CHAPTER 1 Full Moon Rising

There is a full moon tonight. I have made the usual preparations, and my brother and sister will meet me at the woods after work. Motivation has been absent in my life for some time now. Since my sister's accident four months ago, it is punishing to see her go through this because of me. Standing in the middle of my light blue and white walk-in closet, I find the willpower to put on my black attire, and pack in my gym bag some clothes and whatnot. The tent and supplies should be in the car, where I always leave them. I have lived in this house for a quite a while now. After my father's death, my grandfather, who ironically was a real estate mogul, wanted to sell most of our properties. The house was part of the Gilbert estate, but I persuaded them to let me move in. My mother agreed, and also left one house for each of her three children, herself, and my grandparents. The house's spacious areas and the further window wall that faced the Mystic Fall's woods did not make me feel trapped, it is my favorite thing about it. I check that all the lights are off and that the doors are locked, and I'm off to my café.

Le Crème has always been my safe haven, but in hectic days, as I suspect this one will be, I find it everything but safe. Some employees decided not to come to work today. Irresponsibility exasperates me, but firing the employees whom I have invested time and patience during their proper training would be irresponsible on my behalf. Knowing that I have an hour before my employees arrive, I blast some music of my choice in the sound system. I decide to make a few cheesecakes to the rhythm of Simon and Garfunkel. Time passes by quickly and before I know it I can hear my pastry assistant coming. Caroline is as bright as sunshine. Her short blonde hair and petite figure reminds me of Tinker Bell.

"Good morning Elena!" She said.

"Good morning Care, you seem bubbly."

"I had a great night with Matt, that guy I told you about."

"I'm sure you did," I say with a chuckle. "But I'm sorry to inform you that it's just you, Daniel, and I for today."

"Great way to burst my bubble Lena." She says with mocked hurt. "Well then, let's do some baking boss."

As I supposed, it's been a hectic day at the café, and I can guarantee tonight will be as well. I was lost on the train of the thought, until a tall, raven-haired guy interrupts my reverie.

"Good afternoon," He said. "I heard your nutella filled croissants are marvelous." I can't take my gaze away from the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen.

"Um, hi." I respond. I compose myself before I speak again. "I assure they live up to their reputation."

"Well, we shall see about that." He doesn't move his piercing gaze from mine. "I'll have one croissant and a black coffee, please."

"Right away, sir." I smile at him.

I prepare his order and charge it. As I handed him his croissant and coffee, he smiled the most breathtaking smile I have ever seen. A man rarely impresses me, but this one done that, and more. When he finishes, he approaches the register and complements the croissants, and then leaves. I find it hard to concentrate throughout the rest of the day, thinking of this stranger. I never thought anyone could leave this impression on me. Why is he so appealing to me? Unaware of time, the sun is starting to set, and I leave Caroline in charge of the café to meet my siblings. I drive directly to the familiar campgrounds I recur to on every full moon for the last five years. Seated in my driver's seat before I exit my car, I can't help to stare at my yellow predator eyes in the review mirror. I'm a werewolf.