Since I'm close to finishing one of my stories…I DECIDED TO START THIS ONE! I saw Rise of the Guardians and couldn't help myself. My bunnies held me hostage. The insanity is mine.

Spoiler Warning!




City sidewalks, busy sidewalks



It was interesting to watch feet as they went by. Most of them kept a sturdy pace, making sure not to even show the slightest hesitation as they went past. Others would pick up their pace, maybe stumble in their sudden speed. Some…some only gave him false hope. They would slow, almost to a stop, as if maybe they could see him and intervene. Then they too would move on and he would be alone again. Harry didn't even have enough strength to cry. He was lying in a bush, dying, surrounded by people and yet alone in these last moments.



Dressed in holiday style



He had been so excited to go Christmas shopping with his Aunt and Uncle. His usual sitter hadn't been able to take him and he hoped that maybe…just maybe his cousin would get bored of a new toy quickly…and then he could play with it. Instead his cousin had asked if they could go to the park and play while his Aunt and Uncle shopped.



In the air there's a feeling of Christmas



His cousin had really hurt him this time. He was getting to be much bigger than Harry. He had always been bigger but the sports he was getting into only added to his bulk but he had yet to really gain control over his new muscles. He had been wrestling and had pushed too hard down on Harry's ribs. They had cracked and Harry's scream of pain made Dudley panic. When he saw that his cousin couldn't breathe he had pushed Harry into some bushes and ran away.



People passing, children laughing



Meeting smile after smile



This didn't seem so bad. It wasn't like his family was really nice to him. They were mean to him, they made him sleep in the cupboard under the stairs and they never smiled at him. They just frowned and yelled at him. Maybe he would see his parents when he died…That would be nice. Harry started to cough and felt sharp pains in his lungs and felt something hot and metallic against his lips.



And on every street corner you hear



Silver bells



Looking up at the moon it seemed really bright even with all the city lights. Harry smiled, suddenly feeling a bit better. The moon seemed to grow and the feeling of calm and comfort swelled in him. He closed his eyes and decided he was too tired to think anymore.



Silver bells



Pitch found himself in some English city. He gave the Moon a distaining glance as he waited to see why he was brought here. The Man on the Moon seldom talked to him anymore, that was understandable given they had little more to say to each other. Still when the Moon told him to come here he decided to see what game was being played this time. He was still bitter about losing his takeover to the Guardians and loathed to run into any of them again so soon.

It did not take him long to be drawn to why he was here. He found his way to a child who was lying discarded in some bushes, unseen by those who hurried passed in their shopping and activities. Pitch stared down at the child with little interest and gave an emotionless glance to the Moon "A child dying in the bushes? And I'm supposed to be medieval."

Still Pitch did not leave. He remained standing over the child waiting to see what would become of him. The Moon remained silent. He bent down and studied the child more closely. It seemed he was not a cherished boy. His clothes were old and overly large; his glasses had been repaired poorly many times. He was thin and small, making it hard to estimate his age. Pitch supposed that if the Guardians were here they would be cooing over the poor boy. The thought made him pause as he sent another considering glance to the Moon. Why hadn't he called the Guardians to the boy? Unless…



Ring a ling…hear them sing



Unless the Moon couldn't send the Guardians because the boy would be unable to see them. He had sent him. The child stirred faintly as he began to glow with the Moon's light. So that was the child's fate. He would perish here but the Moon would give him new life. As he began to change the child opened his eyes, revealing green gems that seemed unusually bright. "Are you Death? Will I get to see my parents?"

It had been some time since a child had seen him; and never had one seem so…happy, to see him. He considered a reply before answering "I am not your Death child, I am Pitch Black, the Boogeyman and it seems you won't be seeing your parents for quite some time."

The boy seemed to consider this seriously for a moment "I always knew the Boogeyman was real…But I never believed in Santa or anything like that. But my Uncle always told me the nice ones only took care of good children. He says I'm a freak." The boy looked up at him with worry "If I can see you I am a freak aren't I?"

Interesting… The child believed in him but never in the Guardians? He wondered if such a thing had happened before. "You see those you believe in. Your time in this world is over but the Man in the Moon is changing you into something else. He brought me here for a reason I have yet to determine."

Again a serious look passed the boy's features "Well…You seem nicer than I expected. I don't really mind this I guess. I wonder what he's turning me into."

A faint smile manage to make its way across Pitch's lips. He supposed this might have been worth the trip after all.

"He has brought us together for a reason child. We shall see…We shall see."



Ring a ling…hear them sing



Soon it will be Christmas Day.

Hope you all enjoyed my intro! This story is going to be mostly centered in the Guardian's universe rather than in the Harry Potter universe but there will be overlap. Thank you for reading!