It had been three days since Miguel had found that side of the city and to say he was having fun was an understatement. He was having a total blast! Though he did still hurt when thinking about Tulio with that she-devil but he was trying his damnedest to ignore his thoughts.

He was dancing the night away in the part of the city Chief Tanni had pointed him to when Chief Tanni came up to him.

"Is something wrong Tanni?" Miguel asked with a worried expression.

"I'm here to warn you that Tulio is looking for you." Tanni smiled and walked off.

"What? Not even going to tell me where he is?!" Miguel yelled after him knowing he was long gone. Some of the men around him smirked and nodded in understanding. "I'm sorry guy's looks like my fun is being interrupted. Bye!"

"Bye Lord Miguel!" a couple said as he made his way towards the temple he and Tulio were staying in. No matter how much he tried to get them to just call him Miguel it seemed they couldn't be budged on informalities. Unless he was dancing with them then they actually flirted with him and were always kissing him which was very distracting at first.

As he made it to where Tanni disappeared a moment ago he was grabbed from behind by the one who kissed him the most in the last two days. Tall, tanned, muscles in the right places with dark hair and eyes this man was gorgeous. He wound an arm around Miguel's lower waist and one around his shoulders while holding him up off the ground. When Miguel turned his head to get a better look at him lips crashed with his own cutting off anything he was fixing to say. He moaned into the kiss feeling a tongue slip in between his lips.

God this man knows how to kiss. Miguel thought when he was put back down on the ground. He shivered as a hot mouth kissed and sucked his neck hard, quickly leaving a bruise.

"Just wanted to give you a goodbye kiss my Lord." He whispered into Miguel's ear.

Miguel sighed. "That was plenty more than a kiss Rane but then again I'm not complaining."

"If you don't have any complaints then come with me."

Miguel actually whimpered. This was the first time Rane had offered and he was being forced to go find Tulio. He knew that after he had found them together they would be an item so he decided to stay here and start over. He would move on from his love of Tulio and find someone else. Why was he going to look for Tulio knowing it would be about pointless things when he could go with Rane and actually be with someone for once?

A light kiss on his cheek brought him out of his thoughts. "It's okay I can see you have somewhere else to be."

Rane let go of him and started to walk off. Not wanting to seem like an uncaring jerk he turned Rane back towards him and kissed him. Granted he had to pull Rane's head down to reach him he kissed him with his entire being hoping to relay how sorry he was for having to leave.

"I really am sorry Rane." Miguel buried his head into the chest before him.

Arms wrapped around him comforting him. "I know Miguel and it's alright if you still love him. Now go before he finds you here."

"Thank you." Miguel whispered as he ran off to find Tulio. He felt like a jerk even after the kiss he wished that he could love Rane instead of Tulio but he knew he had just met the man and he had known Tulio forever. This would take time to try and not love Tulio.

He sighed and pulled out the bracelet Rane had bought him yesterday. For all those muscles and that gorgeous yet terrifying glare the man was sweet. Bright green shone out even in the moonlight as he turned it in his hand. Rane had said it was the green jewel that made him buy it something about it matching Miguel's eyes. Then again Miguel could never be sure he had heard that correctly since Rane did mumble it under his breath.

"Damn it." Miguel muttered into the darkness. He was so lost at this point and not just in the city but with his heart and mind. If it came down to it could he really learn to love someone else and leave Tulio?

His answer was a swift no.

"Miguel!" Tulio yelled running towards him. "Where the hell have you been?"

"Dancing?" he said as he was facing Tulio's glare.

"…Dancing?" Tulio asked in disbelief. "Tell me you're kidding."

"Nope not kidding." Miguel smiled.

"Miguel." He ground out obviously mad at him. "We need to be making plans to take the gold and then head back to Spain. We don't need to be off dancing in the middle of the night."

"You wouldn't even consider staying here would you Tulio?" there must have been something in his tone that made Tulio look at him concern and confusion.

"This isn't our home Miguel."

"Neither is Spain!" Miguel backed up two steps. "We've lived our lives in the streets Tulio and here we're treated like royalty. I don't want to go back."

"We don't have a choice if they find out we're not their precious gods then we are dead!" Tulio looked about at his wits end.

"Chief Tannabok already knows we're not gods." He couldn't help but pipe in. When Tulio froze he wanted to run but decided to cover his ears.


"I'm not going back to Spain Tulio I've had enough living like that there but here even if I'm not treated like a god I can still live a life where I can actually feel at home." He sighed. "I talked with Chief Tanni and he said that I can stay if that's what I and it is. I've made friends here that I don't want to lose. Being rich actually never meant anything to me. Yes the fancy life was intriguing and sometimes I wanted that life but when I finally find a place like this set away from the outer world I can't help but want to stay here."

"You would stay and ruin our friendship because you like this place?" Tulio said harshly. "Does it ever cross your mind to actually think with that empty head of yours?"

Miguel hated when his intelligence was put down like this. Tulio may never know but if it wasn't for him Tulio would have executed long ago in Spain. It was only luck that the bailer was gay and wanted a favor to free him while he was in jail awaiting the morning for his last breath. If not for him remembering the streets of Spain they both would have been put behind bars to rot and if not for him calling in old favors from people Tulio would never know they most likely would have died sleeping on the streets. He knew where the missing coin went when Tulio blamed him but he never said a word out of term just so he could feel better about himself.

He wasn't the stupid blonde Tulio made him out to be. Did he actually love this fool? He was starting to think differently.

"Ruin a friendship?" Miguel laughed bitterly making Tulio confused. "'Forget Miguel.' If I heard correctly you were already planning to leave me behind just to get a piece of Chel. Funny how I knew she was no good for you but I kept quiet so you would be happy but had I known she would actually drive a wedge between us perhaps I would have done something sooner."

Tulio blanched at having been heard that day.

"You talk about me ruining our friendship? You cracked it the moment you said those words Tulio but it only hits me now that you'll never truly appreciate me." Miguel turned to leave and his heart stopped when he saw Rane standing not ten feet away. "Rane?"

The man looked at Tulio with the intent to strike him but his eyes quickly found its way to Miguel. Rane walked forward until him and Miguel were almost touching with the blonde looking up into his face. He didn't know why he followed Miguel only that he should so he did and this is where he found himself. Staring into those wondrous green orbs.

"I affect you in ways that Tulio cannot and you feel it too don't you?" he whispered to Miguel letting his stare fall down his body and back up into green eyes. "Your breath hitches every time I get this close to you, your skin flushes in a nice and beautiful way and when I hold you I can tell you don't ever really think about Tulio do you?"

Tulio in the background apparently was confused and worried about whom this man was and why he was so close to Miguel. When he saw Miguel blush at something he couldn't hear he thought it was out of embarrassment so he stepped forward.

"Who the hell is this Miguel?" he said with bravado he wasn't feeling being that the man was two times his size.

Miguel shook his head as if to clear it. "None of your business really but if you must know-"

"I'm his lover of which anything else is not your concern." He watched the dark haired man gape before going on. "If you don't have anything else to say then I'll take my leave with my man in tow."

To say Miguel was shocked and flustered at the announcement was an understatement. He was…proud and happy and delirious if you will. The look on Tulio's face was priceless and when he was picked up he could only wave at Tulio and let himself be carried off.

I am so sorry to those of you who reviewed and if you don't like how this is turning out just know I tried my damnedest to keep to what had already been in my mind so I'm going to blame…Miguel. This is his story after all. I still hoped you enjoyed it and know I'm gonna change a couple things when people are looking for a story like this and warn them that there's an oc in it. T.T I'm sorry again. Give me praise, give me criticism or give me nothing I only hope you enjoyed the story so far. Bye!