My archenemy's gift

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and the other characters, I only borrowed them to make up my own story.

Note: In this story maybe there is more than possible couple but in the end, there will be one.

Warning: Gender bending, femInuyasha.

Enjoy the reading and please drop a review when you finish.

Chapter One

It was a vicious battle between the dark hanyou, Naraku and his followers against Inuyasha and his allies. The dark hanyou had succeeded in gathering all the shards of the sacred jewel and he was about to use it to grant him the utmost power to wipe out his enemies and control over the whole land, making all the human and demons servants under his feet. He was holding the jewel between his hands and started to chant his wish for the jewel to grant him.

" My dear jewel, I wish you to grant me with the utmost power and beauty and making all the others under my feet. " those were the words which Naraku had uttered and he waited for few seconds but before the jewel could grant him his wish, the other hanyou and his allies attacked the dark hanyou making the jewel slip from his hands to the ground and it started running on the ground until it suddenly hit someone. All the warring parties stopped for seconds to see what will happen next and to their surprise a blinding light emerged from the jewel and engulfed the person who was hit by the sacred jewel. When their vision was cleared, all the warriors were stunned to see that a huge heavenly looking creature was standing in front of them. Before them, there was a huge dog demon with a pure white silver fur and beautiful red golden eyes and from its features, it was obvious that the dog demon is female. There was awkward silence in the battle field until the dark hanyou started to laugh and his laughing wasn't menacingly this time, it was full of mirth. When all the eyes were focused in him, he stopped laughing and his gaze hardened again with determination then he started to march slowly towards the white dog demon but the beast started to growl angrily to the surprise of all the watchers and that growl stopped the dark hanyou in his place, he was sure now that the huge dog isn't on his side. So another one from the other group started to approach the new found creature tentatively and she was no one other than the curious priestess, Kagome.

They all watched her every step and they waited for the reaction of the white dog, again to their surprise the white dog stepped forward towards Kagome and licked her cheek then when its eyes landed on Naraku who was behind Kagome, the huge dog grabbed the young priestess from her clothes and put her behind herself to protect her from the evil hanyou and without any warning the huge white dog launched forward with lighting speed and attacked the dark hanyou fiercely then the war broke down again.

Without the help of the jewel, the victory was an easy task for Inuyasha's party especially when the huge dog demon helped them so much. Few hours later, there was no reminder of the foul hanyou and the victorious group started its celebration. Miroku was checking his hand which was healed from the curse and beside him Sango was thanking Lord Sesshomaru for bringing her brother to life again with Tenseiga. Behind them there was Kogua who was bragging about his strength in front of Kagome to impress his beloved woman. Shippo and Kirara were jumping up and down from the sheer happiness they were feeling after getting of the dark hanyou. And they all were forgetting an important member in this war so after few more minutes of celebration they noticed something lacking, there was no ' keh, it was an easy battle ' or ' I could have defeated him by myself ' there was no bragging nor any silly arrogant comments coming from a certain loudmouthed silver haired hanyou. All the heads started to turn around to search about the red clad hanyou but they found none so fear started to crawl to their hearts. They thought that maybe Inuyasha is injured and they didn't notice or maybe worse, he maybe get killed during the battle and they were busy celebrating than to notice the disappearance of their beloved friend and leader.

Through their grief, they again forgot all about the huge white dog demon which was following their movements with her eyes. When she felt that she was neglected enough time she decided to take some action. She growled at them loud enough to attract their attention, and sure all their gazes were directed towards her, she nodded to herself in satisfaction then it started to bark, howl or growl in the dog demon language but there was no one who can understand what she was trying to tell them except for one.

The great lord of the western land started to approach the white dog and started to talk to it in their Inu language then he turned to the others with his usual expressionless face but they could the mirth in his eyes then he said with a light tone,

" Say hi to the new Inuyasha, "

To be continued,

End of the first chapter