Ever since the song "I Remember You", sung by Marceline and the Ice King on Adventure Time, hit my ears, I've been in love with it! I've wanted to do something for it for so long, and I was pacing the driveway waiting for my little brother to get home and freezing my nuts off, I realized that it was right there in front of me! The relationship between Jack and Dick would be almost just like Simon and Marcy, with a more… circus-like approach. I guess. So um. Yeah.

Disclaimer: I don't own the song, or the show, no matter how much I wish I did. This is set during Performance, so it may be a little out-of-character.

"Robin, you know my rule on being too personally attached too a mission… if you can't handle this, I can assign Aqualad or Kid Flash in your place," Batman reminded the ebony who was fitting himself into the white and red leotard with a pained expression playing as discretely as he could manage it beneath his features.

Dick raised his blue eyes and briefly glared at his mentor before he ducked his face to slide his jeans up over his hips, wiggling in place as he did so to ease the journey.

"Don't even think of booting me off the case, Batman," he warned, poking his tongue between his lips as he fumbled with the button to secure the jeans in place. "Jack and the circus were my family, minus the blood to prove it, and I'd be betraying them if I didn't help."

He admired how they clung to his waist before reaching back into the pile of discarded clothes and tugging a shirt over his head gently.

"Besides, I'm the only member of the team with enough experience to make their cover story even mildly believable. You don't see any of them with a big top background, do you?" he shot a taunting glance towards his mentor, tugging the hem of his shirt down over the denim, tugging the straps of his leotard to try and make them less noticeable against the pale color of his shirt.

The face behind the cowl didn't seem any more convinced though, actually more disapproving in the down-turned lips beneath the blackened tips.

"It's your 'big top background' that endangers you," the Dark Knight reminded his ward, "Your opinion will immediately become biased and when the time comes, you'll jeopardize the entire mission just to save face."

The ebony continued looking into the mirror, adjusting and pulling until he felt like he looked normal enough clothes-wise, eyes turning to his hair before they darted behind him in the reflection towards his mentor.

"I wouldn't risk the mission just to save face. Not much face to save anyway, most of it's covered in an iconic mask that every sidekick and his uncle wears," Dick dipped his fingers into the gel on the dresser, combing his hair back off his forehead until a good six inches of hair was spiked up on his head.

He poked his tongue between his lips before combing it back down and slanting his bangs over his forehead in a scene style, tilting his chin up and making a depressed face of sorts before laughing at himself. His bangs were flattened again with a press of his palm, a shiver coming from the slime of the gel as he wiped it off.

"Jack won't remember… last he saw me, I was brown and nine… nearly shaved head compared to now," he muttered to himself, picking up a towel from the floor and draining his hair before combing it with his fingers again.

"Would you be able to put away the man who served as your father most of your life? Can you look him in the eyes, knowing who he is to you, and arrest him for the crimes he's done?" Batman accused, his face rid of all emotion except that same haunting disapproval that always seemed to be there on the brim of his expression.

Dick flinched, looking up through those same three parts in his hair, turning around this time with an expression full of pain and anger all at the same time.

"Of the crimes he's accused, you mean!" he firmly corrected, teeth gritted and fists trembling.

The disapproval was quickly coated in a smug accent, one that only flashed the teen's back to his elder, the anger still boiling hot beneath the surface with the steam silently blowing out.

"Jack Haley is family, Batman. You know that more than anyone. I know I can't be exactly fair on this, but I know Jack and I know he couldn't do anything that would hurt his chances with the circus. He told me it was the child he never had… that we were all his grandkids… right before they died. He's all I have left of them, all I've got for a family besides you and Alfred, and the old man's definitely living out his title. I'm going to lose you all some day… and I…"

The ebony's lips fell shut when a gentle hand touched to his shoulder, looking up into the dark eyes of Bruce Wayne, the cowl having been pushed back just a little to show the true expression and not the half-sided emotion that had to be estimated.

"I know, Robin. I just… worry… for… you… Try and be careful, alright? Lead the team, keep a steady head… stay…" he paused, eyes searching the surprised blue ones for the right word.

"Whelmed?" Dick offered quietly, a modest smile playing over his lips.

Bruce echoed it, returning his hand to side and his cowl back down over the muscles of his face, puffing out his cheeks and moving his features until it fit properly into the folds.

"Stay whelmed," he nodded briefly before turning on heel and exiting the room, a grinning acrobat left behind him, trembling happily in place.

There's a part two with the actual song, don't worry. I just can't stand when a story is over five pages and this is already three, so I decided to work it into two chapters. This is like a little background I guess, something adorable. I'm being self-centered and cocky there. This probably was pretty stupid and out-of-character. Sorry about that… Review if you'd like.