It's...happening. Yes, I'm dropping this story. A few days ago, I gotten the sudden motivation to continue the story more deeply, so I was reading through previous chapters to search for certain details I couldn't quite recall...and what I saw was... aweful. I started this story years ago, when I was very new to writing, so my skill set was rather low. Reading through them made me even a bit naucious. Though I tried, there's really no way to rewrite it to make it much better - the very plot was somehow both too slow and too fast at the same time, and characters were all mixed up... It's saddening for me, as the writer.

Another reason I'm dropping is because I wrote out a play-by-play for each chapter, which was quite the bad idea, apparently. Through the playwrite, I finnished the story without actually typing it out. So in my mind, the story is finnished. After that, it's been pretty much impossible for me to write more. Think of it as copying your favorite novel down. It feels boring and pointless, no matter how much you love it.

I'll be leaving the fic up, but if anyone wants to continue it through their own account, I ask only two things: You ask my permission first and give me a bit of credit in the first chapter you post of it.

Thank you so much for everyone who's stuck with me throughout the creation of this story, and who's given me great reviews and encouragements in PMs.