Harm now found himself just wondering the halls of the hospital, after what Mac had told him about Bobbie Latham. He couldn't help but feel that everything that took place went straight back to him. He never should have kissed her that night. If he hadn't and just stayed her friend and let her Marry Brumby, none of this would have happened. There would have been no need for his brief fling with Bobbie to come to light.

Now his family has been made to suffer. His wife was almost beaten to death and his daughter is fighting for her life. That really is The Rabb curse, men that can't control their wants and desires. That act and not think about the outcome. He'd done it all his life with every relationship. That was why he didn't want to to risk one with Mac, he never wanted to hurt her in that way. He loves her too much.

Somehow without realizing it, he'd made his way into the Hospital Chapel. He knelt down at the railing, looking up at the stained glass cross. "I don't know if you can hear me, or of your even there? But right now I need guidance, I need to know that all my past mistakes will never hurt or endanger my wife and children ever again. I'm not perfect I know that. You've given me a second chance at life. When God knows I didn't deserve it. So why now is my family being made to suffer? Why is my baby girl laying up in NICU with a stab wound on her side? She's not even a day old yet, and she's already having to fight for her life? Why her? Why Mac? Why my sweet loving wife? I just want an answer?" Harm jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and looked. Shock on his face.


"Little Harm.. Or Should I say Big Harm now?"

"How and Why?"

"You asked for answers. I'm here to try and give them to you. Ask away."

Harm thought for a moment. "I don't think I..."

"Jenny Lake right?"


"She need comfort, I was there. Just a fill in to help her through a hard time."

"That's how you see it? Just as a fill in? What if you'd been a single man? Would you have pursued her?"

"I might have, god knows she was a beautiful lady. But I wasn't, I had you and your mother. And I loved both of you."

"Loved is past tense."

"I can't love you now. I'm gone from this earth. But I asked that a good man be placed in your life to help guide you. Frank is a good man. You saw something in Mic Brumby that no one else saw. That's why you acted out and took a chance that night. It's not that you wanted to stop her from marrying him. You saw something bad in him that's who you are, a good man."

"If I'm so good why are my wife and daughter here with wounds to them? Why are they made to pay for my past sins?"

"We all have a past, even Sarah does."

"But my past is the one that caused all this."

"No a mad man caused this, a man that couldn't handle being rejected. You didn't cause this.You pushed her away cause at that moment you thought you where not in a place to give her what she wanted. In time she figured that out. You both did."

"So what your saying is, that both of our pasts cause a series of events to come together that never should have?"

"Harm if you could redo everything in Australia would you?"

"What do you mean?"

"That night in Sydney Harbor?"

Harm thought for a minute. He'd replayed that over and over in his mind. And came back with the same answer. "Yes"

"Yes I do it differently." Harm Sr snapped his fingers.

Harm now found himself back on that damn ferry in Sydney Harbor. He was looking in Mac's eyes. She was waiting on him to answer her.

"So what bothered you? That I went to the beach with Mic or that you thought I was topless?"

"You work with the guy, you wouldn't go topless in front of me?"

"Is that a request?"

Harm swallowed hard, his breathing became faster. This was his chance his do over. "Maybe"

"Maybe? What does that even mean?"

"Well I don't want you to go topless right here."

Mac glanced sideways. "So.." Mac stoped talking when she felt his lips on hers. She was at first shocked than she quickly responded to him. Wrapping her arms around his neck as she went into deepen the kiss.Just as soon as it had started , it ended leaving both of the out of breath and feeling flushed. Mac lend her far head against Harms. "Wow Sailor that was one hell of a kiss."

"I just needed a wake up call to what's been right in front of me all along. You."

"Well it took ya long enough sailor." Mac wrapped her arms back around Harms neck pulling him towards her. She placed her lips on his ear. "By the way there's nothing between me and this top right now."

Before Harm could answer he found himself standing back in the chapel looking at his father. "I don't understand what's happened what's changed?"

"Go to your wife."

Harm ran out of the chapel and straight back to Mac's room. Once he got there. He went straight over to the bed. She was sleeping, he looked her over. She was perfect not a mark on her. He starred to look around the room. That's when he saw the two little glass cribs. He went over and looked at his children. His perfect little boy and girl. He dropped to the floor crying . They were beautiful just like Mac.

Mac woke up when she heard the soft crying, looking all around the room till her eyes rested on Harm. "Harm are you okay?"

He looked up, "I'm fine baby.. I'm fine.."

"Why are you on the floor? The chair or bed is much better for you." Mac patted the bed. He got up and went to sit next to her.Wrapping his arm around her.

"They are perfect aren't they?"

"Well I happen to think so, but I'm just a little biased. Cause I happen to think their daddy is perfect. By the way, how's your head?"

"My head?"

"Yes your head, you pasted out in the delivery room. When you came too, you said something about Everything being you fault. And you left out. Where did you go?"

"I Umm ended up in chapel.?"

"Why there?"

"You'd never believe me."Harm signed and just pulled his wife to him for now. Part of himself wondered if everything that they had experienced had even happened. Only Time Would Tell...

A/N- Thats a wrap...At least for this part...