"Come on Cas, get in the spirit!" Dean said, placing a Santa hat on the angels head, smiling widely at the sight.

"But Dean, this holiday is inaccurate. Jesus was not born on December 25th, he was born in the Summer," Castiel said.

"Just celebrate. It's fun! Besides, Sammy keeps whining about the fact that we don't celebrate anymore. And I miss it too..."

Castiel looked at Dean as the hat slid down over his eyes.

Pushing it back up to expose his bright blue eyes once more, Castiel finally gave in, "Fine, I'll celebrate with you two."

Dean smiled victoriously and handed the angel a candy cane, "Try this while I decorate."

They were at Bobby's house, a few days before Christmas, and Dean was trying to pull off Christmas for them. He'd gotten a tree from some nearby woods and dug up an old box of lights, ornaments, and random decorations in a spare room. Castiel unwrapped it and tentatively licked it, surprised by the flavor.

"This is good!" he said, watching Dean put up decorations.

"Glad you like it, but I think I'll need some help, we only have about an hour and a half until they come back. I want this to look perfect. Grab some ornaments and hang them on the tree, will ya?" Dean said.

Castiel looked at the ornaments and began to scatter them around the tree, not sure if he was doing it right.

"Is this correct?" he asked, looking at Dean.

Dean glanced at the tree and nodded, "That's the idea. Wrap some lights around it too. Just unravel them then start at the top and work your way down."

Castiel tried to untangle the lights but had trouble. His candy cane was barely in his mouth and the hat kept sliding down over his eyes, blocking his view.

"Dean, I need some-" Castiel started.

Instead of finishing his sentence there was a loud thud and Dean spun around to see Castiel tangled in the lights and on the ground, the candy cane a few feet away and the hat now covering his nose as well. Dean chuckled softly and went over, trying to help his angel get straightened out.

"Stop struggling, you're making it worse," Dean sighed, slowly untangling the knots that were wrapped around Castiel's legs.

Castiel stilled long enough for Dean to finish helping him and then adjusted the Santa hat.

"Okay, there. Now, try to stay out of trouble," Dean said, smiling a little.

He went back to the box and looked around, finding some mistletoe. He smirked and hung it up in an archway, hoping to catch Castiel under it with him. He had a huge crush on the angel and wanted to kiss him at long last.

"Dean? Did you hear my question?" Castiel said, pulling Dean from his thoughts.

"What?" asked Dean, looking at his angel.

"I asked if there's supposed to be a star on the top. I've heard people say before that you put a star on it," Castiel said.

"Or an angel..." Dean said, smirking at Castiel, "Why don't you get up there and be the angel on the tree for us?"

"Aren't I a little big for that?" Castiel asked, tilting his head.

Dean smiled and pulled on a Santa hat of his own, "I was kidding, Cas."

He hung up some stockings, trying to decide what he was going to get his brother, Bobby, and his angel. He wanted this Christmas to turn out perfect, to make up for messing it up or completely missing it in the past. He decided on a new flask for Bobby and a new, well-made journal for Sam. Castiel, however, was harder to decide on. The angel never made it obvious what he would like.

"What do you want for Christmas, Cas?" Dean finally asked.

Castiel seemed to think for a minute, staring off into space.

"There's only one thing I want but I don't feel it's appropriate to ask for," Castiel said.

"What is it? You don't have to be embarrassed or anything. Just ask," Dean said.

"...I want a kiss..." Castiel finally said.

"From who?"

"A person."


"I want a kiss from you, Dean."

Dean paled slightly when he heard the words fall from the angels lips. The words he'd waited for ages to hear.

"C-Cas, are you sure that's what you want?" Dean asked.

Castiel nodded, "I'm sure."

"Well then, okay. But you have to wait until Christmas, since that's what you asked for as your present," Dean said.

Castiel nodded once more, "Okay, Dean."

Dean smiled a little. It wasn't every day he got what he wanted and this was one of those rare days he did.

"Come on, we gotta finish setting up. No more getting tangled in lights. No more falling over. And please, for Christs sake, don't knock the tree over," Dean said.

Castiel finished setting up the lights with some minor difficulty and looked at the tree, trying to figure out how he could put a star on the top when they didn't have one.

"Dean, do you have yellow paper and some scissors?" Castiel asked.

"Why? Are you going to cut your hair or something?" Dean asked.

Castiel shook his head, "No, I want to make a star to put on the tree."

"Oh. I'm sure I can dig some scissors and paper up. Just give me a second," Dean said.

He found a pair of scissors and handed them to Castiel, along with some yellow paper.

"Do you know how to even cut out a star shape?" he asked the angel.

"Um... No," Castiel finally admitted.

Dean took the scissors and paper back and cut out a star. He handed the star to Castiel who, with difficulty, put it on top of the tree. Dean smiled a little, glad that Christmas was finally coming together for them.