Chapter Five: Something Special Indeed

Tony crawled up Gibbs' prone body, smiling in the darkness of the night. They were alone and everyone else in the house was asleep. He'd been in the pool with Abby while Gibbs and Ducky were in the hot tub. They hadn't even noticed when Gibbs and Ducky had gone to bed.

Tony's cock dangled between his legs before coming to rest next to Gibbs' as he lowered his body on top of his lover's. He left a trail of kisses across Gibbs' cheek before their lips finally met.

"I was beginning to wonder if you were coming to bed tonight," Gibbs said when the all too brief kiss ended.

"You coulda told me you were going to bed," Tony replied. "I didn't even know you'd left."

"I was afraid you'd jump out of the pool and knock me over, trying to get to the bedroom. You've been pretty anxious for this."

Tony laughed. "You probably had good reason to be afraid," he admitted before claiming Gibbs' lips in another, hungrier kiss. "I hope you don't plan on sleeping tonight because I have other plans for you."

Tony rocked his hips, rubbing his hard cock against Gibbs' forcing a moan from Gibbs as he jerked his hips towards Tony.

"I should draw this out," Tony teased, "torture you. It'd be good payback for you torturing me."

"What makes you think that'd be torture?" Gibbs asked. "I know we're gonna make love. I can be patient."

"Tell that to your throbbing cock."

Gibbs just smirked into the darkness. Both of them were horny. It was going to be hard and fast but they had all night to explore and enjoy each other's bodies. "Roll over," he said reaching under his pillow for the lube, "hands and knees. I'll stretch you."

Tony obeyed instantly, his body shaking in anticipation. He heard the pop of the lube being opened then felt cool, slick fingers tugging at his dick. He dropped his head into the pillow and cried out, overwhelmed with want and need. "Please, LJ," he groaned.

He felt fingers rubbing and tugging at his balls before making their way up to his entrance. Cool lubricant was drizzled over his hole before skilled fingers started rubbing and prepping him.

Gibbs eased a finger inside Tony and reveled in the warm, tight heat. "I know you're excited but try to relax."

A couple deep breaths later, Gibbs was gliding his finger easily in and out of Tony. He added another one and then a third, easing Tony open with practiced patience despite his throbbing cock just wanting to pound into him. Tony moaned and groaned and mumbled into the pillow while he rocked against Gibbs' fingers and stroked his cock.

"Ready?" Gibbs asked as he let his fingers slip from Tony's ass.

"I've been ready for days," Tony answered. When he felt Gibbs line up he pushed back against him as Gibbs pushed in and both of them groaned.

Gibbs dropped his head to Tony's back. It felt as if every nerve ending was firing at once which was quickly overwhelming him. As he regained control, he dropped kisses all over Tony's back. He started rocking his hips again and quickly realized there was nothing he could do to slow down his release. It was going to be fast and hard.

"Don't hold off, Tony," Gibbs said, his movements already becoming erratic.

"Don't worry about me," Tony said as he reached between his legs and stroked his cock again.

Gibbs set a fast, steady pace, slamming into Tony while he held tightly to his hips. He heard Tony's breathing pattern change and felt him start stroking himself faster. The familiar moan of his release made it to Gibbs' ears just after he felt Tony tightening around his cock. The increased pressure on his sensitive dick was all it took for Gibbs to finish. The two stroked and pumped until they went soft but neither made a move to separate.

Gibbs held Tony's hips to him as they lowered themselves to the bed. They rolled to their sides so both could breathe easier and Gibbs tugged Tony tightly against him. They rested quietly, letting their breathing even out and heart rates return to normal.

"As comfortable as this is and as much as I love having your dick in my ass I wanna be able to wrap my arms around you too," Tony said softly.

"Okay," Gibbs said.

He gently pulled out and retrieved a hand full of Kleenex from the nightstand to clean them up then they cuddled up again. The shared kisses and rubbed noses while enjoying the skin to skin contact and light touches from each other.

"Feels so good to hold you," Gibbs said.

Tony tucked his head under Gibbs' chin and breathed in his scent before pressing a kiss to his chest. It felt good to be held too and to be able to hold Gibbs as well. Every part of their relationship felt natural and perfect.

Gibbs tucked a finger under Tony's chin and lifted his head so he could kiss him.

"As much as I'm enjoying our guests I'm glad it's not permanent," Tony said. "I miss walking around naked and having sex whenever and wherever we feel like it."

"Me too," Gibbs said before going after another kiss. When their kiss ended he brought his fingers to Tony's lips. Tony nibbled on Gibbs' finger before releasing it and kissing Gibbs again. Now that the sense of urgency had passed, it was time to touch and explore, kiss and lick and make sweet, passionate love. Gibbs kissed down the side of Tony's neck and over his collarbone. He found his nipple and suckled before tugging at it with his teeth and licking.

"I love it when you kiss my nipples," Tony said. "So sensitive. So good."

Gibbs responded by kissing the other one just like he'd kissed the first. "You taste good," he said.

"Are things gonna change now that Ducky lives with us?" Tony asked. It was still a little too soon for them to try to make love again and Tony had been worried what would happen when it was no longer just him and Gibbs.

"I'm sure they'll change a little bit," Gibbs answered. "We probably won't be able to make love in every room in the house anymore."

"Or the pool or the hot tub or the beach," Tony said regretfully.

"Doesn't mean we can't make it interesting."

"How so?"

"I'm sure we'll come up with something." Gibbs had a few ideas but he wasn't ready to give anything away yet.

"What about in a few months when the bureau hopefully gets approved?" Tony asked.

"Ducky'll get his own house. The others will have their own houses. We'll get a field office. What're you worried about?"

"I need you, LJ. I need the hugs and kisses. I need the touch. I need to be able to make love. The more people we have around, the harder that gets."

"We'll make it work."

"Promise me."

"I promise."

"Do you need all this as much as I do? Because to be brutally honest, I need you so much it scares the shit out of me and I'm not talking about just needing to have sex. I need it all. The whole package."

Gibbs brushed his fingers across Tony's cheek and leaned in for a soft, sweet kiss. "It scares me too," he admitted. "Our jobs are dangerous. I've already lost my family once, Tony. I don't think I could go through that again."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"I hope not," Gibbs said, running his fingers through the hair on Tony's chest before toying with one of his nipples.

"Show me," Tony breathed as he rubbed his still soft cock up against Gibbs'. "Show me how much you need me."

Gibbs shared a passionate kiss with his Tony as his hand wandered down Tony's belly. He felt the shivers dancing across Tony's skin as he continued lower. As Tony continued grinding their hips together, Gibbs could feel his cock hardening as well as Tony's. It was only the beginning of a very long night and they were going to enjoy every single second of it.

Gibbs knelt behind Eli and lathered his bare back and belly with sunscreen. The sun was rising high in the sky and the last thing they needed was a sunburned four year old.

"Do you need some sunscreen, Maleko?" he asked.

"No way," Maleko said. "I'm tan. I never burn."

"Okay, just thought I'd check."

He returned to the patio where Tony was sitting with Ducky and Abby. Tony had his laptop, going through more missing children reports. They'd long ago finished with all males by the name of Eli and had moved on to searching through all males between the ages of three and six.

"Any luck?" Gibbs asked.

"No," Tony grumbled. He was so frustrated and felt like they weren't getting anywhere. "It doesn't help that we have nothing to go on. This kid could be anybody."

"He talked!" Maleko shouted from the beach where he was building sandcastles with Eli. "Eli talked to me!" The nine year old had been over the previous afternoon and really hit it off with Eli so he'd returned that morning. Tony had tasked him with trying to get Eli to talk but so far he hadn't had any luck. Maleko raced over to where the adults were, jumping up and down with excitement.

"What'd he say?" Tony asked.

"He said potty," Maleko said.

"Potty?" Gibbs asked as Eli walked up behind Maleko. "Do you need to go potty, Eli?"

Eli nodded as he reached down and started holding himself. "Potty."

"Let's go," Gibbs said with a smile.

As soon as Gibbs and Eli disappeared inside the house, Tony gave Maleko a high five. "Awesome work, dude."

"You owe me," Maleko said.

"Let me know when you wanna collect," Tony said.

Gibbs returned with Eli and a man in a suit looking very official. "This is FBI Agent Drew Grady," he said. "This is Tony, Maleko, Abby and Ducky. Have a seat. We can talk here."

"We got a hit on Eli's DNA," Grady said. "His full name in Cayden Elliot Bates. He's from Lawton, Oklahoma, went missing a year ago."

"Cayden!" the little boy said as he clapped his hands in excitement.

"Is that your name?" Gibbs asked. "Are you Cayden?"

"Cayden! That me!"

"That is you," Gibbs said with a warm smile.

"Here's the missing persons file and his parents' phone number," Grady said. "I figured I'd let you guys make the phone call."

"Thank you, Agent Grady," Gibbs said extending his arm to shake the man's hand.

"Do you want me to arrange for an agent to escort him home?" Grady asked.

"Abby's getting ready to fly home to DC," Gibbs said. "We'll let her drop him off on the way. We appreciate it though. Just figured it'd be better to keep him with her since he knows her."

"Works for me," Grady said. "I'll leave you guys to your afternoon."

Agent Grady saw himself out while the adults celebrated learning Cayden's identity. Gibbs pulled out his cell phone and made the phone call to his parents. The screaming and sobbing on the other end of the phone went on and on after Gibbs gave Cayden's mother the news.

"He's been pretty quiet since we found him but I can try to get him to talk to you if you'd like," Gibbs said.

"Oh please!" the woman said. "I would love that."

Gibbs scooped Cayden into his lap and put the phone on speaker. "Okay, we're on speaker phone," he said so Cayden's mother knew what was going on. "Cayden, can you say hi to Mommy?"

Cayden looked from Gibbs to the phone but remained silent.

"Cayden, baby, are you there?"



"Where are you?"

"I'm at home, baby. Agent Gibbs is going to take you to get on a plane to come home to me and Daddy."


"Daddy's at work, honey, but he'll be here when you get home. I'll make sure he's here. We'll both be here. I love you so much, baby boy. I never stopped looking for you."

"Mommy, I wanna come home."

"Agent Gibbs is going to get you a plane ticket. You'll be home real soon. Really soon."

Cayden smiled brightly up at Gibbs and Gibbs smiled back.

"I'll give you a call and let you know flight numbers and arrival times as soon as I know," Gibbs told the mother. "We'll get him on the first flight out of here."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Not a problem," Gibbs said before hanging up.

Abby wiped a happy tear from her eye while Cayden squealed and giggled in delight at hearing his mother's voice. Tony searched his laptop for plane tickets. "You okay with flying out tonight, Abby?"

"Of course," Abby said. "I'm gonna miss you guys and I'll definitely miss it here but getting this little guy home is top priority."

"We're definitely going to miss you too," Tony assured her.

"We wouldn't have been able to solve this case with you, Abby," Gibbs said. Her computer savvy had provided all the leads.

"Call me if you ever need help in the future and I mean that!" she said.

"We definitely will," Tony said. "Looks like I can get you guys a seat on an American Airlines flight departing at 8:37 tonight. You'll have to make two stops but the layovers aren't too long."

"Wow, there's a flight out that late?" Abby asked.

"Most flights leaving out of Honolulu are later on in the evening," Tony said. "That puts you back on the mainland the next morning and what better way to pass the time on a plane than sleep it away."

"I guess that makes sense," Abby said. "That flight will be fine."

Tony parked the Mustang in short term parking at the airport and they all piled out. Everyone had come along to see Abby and Cayden off. Both of them would be greatly missed. Gibbs grabbed onto Cayden's hand as they made their way through the parking lot towards the airport. He'd bonded with Cayden as much as Cayden had bonded with him. He was glad the little boy was going home to his parents but he was definitely going to miss him. Cuddling and story time, bath time and playtime, it all reminded Gibbs of an earlier chapter in his life.

"Make sure you guys write and tell me how you're doing," Abby instructed. "I left you my home and work address and my e-mail address. You can call me too, any time. I never sleep so you don't have to worry about time zones or waking me up or anything like that."

"We'll be sure to keep in touch, Abs," Tony promised.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," Abby said.

"We're gonna miss you too, Abby," Gibbs said. "We had a lot of fun having you here."

"Don't make me cry," Abby teased.

Gibbs gave her a one armed hug before lifting Cayden into his arms. "We're gonna miss you too, Buddy."

"You can come too," Cayden offered.

"I gotta stay here and help Tony catch the bad guys," Gibbs said.

"And help more kids find Mommy and Daddy?"

"That's right," Gibbs said.

"Okay," Cayden said.

Gibbs kissed the top of the little boy's head then handed him off to Tony to say his goodbyes. He hugged Abby and left her with a kiss on the cheek then Abby got a hug from Ducky and finally Tony. Once they'd said their goodbyes, Gibbs, Tony and Ducky watched Abby and Cayden go through the security checkpoint and disappear back to the terminals. The three of them stood there for several moments just staring at the hall their guests had disappeared down.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm not much in the mood to sit around the house tonight," Tony said. "It's gonna be too empty."

"What'd you have in mind?" Gibbs asked.

Tony shrugged. "We could hit the bar."


"I wouldn't mind a drink," Ducky said.

"Let's go to the bar," Gibbs said. "I'll warn you right up front, Tony, if you get drunk, I'm driving the Mustang home."

"I can live with that," Tony said.

"That's kind of the point."

Gibbs and Tony hadn't been around long enough to know which bars were the good ones to go to and which ones to avoid. They decided on Mercury, a nearby bar that they'd heard good things about. It supposedly had live music, good service and creative bartenders. They made their way to a table out of the way of most of the activity. The place was bustling, most likely with tourists.

"Hi guys, I'm Marci. What can I get for you?"

Everyone ordered a drink and Tony ordered a pu pu platter. Gibbs glared across the table at Tony after Marci disappeared to put their order in.

"What?" Tony asked with a shrug. "It's just appetizers."

Gibbs laughed and rolled his eyes. "I think the only reason you ordered it was because of what it's called."

Tony considered the possibility then nodded. "A good name is catchy," he said, "and it can draw you to something whether it's a book or a movie or a fun name for an appetizer."

Their drinks arrived and the group enjoyed their alcohol.

"Welcome to Hawaii, Ducky," Tony said holding his glass up.

"Welcome to the team, Duck," Gibbs said holding his glass up as well.

Ducky clinked glasses with the guys then they all took a drink. "Thank you. I'm honored to have been chosen for such an important undertaking."

"Too bad Abby couldn't stay," Tony said.

"I'm gonna miss her," Gibbs said.

"She was a lot of fun and a hard worker... good at what she does," Tony added.

"Next time we talk to Bryce, we'll mention it to him," Gibbs said. "Maybe when the program gets approved in a few months he can get her assigned to our team."

"Good idea," Tony said.

"Until then it's out of our hands," Gibbs said. "We've got Ducky now and four successful cases under our belts. We're definitely moving in the right direction."

"Before you know it we'll be approved and have a full team," Tony said.

"I know I just arrived but this is all very exciting," Ducky said. "We are definitely a part of something special here."

"You can say that again, Ducky," Gibbs said. "Something special indeed."

The End