A/N: Well this is it, last chapter. Thank you to all of my reviewers and readers for following and reading the story. I am in the process of writing a Christmas story for Fruits Basket, so be looking for that in the next couple of days. If you want a say on the couples, either pm me or put in a review. (: All of you have been awesome. Thank you.

Chapter 10 – Party Time! SURPRISE!

Hatori drove up to Shigure's house with his two companions in tow. He may not show it, but he was more than a little excited about seeing Momiji's reaction to what was about to happen. When the car stopped, he got out and opened the trunk. He pulled out a plain paper bag and started walking towards the house. He turned back to the car when he realized that neither of the teens were following him and told both of them to come in and say hi before they went to lunch. Hatori continued to walk towards the house and was soon surpassed by Momiji and Hatsuharu. He chuckled and shook his head, "Oh to be that young again."

Hatsuharu laughed at Momiji. He was antsy staying in the car when Hatori got out. It's not that they were told to stay in the car, but Momiji thought that it was just a quick drop off so he stayed in the car and Haru going with the story stayed with him. The cow could tell part of him wanted to go in, but a bigger part wanted to celebrate his birthday. When their older cousin told them to get out of the car to say hi, Momiji flew out the door excited about saying hello to his friends.

Momiji was hoping to convince the four occupants of the house to come with them to his birthday lunch. He was believed that they deserved a break from cleaning and he knew he could convince them to come. He ran past Hatori and he knew Haru was right behind him. When he heard Hatori tell him to stop and wait a second, he turned around bouncing up and down. He knew he resembled the rabbit whose spirit inhabited his body, but he didn't care at that point. He saw Hatori laugh and when all three were on the porch, they walked in together and then Momiji jumped back onto Hatsuharu and screamed.

"SURPRISE!" The crowd yelled when Momiji walked in to the room. They all watched as he screamed, he was indeed surprised.

"Ow!" Haru yelled when Momiji landed on his foot.

"Huh! Sorry Haru! Is this all for me? You threw a party for me?" Momiji turned and faced the group after he apologized to his cousin.

Hatori put his hand on Momiji's shoulder, "This is all for you. Did you really think we would forget your birthday and not do anything?" He chuckled, "Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki worked hard to throw you this surprise party so that we could celebrate our favorite rabbit and by the way, lunch is going to be here."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Momiji yelled as he ran into the room to give Tohru a hug.

Everyone laughed at his excitement. They could tell that he was ecstatic about the party and excited to get the party started.

"Thank you Tohru!" Momiji swung his friend around when he reached her.

"Hey be careful with her you stupid rabbit. Her foot is still in a cast!" Kyo yelled and tried to grab his girlfriend away from the excited bunny.

"You can't be mean to me today! It is my birthday and that is a rule. Right Tohru?" Momiji said as he stopped spinning around with the girl.

"That's right Momiji. Kyo be nice to him, it is his birthday," Tohru said as she turned around and gave her boyfriend a pleading look.

"Oh alright, but leave my girlfriend on the ground. Both feet have to stay on planet Earth. Do you understand me?" Kyo instructed.

Momiji's eyes became as round as saucers, "Girlfriend? Are you and Kyo dating now Tohru?" This would tell him if all of his plans for the couple worked. He so wanted to know and no one had told him anything yet.

Tohru looked at the cat standing behind her and then back to Momiji. She smiled and blushed a little when she finally answered him, "Yes, we are. We were set up on a wonderful date last night."

"Yay! It worked! Hari did you hear that, my plans worked!" Momiji said spinning around by himself. He suddenly stopped, he was busted. He didn't mean to spill the beans on himself. He slowly peaked up at the cat and the riceball and saw the shocked look on their faces.

"Y-Y-You did that Momiji?" Tohru asked quietly blushing a deeper color of scarlet.

"Are you telling me that you are the one that planned the dinner and sent us the invitations from our secret admirer?" Kyo said in disbelief.

"Um well yes I did all of that with some help," Momiji said quietly.

"But you planned it all?" Tohru asked.

"Yes, but you see it all worked out. You and Kyo are together now. Everyone could tell that you had feelings for each other, so we gave you a little push," Momiji rushed to explain. Although the plan worked, he knew people didn't always like it when people tried to manipulate things around them. Kyo was definitely one of those people.

"We? Who all was involved?" Kyo demanded. He wasn't upset about the nudge, it had gotten him Tohru, but he was very shocked that it was Momiji that planned it all. Kyo looked around the room and saw Shigure, Ayame, Kagura, Hatsuharu, Hatori, and Yuki raise their hands. "Yuki was in on this too? I owe gratitude to that damn rat? First the rabbit and now Yuki, what is going on here?" Kyo thought to himself.

"All of you were involved?" Tohru squeaked as she looked at the raised hands. She watched them all nod their heads to the affirmative.

"I don't know what to say," Kyo was dumbfounded.

Momiji smiled, "Well I think the proper thing to do is to say 'thank you'."

"Thank you for everything you did! It was wonderful. Last night was so perfect," Tohru said with her hands clasp to her chest and tears in her eyes.

"Yah, thank you!" Kyo said looking around the room. He pulled Tohru into an embrace, giving her a hug and kissing the top of her head. He never thought he would be thanking the rabbit and the rat for giving him the girl of his dreams. He wondered if he was dreaming or in an alternate universe. He decided if he was, he didn't want anything to change or to wake up. He was happy where he was.

"Yay!" Momiji yelled when he saw the new couple enfold each other. Then impatient as ever, "Can we start the party now?"

Everybody laughed. Tohru and Kyo pulled back and nodded their heads. It was time to celebrate the birth of the rabbit.

Momiji was in high spirits as the party was switched into high gear. He visited with everyone in the room and thanked them for coming. When he got to Hatsuharu and Ren, he noticed that she was wearing the necklace they had supposedly been searching for. "Hey Haru, I found the necklace you lost!" Momiji laughed.

Haru looked lost for a second and then looked to where Momiji was pointing. The necklace was on Ren's neck and he knew what his cousin was talking about. He started to laugh also, "Yah, I needed some excuse to keep you busy."

"Thank you! This is the best birthday ever!" Momiji yelled as he gave a quick hug to both Haru and Ren.

The food was great. The atmosphere was festive. It was a good party and it wasn't over yet. When everyone was done eating, Tohru instructed Kyo and Yuki to bring out the cake and ice cream. She had already warned them that if they fought while carrying it or something happened to it, it would be their heads. Kyo did not want to provoke her at all. So Kyo grabbed the cake and Yuki grabbed the ice cream and scooper. They didn't talk to each other and may have given each other a dirty look or two, but the cake made it to the room intact and that is what was important.

"It's in the shape of a rabbit like me!" Momiji yelled when he saw the cake being placed before him. The candles were lit and he closed his eyes to make a wish before he blew them out. People asked him what he wished for, but he refused to tell because he said it wouldn't come true if he told. He was given his choice of piece and he asked for a rabbit's foot. Everyone looked at him and asked why that piece. He looked at them with a straight face, "Because it is supposed to be lucky!" He tried to hold in his laughter, but he barely got the words out before he was laughing and holding his sides.

Hatori, Ayame, and Shigure stood to the side in their own group discussing the party. They were happy that it came together and that it seemed even Kyo and Yuki were pushing aside their differences to make the party memorable for the young rabbit.

"He needed this," Hatori said quietly. He watched Shigure and Ayame nod their heads in agreement.

"He has some good friends," Aya said looking around the room.

"Yes, but if it wasn't for our little flower, this would never have happened. She has managed to bring them all together," Shigure added. The other two men nodded concurring with the dragon. Tohru had a way of bringing people together and making sure that they had a smile on their faces.

The three older members of the zodiac were pulled out of their little pow wow when Momiji ran up to them and asked them if they wanted cake. They all smiled down at him and walked towards the table to get a slice of cake and continue the birthday celebration.

Kyo was sitting next to Tohru and noticed that Momiji sat on her other side when he returned from asking their older cousins if they wanted cake. He wasn't sure why Momiji did what he did, but he was forever grateful to him. He gave Tohru a small kiss on her temple and then leaned forward and looked at his small cousin, "Thank you for giving me the greatest gift I think I will ever receive in my life."

Momiji was taken aback by the declaration made by Kyo. This was the same man he annoyed and who would constantly try to bully him. Kyo always tried to act tough, but Momiji knew that on the inside he was a good guy. Then the rabbit corrected himself, way way deep inside where apparently only Tohru has ventured. He offered Kyo a smile, "Your welcome!"

Kyo leaned back to finish his cake and ice cream. He thought about how nice he planned to be to his cousin going forward. He would no longer let anything he did bother him, but as he thought that he decided he better make some attainable goals. He would not let him bother him as much and if he felt like he was being irritating, before he lashed out he would count. That was a more doable option.

After all of the presents were opened, people started to leave. Tohru crawled over to where Momiji was sitting near his haul looking a little shell shocked. He had not planned to get everything he had gotten and he was a little flabbergasted. "Did you get everything you wanted?" Tohru asked as she settled in place next to him.

Momiji jumped when he heard Tohru's voice. He turned his head to face her and smiled, "Yah, I did!" Then he got serious, "Do you want to know what I wished for?"

Tohru looked a little stunned, "I thought you weren't telling or it wouldn't come true."

"I will tell you if you want to know. I trust you, plus I think it will come true," he said as he gave her another smile.

"Ok, what did you wish for?"

"I wished that one day I could spend my birthday with not only all of you but my parents too, and that everyone could be as happy as I am today," he said quietly.

Tohru was a little surprised to hear his wish and hoped that it came true for the little bunny. He deserved it.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Yuki answered it and walked into the room looking a little dazed, "Momiji, I think you have some visitors."

Following closely behind Yuki and walking into the room were Momiji's parents. His mother spoke up, "I am sorry to intrude, but we wanted to drop off this gift for Momiji. We heard that he was having party here today."

Tohru gasped and looked at her friend. He looked shaken and had tears in his eyes. He slowly stood up and walked over to his mother and accepted the gift from her, "Thank you."

"It is no problem Momiji," she said softly.

"Happy birthday Momiji," his father said to him. He watched the tears gather in his son's eyes and the smile that appeared on his face. He wished he could do more, but knew that he couldn't.

"Well we better be going. We wanted to make sure we delivered that tonight. You be good," his mother told him before walking towards the front door.

"Yes, we have to do a couple of things and get back to Momo. She is with a sitter," his father said as he squeezed his shoulder before following his mother out of the door.

Momiji turned around and threw himself at Tohru. The girl squeezed him and soon had a real rabbit sitting in her lap, "See Tohru, my wish already came true."

Tohru smiled at her friend as she held him and secretly said a wish for him, "I wish one day he can actually spend his birthday with them instead of just a quick visit, but this was a good start."