Disclaimer: No I don't own Grimm. I only own charlotte and my characters.

Chapter 16

A few weeks later…

Charlotte was catching her breath as she ran up the steps to her office. It's been a few weeks since her car accident and what went down with Karla's former boyfriend. She had her cast removed a few days ago and her stitches were removed at the end of the week.

She doubled checked her outfit, a grey shirt, black jacket, her jeans and boots; just to make sure it wasn't out of place before she went towards her desk.

"Looking well Char," Dylan said.

"Thanks I can't tell you how good it is to be back and that's saying something," she said.

"I know look out," he said sarcastically.

Charlotte laughed as she logged on to her computer.

"Are you okay after everything?" he asked her.

"I'm getting there but I'll be okay," she said.

Truthfully, she was a little nervous before going back to work. It made Nick worry a little at first but he calmed down after that. She wanted to get back to work; not that she mind working at home but sometimes being cooped up in the house can make her go crazy.

"Did anything happen while I was gone?" Charlotte asked.

"Nothing out of ordinary," Dylan replied.

"Aw, shoot maybe I should stay out more often," she joked.

"Very funny, my life here would so boring without you," Dylan said, rolling her eyes.

Charlotte only chuckled as she scrolled through her emails. She was glad to be back at work at this point. Though her articles were handed in before, she wanted to make sure that everything was done and out of the way.

"Did that guy ever get caught?"

"I'm sorry?"

"You know…the hit and run accident you were in a while back?" Dylan asked.

"Oh right, sorry. Yeah they caught him," I replied.

"Good because I heard from someone that it was a former boyfriend of Karla's that caused the accident," he said.

"Yeah I heard that too," Charlotte said.

"I mean I get that the guy lost his girlfriend but that doesn't mean you have to be so destructive about it," he said.

Charlotte shrugged her shoulders. "People cope with grief differently I guess," she said.

Oh if you only knew, she thought to herself. The last thing she needed was to bring up the whole Wesen world to Dylan. Knowing how that would turn out, she would be put in a nut house.

"Probably," he said.

With that conversation closed, they both got back to work.

The day passed on like nothing happened. Charlotte and Nick texted one another when they could. Well it was more Nick than Charlotte.

Charlotte sighed as she looked over at the clock. She only had a few hours left before work was done for the day and she was filling out some paperwork. She was glad to be back at work at least it could be a distraction for her after what went down with her.

When her day was over, she was glad to head home. Maybe after this craziness that went down, she and Nick would get away for a little bit. Maybe for a weekend perhaps.

Just as she was getting ready to leave, her email went off. She took a quick glance and saw that it was another reminder for the banquet that was coming up soon. She needed to let Nick know if he was still going with her.

"Hey, Charlotte."

She looked up and saw that her boss was standing over her desk.

"Oh hi is there something I can help you with?" she asked.

"I just want to ask you something," he said. "Don't worry you're not in huge trouble. What I want to know is that can you cover a music festival that's going to happen in the next few weeks?"

"I thought Bryn was covering it," Charlotte said.

"She was but she has to go out of town for a wedding and she didn't realize it was going to happen around the same time. I know that this is out of your element but…"

"I'll do it. Might as well branch out on to other stuff so why not," she replied.

"Great I'll send over the information later on today," her boss told her.

Maybe going on assignment wasn't a bad idea. It could help her get out and clear her head after everything that's been going down lately.

"So you're going to be out of town now?" Nick asked Charlotte when they were both home that home.

"It's only going to be for a few days. And besides, it'll be a good thing to get away for a while given the circumstances," she replied.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"You think that there's going to be more vesen out there?"

Nick sighed as he sat next to her on the couch. "Char, I love you and I don't want nothing to happen to you. What if…"

"Nick I'm fine. I'm going to be fine and it's only for a few days. I'll be back in no time so you don't have to go all police commando or anything like that," Charlotte assured him.

He knew she had a point. Nick couldn't help but worry after everything's been going down and if something were to happen to her and he wasn't there; he wouldn't know what to do. For now, all he can do was let her go and he does know she'll be back.

After all, it was only a few days.

"I know I can't force you to not go but promise me you'll be careful," he said.

"Nick, you know I will."

Later that night, Charlotte was camped out in the living room writing up on her latest work. Nick went over to Monroe's place because he called Nick and told him he found something in regarding to the latest case that was going on. She decided to sit this one out unless it's absolutely necessary to get involved.

She has learned from the past few times that getting involved never works out.

Charlotte sighed as she placed her laptop on the coffee table. She slowly got up and realized that it was getting late. She went into the kitchen and washed out her mug along with the remaining dishes that sat in the sink.

She couldn't help but think back on the past few weeks that transpired with her and Nick. Who knew how her life would change within the six months they were together.

Her thoughts were interrupted with the phone ringing. She walked over and saw that Josh was calling her.

"Hey little brother," she answered.

"Hi, how is everything going?" he asked.

"Things are slowly going back to semi-normal you know how it is," she replied. "How is everyone over there?"

"Fine nothing to report. Well, actually the reason why is Dad called me. How he got my number I have no idea," he said.


"Yeah he wants to meet us considering how you were in your accident and all," he replied.

"Did you say anything to him?" she asked.

"No cause he left a message on my machine. Personally, I don't want to. I've talked to Mom about it and she said it's up to us because since we don't have to get her permission anymore. If you want to, you can," Josh said.

"Would it be a bad thing that I would want to see him? I want to know what caused him to leave and why would he do it?" she replied.

Charlotte sat down on her couch as she lied against the pillows. She didn't know what to think but something was telling her to go see her dad but at the same time, she didn't know if she wanted to do it.

"Well, I guess it would have to be when I get back in town if you still want to go see him. I'm going away for a few days for work but I'll be back by then," she said.

"Hey whatever works for you, just don't cause any more trouble will you? I don't want nothing else happening to you god forbid," Josh said.

"Believe me little brother, that's not going to happen," Charlotte said.

A/n: I know I'm late. I'm going to bear the excuses for the time being.

I'm trying to post when I can if my laptop stop being funky. I got a couple more chapters left. I doubt I'll do another part to the series but hey, you never know.

Leave me so love! Thank you guys so much for your patience and support. I know it's been forever since I've updated but I'm trying my best to get things done at a good pace.

Until next time,