As class ended a little later I walked up to the front of the room and Mrs. Schlock looked over at Demi.

"Demi please come here." My teacher said as Demi came over. I wasn't aware of what was going on.

"Can I go? " I asked wanting to catch up with the guys.

"No. Demi you got 100% on the quiz and Joseph failed answering one question right." I looked at Demi. "Would you be willing to tutor him?" Our English teacher asked Demi.

"No way." I answered annoyed. I didn't have time for any of this.

"I talked to your aunt and we both agreed that you will most certainly be getting a tutor." My teacher said to me. I sighed and looked at Demi.

"I'm not sure." Demi said hesitating.

"Joseph's aunt will pay you for each A or B grade he pulls on his test if you agree." I looked at Demi wondering if she'd take the deal.

"I'm in," Demi said knowing she needed money.

"Good. Okay so I will pair you two up for the project also." Mrs. Schlock said to us. Greaaaat. I left so Mrs. Schlock could talk to Demi about my classes so she knows what I'm failing which is pretty much everything.

Demi's P.O.V.

I shouldn't have said yes I'm going to have to spend two hours everyday with him after school but I need the money. My parents are rich but I'm cut off basically he never gives me any money all I get is money for clothes once a year and it's only $20. They only pay for me to have a phone to reach me. I use to have a computer when Nate lived here but Dan threw it at me and it broke. My mom cooks dinner every night that's the only food I get at home and on the weekends. It's not even a lot of food he makes sure to give me a tiny amount to save more for him. I'm not allowed to eat more than dinner because Dan doesn't want me to be skinny even though I'm skinny. Selena gives me snacks from her house I hid in my room the weekends I'm home. I knew I could tutor Joe because I wasn't exactly dumb the only time I had bad grades was from missing school. As it got to lunch time I got in line and filled my tray up then sat down next to Selena.

"Wow Dem." Selena laughed as she saw my tray. I had a cheeseburger, fries, corn, chips, pudding and apple juice. I was starving.

"Yeah.. I didn't eat much of dinner last name. Since mom made fish and you know that grosses me out." Lie after lie she's my bestfriend I can't stand this lying.

The day went on boringly I made my way to the tutoring center on the north side of the school. I waited there ten minutes before Joe finally showed up. I was irritated. I didn't have this kind of time to waste.

"Finally." I said annoyed as Joe sat down, taking out his work. "What do you want to start with?" I asked him.

"Our English project." Joe said thinking it would mean he didn't have to do much.

"Chem it is." I smiled as he rolled his eyes.

"Great." Joe said sarcastically.

Hey, Hope you like the first chapter. I wrote the first two chapters like way over a year ago but I re edited basically the whole thing besides the characters, kinda the plot you'll see. Mostly Jemi but some will contain Nelena and OTH COUPLES Brucas&Leyton & Naley