Hello there everyone! first of all, yes... I'm pretty aware that the fics about Tsuna having a twins is a bit cliche. there are lot of our fellow writer out there who were having the same idea, inspiration or whatever you call it but still, I want to do this anyway. I just wanted to say, read then you can judge. if you love it, then gimme some reviews so I can be sure to either continue with this story or delete it.

about the title? I don't know, I just like the sound of it. but, I may or may not change it in the future.

warning:contains OC and OOC-ness as well.

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR (happy?)

14 years ago

"congratulations, Sawada-san. You gave birth to healthy twins.." the nurses handed the brunette woman a pair of twins into her arms.

All of her anger towards her husband disappeared as she saw her children's faces. The older twin was still sleeping and Nana couldn't help but to giggle at his fluffy hair. The younger twin was, however, staring at her curiously. Both her twins have brunette hair colour, however little Tsunayoshi had a spiky but fluffy, darker shade of brunette, while little Tsukiko had a bouncy-curly, lighter shade of brunette.

She sighed softly as she was thinking a suitable nick-name for her children, "It's decided.. welcome to the family, Tsu-kun and Hime-chii.."

10 years ago

Nana hummed happily while doing her laundry with the help of little Tsukiko. But something grabbed her attention when she saw her son was talking by himself, "Araa, Tsu-kun. Who are you talking to?"

Tsuna's body perked up and gave his mother a 100-watts smile, "I am talking to Giotto..."

Tsukiko stared at her brother and her eyes hazel eyes squinted before she continued folding the pile of clothes.

"Araa.. so cute. Tsu-kun is having an imaginary friend.." Nana cooed.

"Friends to be exact.." Tsukiko whispered.

"Hmm? What is it, Hime-chii?" somehow Nana caught her.

Tsukiko smiled brightly at her mother, "Nandemonai, Okaa-san..."

Tsuna stepped into his sister's bedroom after knocking the door with his signature-knocking, "Anoo.. Hime-chii?"

Tsukiko snapped her head up from the book she was reading and saw her brother together with some 'companies' were standing before her.

"What is it, Tsu-kun?"

"Etoo..." Tsuna seems hesitated to continue his words.

Tsukiko rolled her eyes mentally with her brother's timid character.

"Tsu-kun, you're my brother. Whatever nonsense that you wanted to ask, I am ready to answer it. so, spit it out~" she could saw her brother's companies were chuckling softly.

"Mn..." Tsuna nodded his head.

"actually I wanted to ask, if, Hime-chii could.. etoo.. s..s.."

"See your friends? Am I right?" seeing her older twin nodded, Tsukiko shrugged.

"Yeah, I could see 'em"

"Really?!" Tsuna sounded so happy, scratch that! He looked happy.

"Thank goodness..."

Tsukiko gawked at the 'visitors' suspiciously, "You wouldn't drag Tsu-kun into trouble, would you?"

The blonde, ghostly-figure was exchanging looks with the rest of the group before sighing heavily, "For now, no.. Nothing bad will happen. But, I can't promise you that in the future.."

"So, there will be possibilities that Tsu-kun might get hurt in the future?" Tsukiko glared at the ghost sceptically.

"I would not like that, Yuurei-san.."

"Hiee, Hime-chii~ his name is Giotto!" Tsuna corrected.

"Tch- that's exactly why we had decided to train you brats!" said the scowling man who was leaning at the doorway.

"maa.. maa.. Ricardo.. they're just kids.." Giotto tried to calm the second boss down.

"Train us?" Tsukiko managed to catch the little detail.

"What do you mean by that, Scowl-face?"

"Hm.. this kid is sharp, Giotto~" the pink haired made his comment.

"it's going to be difficult to understand, Hime-chii.." the blonde ghost smiled at both kids, "... but would you hear me out?"

The twins were exchanging look with each other before they were looking back at the blonde ghost and nodded, "Shoot~"

Present time

A young brunette teen girl barged into the certain tuna-fish's room and jumped to his bed.

"Buon Giorno, Tsu-kun!" she said, still jumping up and down on the poor boy's bed.

"Hieee~ Hime-chii! My tummy! You step on my tummy!" the teen boy abruptly sits up from his bed, rubbing his tummy.

After calming down a bit, he flashed a smile at his sister, "good morning to you too, Hime-chii..."

"hahaha, mi dispiace, Tsu-kun! Wake up, wake up sleepy head.. we have another day to live as 'dame-futago'~" said Tsukiko in a sing a song tone,

"Who's idea was it again for us to act 'dame'?"

"It was my idea, Hime-chii. That or we're going to attract any unnecessary attentions" Tsuna chuckled light-heartily with his sister's antic.

"Hime-chii is so messed up. What kind of person is speaking in three languages in one go?"

"Sawada Tsukiko did!" Tsukiko pouted, "I need to practice more so that I would know when Ricardo and Alaude speak badly of me!"

"Tsu-kun, Hime-chii~ breakfast is ready now!" they could hear their mother's voice from downstairs.

"HAIIII~" they replied in unison.

"Tsu-kun, Hime-chii.. I had found an interesting flyer regarding of home tutor in the mailbox just now. Don't worry, I already gave him a call so he should be arrive by the time you got back home from school.." said Nana happily.

The egg rolls on their chopsticks simultaneously drop back into the plate. Both siblings stare at their mother with their jaws hanging and in disbelief. They abruptly stands up, "WITHOUT OUR CONSENT?!"

"Home tutor?! That's the worst!" said Tsukiko dramatically.

"We don't need any home tutor, Okaa-san~" said Tsuna in horror, 'not to mention, we already have home tutors from hell in the form of Vongola guardians of eight generations! A FUCKING EIGHT GENERATIONS! How many of them again? Seven guardians per generation minus one since Daemon served two generation consecutively; 7 times 8 minus 1 equal to 55!'

"somebody kill me now!" Tsukiko is still in her drama-queen mode.

"Hieee~ don't die, Hime-chii! Don't leave me alone with the home tutor" said panicking Tsuna.

"Araa.. I don't know my kids are really looking forward in meeting their new tutor. I should've done this a long time ago.." somehow, they notice the venom in Nana's voice.

Both twins breaks out cold sweats, 'Okaa-san is scary~'

"Ahaha.. Okaa-san.. Hime-chii and I will be going now!" Translation: Run for your life, Hime-chii! Tsuna quickly escapes to the front door.

"Bye, Okaa-san. Love you! Tsu-kun wait up!" and Tsukiko follow suits.

"Have a nice trip~" Nana giggles softly, "my kids are surely grown up so fast..."

And so, what do you think of the first chappie? Don't forget to leave some reviews. ciao, ciao... love y'all