I don't own twilight.

Chapter 7: Plan in action (maybe)

The wolves phased into their wolf form. They went down the mountain into the valley with Cullen's right beside them. Half way through the valley several dozen people came out of the base. There was one man in the lead.

'Is that you father?' asked Sam.

'Yeah.' said Kiara.

"Edward?" asked Carlisle.

"It's her dad." said Edward. They waited for the men from the base to reach them.

"What can I do for you?" asked Mark.

"You have someone that belong with you!" said Carlisle.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" said Mark. Kiara started growling. "Well, well!" Sam growled which made Kiara stop.

"Enough games, we know you have Embry, Mark." said Edward.

"You must be the mind reading vampire. Which mean Kiara is with you. Isn't she?" asked Mark. He looked at the pack. "How about this? I'll show you that I have him only if the wolves phase back."

'Do it.' said Sam.

'Sam we're to vulnerable!' said Paul.

'Paul's right. He'll show us then attack!" said Kiara.

'There's just too many!' said Jared.

'He has vampires with him! More than we do.' said Jacob.

'But he does have a point if he does attack. We have the Cullen's to protect us just long enough for us to phase back.' said Nathan.

The wolves phased back. Kiara glared at her father. Knowing that he's waiting for the perfect moment to attack.

"Bring him out." said Mark. Two of his men ran back to the base. With in five minutes a chunk of the ground started to lift up in a perfect square. Underneath was a giant cage and it was Embry.

"Embry!" said Jacob. He looked straight at Kiara, which made her eyes water. She shook the feeling of crying right now.

"See he's perfectly fine!" said Mark. A shimmer caught Kiara's eye and she looked at it making sure no one saw her. Her eyes widen when she saw that it was a sniper pointed right at Sam and fired.

"Sam watch out!" said Kiara as she pushed him out of the way and it hit her shoulder. Emmett caught her before she hit the ground.

"KIARA!" said Embry. The wolves gathered around her and Emmett. Emmett pulled the dart out of her shoulder.

"Always getting the way!" said Mark.

"What did you do to her?" asked Jacob. He went to go after him when Nathan stopped him.

"Jacob don't!" said Nathan.

"Give me one good reason!" said Jacob.

"It's exactly what he want's, we have to get her out of here first." said Nathan.

"She'll wake up in a couple hours." said Mark.

"That's what you think." said Kiara. The pack got up and stood in front of her. Emmett helped her up.

"How is that possible?" asked Mark.

"You used the same chemicals." said Kiara.

"There is an antidote in her system from the last time." said Carlisle.

"Very clever, but how long will it hold out since this one is stronger?" asked Mark. Kiara shook her head rapidly. Emmett held her up. "The dizziness has already started to set back in."

"Emmett get her out of here!" said Carlisle. He picked her up bridal style as the wolves phased into their wolf form. Emmett took off at lightning speed as the others started to fight Mark's vampires.

With Kiara and Emmett:

They got back up the mountain where they met up with Kiara in the beginning. Emmett set her down against a tree. Kiara was half conscious and tried to get up. Emmett got down to her level and put a hand on her shoulder.

"They need me Emmett." said Kiara.

"Kiara you're in no condition to be doing anything." said Emmett. Kiara pulled a needle out of her pocket.

"Carlisle gave it to me before we left." said Kiara.

"Alright." said Emmett. He took the needle and injected the antidote into her arm. Slowly Kiara regained conscious and Emmett helped her up. "You ok?"

"Yeah." said Kiara.

"Then let's go." said Emmett. Kiara phased into her wolf form and raced down the mountain with Emmett right beside her. When they got down there every time they killed a vampire two more took its place. Kiara helped Jacob with a vampire.

'Kiara!' said Jacob.

'Carlisle prepared an antidote just in case.' said Kiara.

'Kiara help Embry out of there.' said Sam.

Kiara ran over to the cage and bit down on one of the bars. She tried to pull it to the side to make a hole for Embry to get out.

"Kiara it won't work, I've all ready tried it!" said Embry. Kiara stopped and looked at him. Emmett ran over to the door of the cage and ripped it off its hinges. Kiara looked at him. "Kiara thanked you and so do I."

"Anytime." said Emmett. He ran off as Embry got out of the cage and phased into a wolf. He ran off with Kiara to fight off Mark's vampires. Kiara had just killed off one of the vampires when she was Mark standing just out of the way watching. She slowly approached him.

"Oh come on Kiara." said Mark. One of the vampires launched at her and she caught it by the neck and clamped down chopping the head off. "You're a powerful wolf. You wouldn't hurt your father would you?" Kiara phased out of her wolf form and stopped walking.

"You took him away from me." said Kiara.

"It's wasn't my idea." said Mark.

"Why should I believe you?" asked Kiara.

"For one I'm your father." said Mark.

"Enough Kiara." said Sam.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip him apart right now!" said Kiara. Nathan walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Because you're better than that." said Nathan. Kiara turned and faced them.

"Come on Kiara, let's go home." said Carlisle. The pack phased back and took off with the Cullen's right beside them.

Thank you for reading and please please review.