Chapter 1: "I Must See You"

"Sebastian, have you ever had someone leave a contract?"

"Many times, my lord; why do you ask?"

"Nothing, what is my schedule for today?"

"The head of your Funtom Company will be joining you for tea, and into dinner time for some business discussions."

Ciel almost sighed in annoyance and nodded as Sebastian finished tying his bow tie. Ciel looked down towards a photograph, with almost sadness in his eyes. The photograph faced his bed as though watching over him as he slept. Sebastian could only tell the jet black hair color of the young girl in the photograph, and yet even he was ever told who she was.

"Is something wrong my lord?"

"Why does everyone who loves me disappear?"

Sebastian looked at Ciel, knowing for sure that the girl in the picture was someone important.

"Who is that young woman sir?"

Ciel shook off the emotion and looked at Sebastian and chuckled, "Finally curious enough to ask about that picture. If you truly want to know ask Tanaka about our blue rose garden, and who the real person who grew it was, there you will have your answer. Now get the mansion ready for our guest, this is the Phantomhive mansion, and we will give him the right treatment here."

Sebastian kneeled and bowed his head, then exiting the room to prepare the mansion, while Ciel stood up and pick up the picture and embraced it; "I must you," sadness escaped his lips as his eye drew one single tear upon the photo.

In the hallway Sebastian gave the other servants their orders and then turned to Tanaka, who was sipping on his tea.

"Tanaka, I have a question to ask, the blue roses in the court yard, who originally grew them?"

Tanaka's eyes went big and poofed up to his normal self, while the other three looked in amazement, as the real Tanaka showed himself.

"Well then, sad but short story. You must all hear this, to understand the importance of the blue roses and why Ciel will either have himself, Sebastian or I cater to them. The blue roses were the favorite flower of Amaya Phantomhive, the daughter or Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive and elder sister to Ciel Phantomhive. About five years ago one of the enemies of the queen attacked her guard dog, but taking their young son, for a handsome ransom, and resignation of the queens guard dog. But in the night Amaya left, and offered herself if Ciel could be brought back. Greedy as they were and Amaya's beauty being celestial they agreed and took her. She told Ciel to take care of her flowers until she came home, and promised him with one of blue roses that she would return, and she would always say 'it's not in my nature to lie' and Ciel spoke that she kissed him on the cheek and with a smile she left. She use to write letters but after the great fire they stopped, and yet Ciel keeps the garden blooming, when he was away I kept them blooming, but one day we hope for her return," ending his story Tanaka returned to his resting form and Sebastian look back at the other three, who were in tears, and closed his eyes.

"Well, it was a story but we must get to work, we still have a guest coming this afternoon, now everyone gets to it!"

"Yes sir!"

As they attended their own chores Sebastian started on his own and yet couldn't shake the story out of his head, did he feel sorrow towards Ciel because of his sister or did he feel sorry for the girl. He continued to clean a bit, but he tried shaking the image.

Later into the evening

"We are here Miss," a girl smiled, her bright red lips smirking in the moonlight.

"Rose, we must find the right time to show ourselves. I do not want Ciel to get to tongue tied over me, plus it's the full moon."

"You are beautiful my lady, and your wings too, you are quite a blue rose. You are a very rare rose to these humans, but to me I see many, yet you are still different."

"Well Rose, I see you are becoming more and more out spoken with me huh?"

"My lady, I have become quite fond of you."

"Well, a friend of mine will house us tonight and will not speak a work to my young brother."

"Then, shall we go?"

"We shall."

After his guest was given the "upmost" care, Ciel walked to his sister's garden, it always calmed him.

"My lord, it's getting late shall we prepare you for bed?"

"Sebastian, do you think the roses glow in the moonlight?"

"I think these roses are always glowing, their protective glow guards the mansion and you as well, in the day time you can see everything, but at night they watch you as you sleep."

"So, now you know. You know of my beautiful sister, and her tragic leave."

"Yes, my lord but yet I have yet to meet her, she must come back. I mean isn't it again her nature to lie?"

Ciel was wide eyed to the last thing Sebastian said, and it called him more than usual, he knew at that moment she will come back to him.

"I must see you."